The Hyposphere


Like Schroedinger's cat, which is both alive and dead at the same time, within the hyposphere, the idea that something is real and not exists simultaneously. (A collection of oneshots for writing exercises)


That description probably makes this sound more badass than it is. We invented the concept of the hyposphere for the purpose of discussing possibilities in the real lives of kpop idols--possibilities of things like ships and whatnot. We often find ourselves wondering how we think someone would respond in a certain scenario. Because we can only speculate whether or not a scenario is true, however, we place it all in the context of the hyposphere. Within the hyposphere, it doesn't matter whether a scenario is true or not. We move past the reality of that statement so we can speculate about the ifs. IF this were reality, how does that affect other things like their relationships with each other or their careers or whatever? 

So we compared it to Schroedinger's cat. It's the theory that if a cat is kept in a sealed bag for a certain amount of time, when the bag is opened the cat will be found either alive or dead. The outcome is unknown, so while the cat is still sealed inside the bag, it is considered both alive and dead at the same time. Similarly, while we can only speculate about the reality of certain aspects of our idols' lives, unless any sort of truth is revealed, any speculated fact will be considered both true and false at the same time if we operate within the hyposphere. It allows us to keep our minds more grounded when considering things, and while the definition becomes more abstract when we apply it to fanfiction (rather than simply discussing real or fictional things in casual conversation, it moves to a purely fictional outlet), we think it's a good way of thinking when we're trying to be realistic with our oneshots.

We're using the concept for writing exercises. Basically, with any given scenario, we'll have something we often wonder or speculate--a headcanon about some idol or something--and, operating on the given, we'll write about how we think that would pan out. It'll help us with our writing somehow.

TL;DR the hyposphere is to Schroedinger's bag as the reality of speculated ideas about kpop idols is to the state of being of Schroedinger's cat.

Sorry if it's all so hard to understand, or really wordy or something. It seems pretentious and long-winded and all too unnecessary to talk about for a foreward about fanfiction, but the concept is more for us to organize our thoughts than it is for people to understand it.

Actually it's probably best you just ignore me completely. This won't update frequently anyway. Sporadically at best.


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