Ch. Two: Striking a Star

The Bucket List
  • You must remember: you can’t be star struck when the matter at hand is about striking a star out.



Mina wouldn’t necessarily say to her friends that it was pure chance she managed to snag a VIP ticket to popular Korean boy band SHINee’s World Tour III. No, definitely not. It was something she had intended on doing from the beginning once this ‘complete my bucket list (for reals this time)’ mission started (plus the fact they just so happened to start their Korean leg around the time she planned to visit Korea at the same time). . But, she will admit that she did have a bit of Lady Luck helping her out because no doubt, amongst 15 billion fangirls out there, she was the one to get the golden ticket.


It wouldn’t have mattered, she thought listlessly as she was given her VIP pass (and definitely not missing the numerous glares of adolescent girls that followed) I would’ve just mailed the letter and pray that it’d get to the right person.


But as of now, this was killing two birds with one stone. She gets to see SHINee perform AND greet them afterwards.


Attend Kpop concert? Check. Meet Korean idols? Check.




Concerts weren’t really her thing after all, Mina decided. The ticket she got had good seats (right in front of the catwalk stage but on the left side) but that didn’t mean she’d escape the horde of fangirls constantly screaming into her ears from every which direction. No, it’s not like she wasn’t excited to see SHINee too…it’s just…She appreciates them and cheers for them in a much different way.


Wow, some fan I am. I hardly look excited seeing them while the girl next to me is practically bawling her eyes out and losing her vocal chords. Mina inwardly scoffs. The VCR intro to start the concert is playing on the big screen and all around, chorus of cheering and screaming echoes. Mina, however, calmly watches on as if she’s here in a movie theatre (aside from waving her glow stick). Once that was over, she hears the music start up to ‘Welcome to the SHINee World’ play and soon the boys make their flashy, spring board entrance.


Charismatic as always, I shouldn’t expect any less from them.


A permanent smile seems to have pasted itself onto her lips as she watched them perform with much energy; the loud music not even getting to her anymore. Again, she finds herself drifting into the depths of her inner thoughts (Wow, even at a time like this). She couldn’t help it, seeing them all in person just sort of…awakened all her inner fangirl feelings. That unconditional adoration for these five boys men who have no idea that she even existed. Just by being here, smiling, singing, dancing, and laughing with total strangers but acting as if everyone here were close friends…No wonder they could steal a girl’s heart so easily. They’re just all so…ridiculously, disgustingly, charming.


Mina inwardly groaned at herself. For Christ sake I’m twenty-one and I’m acting like I’m sixteen again.


She long ago decided that this unconditional (convincingly bordering delusional) love for someone who doesn’t know her very existence is downright not normal. Well, adoring and admiring them is one thing but having any romantic feelings for them is a no-no. Maybe that’s why I haven’t been able to get a boyfriend…


Mina definitely thought she was a rather pathetic twenty-one year old when it came to her love life. Up to this point, she had no romantic relationship or interests in men in her every day life under her records (hell not even a first kiss)…. not since middle school but that’s hardly to be counted. And it’s all because of you…


If she could, she’d wipe off her ridiculously stupid smile (threatening to be a grin) and put on a poker face, staring at that bounding head of brunette as if he was the cause to all her problems (well, when it comes to her love life he is). But who could really not smile when it came to someone like Lee Taemin. Yes, it wasn’t Jonghyun’s Photoshop abs or dorky personality that got her (she’d rather be his best friend, their personality are much too similar in the good and bad), nor was it Minho’s blazing charisma (Mina felt herself shrink even more at the thought of standing next to him. Besides, he likes older women and his face really is as small as people say it is). It wasn’t Key’s sass and fashionista tendencies that got her either (again, she pictures herself to be a good friend of his, someone she adored but not in that sense for half of the time she imagined they’d be bickering because of their bluntness and snarky remarks) and surprisingly enough, it wasn’t Onew’s angelic voice that got her either (He really does look squishy!)


No, it was the youngest of all people that ensnared her heart. There was just something about him (minus his talented dancing skills, adorable smile and flower boyish-look)…that keeps drawing her back no matter how many times she says Taeyang is a hotty with a body. Almost like a sunflower… Mina mentally kicked herself.


Or maybe she was just naturally attracted to someone her age… (No that doesn’t work, he’s not the only male idol born in ’93).


No matter, she thought resolutely. After this, there will be no more-


And he looked at her, right at her, flashed her a smile and all at once, she forgot how to breathe.


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