Ch.One: Here at Last.

The Bucket List
  • Usually the first step to completing a bucket list starts from a case of wanderlust.


Ladies and Gentlemen at this time we would like all passengers to return to their seats and put your seatbelts on as we will be landing shortly at Incheon International airport.”


Thirteen hours or was it? Either waycan’t believe I made it. A woman, no older than twenty-one thought tiredly. She stretches her arm above her head, wincing as her spine gave an audible pop. Thirteen hours (or roughly so) of being cooped up in a plane cabin; she was just ready to bound out of it and do a few cartwheels in freedom.


Mina ran a hand through the top of her deep brown mid-back length locks, brushing back her grown out side bangs before resting her elbow on the plane seat armrest, leaning her cheek against her hand. With her other hand, she checks her phone for the time, the strong light from her phone making her eyes squint a bit before she made out the numbers: 3:00AM.


She lets out a sigh, letting her dark brown eyes wander out the window. The young Asian-American could make out the vast sea of twinkling lights that would be South Korea just beyond the wisps of clouds. Mina shuts her eyes, withdrawing herself into her thoughts. Well, I guess that’s one more thing crossed off my bucket list. Now to move on to the next…




Ladies and Gentlemen, we have safely landed at Incheon International Airport. The time is currently 3:30AM and the weather outside is sitting at 20 degrees. We wish those visiting a pleasant stay and for those returning, a welcome back. We hope you enjoy this flight and thank you for flying with us.”


Finally! Mina thought as she stood up from her seat, stretching once more. She bends to grab her small messenger purse and gives her seat area a quick scan to make sure she hadn’t forgotten anything. Once her businessman seat neighbor gathered his carry on too, she squeezes into the aisle, moving along with the line until she too, reaches the front exit of the plane. She inclines her head politely to the flight attendants and follows the ramp, safely making it into the airport. Now all she had to do was be able to make it to the hotel with all her luggage…



Airport routines went smoother than she anticipated: no lost or stolen luggage and no problems at the immigration gate. More so, making it to her hotel and checking into her room successfully without any additional stress surprised her too. Travelling alone for the first time, Mina expected something to go wrong, even the littlest thing but the closest thing was her embarrassingly mispronouncing a word in Korean even though it’s her native tongue. Guess I am rusty after all…


But there’s no need to worry about that. Right now, Mina’s energy is bordering to zero and it’s already nearing 5AM. Tugging open her luggage, she pulled out the necessary items to get ready for bed.




It seemed like she didn’t get that much sleep but the next thing she knew, it’s already two in the afternoon Seoul time. The young woman groaned, flipping herself onto her back. She contemplated staying in her bed the entire day as a means of getting over this huge time difference, however she knew she wouldn’t get back to sleep or she’d just end up twice as tired from oversleeping. First day in another country, might as well take a look around even though you’re kinda half dead…


Mina got ready in record timing, opting to go super casual and lazy. It’s June, which meant warm weather so a pair of cuffed shorts, slim v-neck tee, black flats, aviators, and her messenger purse was all she figured she needed.


Hmm…Wallet, phone, hotel keys, cash, pen, notebook….Huh, I guess I’ll wear my watch…Hmm what else? ….Ah!


She u-turned to her luggage sitting at the foot of the bed, zipping it open to grab the separate SLR camera bag tucked away safely between her clothes and towel.


Pictures or it didn’t happen. She smiled to herself.




First thing she must have is tea…or any kind of caffeine…and lots of it, if she would want to make it throughout the entire day. Starbucks was an easy place to find in the district she was in, but she noted to herself that she must try a non-chain café while she was here.


But for now, Starbucks would have to do; Mina definitely did not have enough motivation. Once she reached the closest one, ordering wasn’t too much of a pain; she pretty much blended in with any other Korean girls around. As her grande iced Chai tea latte came around, Mina decided that staying cooped up in a small café wouldn’t be as a refreshing experience. So, securing her things on her person, she weaved her way out and into the bright clear day, ready to experience the most of Seoul city life.




She wandered on foot for about two hours, the spicy zest (as that was the only way she could describe her drink) of the Chai tea perking her senses. Downing the last of her drink, she threw it in the nearby trash bin and was eager to start shooting pictures of her surrounding. Mina didn’t look for anything in particular to snap pictures of; just things she found appealing or interesting. So she snapped pictures of the tall buildings, the busy streets full of people, unique street art until she found herself in a local park.


I should sit down for a bit…She thought; brushing her hair out of her eyes and quickly spotted a bench under a shady tree. Unnoticeably she heaves a sigh of relief as soon as she sat down. Pushing her shades up onto her head, she looked around. Kids playing in the playground, mothers close by watching them, elderlies strolling along the paved road running throughout the park, couples having picnics and dog owners taking their pets out for a walk too.


Mina naturally withdrew herself into her thoughts again, a developed habit whenever it was just her. It’s not like she’s lonely, just that she tends to do that when she's by herself. If she was with friends, she'll be more than happy to converse. She set her bags down beside her, stretching before pulling out her notebook and pen. Should she sketch? Take pictures…? Or just stare aimlessly…


I would probably seem really creepy.


She flipped open her black notebook, passing pages that had scribbled notes on or the occasional doodles. The tan pages automatically stop once they hit a marker, purposefully wedged deep into the centre. Mina stopped, eyes glued to the rectangular piece of Bristol. At first glance, it definitely wasn’t a bookmark. More specifically, it was a concert ticket, taking place tomorrow at 5PM. She had totally forgotten she had put it there but now, in an instance she remembered exactly why she had it there.


I guess now would be a good time to get that letter started…I still can’t believe I’m doing this, At this, she smiles wryly to herself; feeling like the teenage girl she was three (or four?) years back. But it’s now or never.


She pulled the ticket from its place before shoving it back into the notebook near the end. Smoothing her fingers over the page, she clicked her pen open and began to write.

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