Just Friends

Well, here it is!!

The last chapter. I'm so proud of this story. This is actually my first story that I finish completely. I'm so proud of myself, I rarely commit to anything.  ^_^

Anyways, enjoy the chapter. Hopefully you guys will like it. kthanxbai! =]




I managed to make it safely into my dorm without bumping into Sandara. She had probably given up and gone home.

So much for trying to find me…

“There you are Chaerin!” exclaimed my roommate as I entered my dorm. “Sandara stopped by here earlier looking for you. She said she really needed to talk to you. It sounded important.”

“Yeah, I’ll call her later Minzy” I simply said and threw myself on my bed. I was exhausted. It was nearly 5 in the afternoon and I was exhausted and ready to call it a day.

“I ordered some pizza. Should be here soon” said Minzy.

“..humphoradaa…” I mumbled. I’m not sure Minzy understood what I said, because she just looked at me and replied with a simple okay.

I dug my face onto my pillow and before I knew it I had fallen asleep.

I woke up to a knock on the door.


“It’s probably the pizza I ordered” said Minzy as she got up to open the door. “I’ve been working on my History project all afternoon. I need to eat.”

She was right. It was the pizza delivery boy.

“Mmmm….this smells delicious!” said Minzy as she closed the door and brought the pizza into the dorm.

There was another knock on the door.

“He probably forgot something” said Minzy and she opened the door.

“ALRIGHT WHERE IS SHE?!” demanded Bom as she burst into our dorm.

I immediately got up from my bed.

“There you are Chaerin!” she walked over to me and stood right in front of me. “What the hell do you think you are doing?”

I was not expecting to see Bom here at all. She was very angry at me. She looked like she was ready to punch me in the face.

“Sandara told me what happened!”

Oh ! I’m so dead!

“Well?” she crossed her arms and waited for an answer.

I wonder if it’s too late to jump out the window.

I would’ve jumped out the window right then and there, if we weren’t in the 4th floor.


My savior

“It’s alright. I can handle this myself.” said Sandara a bit annoyed by Bom’s recent actions.

“No. Chaerin needs to stop acting like a brat and just deal with this. Now.” She said in a firm tone. She was not definitely not kidding.

“Just…I’ll talk to her. Just wait outside.” She said, this time with a softer yet tired voice.

“Fine! You better not try and make a run for it Chaerin. I’ll be right outside the door and I will not be afraid to tackle you down into the ground if I have to.” She told me making eye contact with me. She was serious.

She went out of the dorm and stood with her arms crossed right in front of the door. She left the door open, she wanted to witness this first hand.

“I guess I’ll just take my pizza and wait outside too” said Minzy awkwardly. That poor girl. How did I manage to drag her into this?

She grabbed her pizza and exited the dorm. She took a seat next to Bom and began to eat her pizza.

Sandara took a deep sigh. She then closed the door to the dorm.

“Are you ready to talk now?” she asked.

Well yeah. I don’t have an option with Bom right outside waiting to pulverize me.

“I was going to wait until tomorrow, but I guess now is as good as any time.”

“I’m sorry about Bom. She can be…overprotective and a bit of a bully sometimes.” She apologized for Bom.

“It’s okay” I simply said.

No, it’s not okay. I don’t like Bom. Just because you two are dating doesn’t mean she has the right to come into my dorm and be a about me and you. She wants you all to herself.

“Chaerin…” she started

 “I love you Sandara.” I blurted out again.


Damn it! I did it again! Why can’t I control myself? I wish my heart would listen to logic, because right now all it wants to do is tell her everything. Maybe if she knows how I feel she’s give me a chance.

She took a deep breath.


“… Sandara. I love you. I don’t know when I started loving you, but I love you now and I want to love you forever. I know in my heart what I feel for you is love. It took so long for the rest of me to realize it, but I know it now. I love you more than I’ve ever loved anyone. Don’t break up with me. I’ll do whatever you want, just give me a chance. I’ll make our relationship official. I will take you out on proper dates. I will buy you flowers and chocolate. I’ll move in with you. I’ll make you breakfast in bed. I’ll wash the dishes after dinner. I’ll make up for lost time. I’ll be your girlfriend through thick and thin. I’ll be there for you, always. I’ll take care of you, but please just give me a chance. “

Sandara didn’t say anything; she just stood there with a blank expression on her face.


“I don’t want you to date Bom. She’s nothing but a bully. She’s bossy and overprotective. She only wants to control your life. She’s not right for you. I’m right for you. I know everything that makes you laugh. I know your favorite foods, your favorite colors, your favorite movies favorites singers, favorite places to visit. I’m perfect for you. I..I…”

“Chaerin…” she interrupted me.

“…I want everything with you…” I continued. I needed to get everything out of my chest. She needed to know how much I love her.

“Chaerin…” she said once again.

“…don’t you understand? You need someone else. Not Bom. You need me. I need you. I want you…I love you.

That’s it. I said it all.

She closed her eyes and took a deep breath.

“Chaerin, why are you such a fool?


Here it comes.

“There is nothing going on between me and Bom. I can’t date Bom. Not only does she have a fiancée, but she is my cousin. That’s why she is so overprotective of me. She’s like an older sister.”


I feel like such a fool.

Why didn’t I know that? Great! Now I’ve indirectly insulted her cousin as well. It’s all over now.

“I love you Sandara…” I said one last time before she started tearing my heart to pieces.

“I love you too, pabo…” she said with a smile on her face.

What? I heard wrong.  She loves me? She actually loves me?

I was speechless.

“You’re so clueless Chaerin. I’ve loved you since before I moved out. My love for you was part of the reason I moved out. I figured if I moved out you would follow me and we would take the next step in our relationship. We would become an official couple. But you’re such a stubborn fool Chaerin.”

“I’m sorry…” was all I managed to say and leaned against the desk near my bed.

“I needed time to sort out my feelings and figure out what to do with you and our relationship which was going nowhere. That’s why I had been avoiding you. I was preparing myself for the worst. I figured if I could survive a few weeks without you I could survive a lifetime without you.”

She walked towards me and leaned her body against mine, hugging me by the waist.

“That’s what I wanted to talk to you about earlier at the coffee shop, before you ran away.” She said.

I blushed at the though. I truly was an idiot.

She leaned in and kissed me. It was a kiss I was so accustomed to, but it felt different today. Her lips were softer and much more passionate. I replied to her kiss and let my hands wonder under her shirt. I felt her smile against my lips. I on her bottom lip, letting her know I wanted more. That’s when she let out a soft moan of pleasure.

“Not here” She said as she broke the kiss.

She let go of me and headed for the door.

“Come on” she said and walked out.

I followed her out of the dorm, where was she going?

“Where are you going?” asked Minzy who was sitting on the floor next to Bom, sharing the pizza.

“What did you do Chaerin?” asked Bom as she got up, she was starting to get upset again.

“It’s okay Bom. Chaerin is buying me dinner, chocolate and flowers. She’s taking me on a proper date.” Said Sandara said playing out the words I had used seconds earlier.

“Finally!” exclaimed Bom relieved. “Now I can go home! I have a date tonight.”

“Can I go back inside to finish my History project? It’s due in the morning.” asked Minzy

“Yeah, sure” I said even though I wasn’t sure what or who I was replying to.

 I chased after Sandara.

“I guess we’re not just friends anymore.” I said as I caught up with her.

She took my hand in hers, locked our fingers together and gave me a quick kiss on the lips.

“Chaerin, we were never just friends”

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Mendy_Orlando #1
Chapter 3: Sweet......
Love chaera fics
Good job author
Chapter 3: The feels!!! Sooo good!!! <3
Happy_Panda #3
Chapter 3: Aww. It's so cute. I want more. Please write kore ChaeRa fic authornim. ^^
Chapter 3: Aww! That's why i love chaera so much, they always gve me a satisfaction that they are “real couple” so cute! :)
mahreecahr #5
Chapter 3: heya ;)

first off,i love the plot! it's just too cute! ü but it's too fast-paced for me. there are scenes that beg to be told in more detail. :)

good luck on your other stories then <3 chaera!
EFFING GUY. WHY ARE YOU SO GOOD AT CHAERA STORIES? HMMMMM? WHY DID YOU MAKE THIS STORY SO DAMN CUTE? GAHHHHH - my fricken chaera is bursting because of you unnie. Great story & I wish you the best in more chaera stories (or any other stories) to come. K,bye now. ~
Cute story, I enjoyed reading it! I hope u will write a new one soon :)
this is too cute and sweet!!! ^___ _^ i love the conversation! :) good job author-nim! :) more! more! ^__ _^
jssc_YG #9
aww it ended already but Chae is so sweet~! I love her promises to Dara, she's willing to be a slave for her LOOOOL xD I love your stories, write more! T^T
Wow the end was so cute, poor Mizny she was kicked out of her own room lol
And of course Bom always protective over Dara kekeke