Chapter 2

The Reason [HIATUS]

You were walking in a shopping mall with Jessica. It was your window shopping day. You feel tired so you and Jessica decided to take a rest.

"Jessica, how about having a burger and a cup of fizzy coke?" you said while pointing at a new brand restaurant. "If that is what you want, just carry it on" she replied with a smile.

Jessica POV

A burger? She just tld me that she's on diet. Didn't she know that burgers contains high calories that is not suit for a person who is on a diet? or maybe she forgot that she's on diet? well, whatever it is, I want to make sure my friend is happy, I'm happy too.

* * * * * *

You are about to give your order when suddenly you see a very fimiliar face. Ohmygod! he's so handsome.... Wait a minute... It's Soohyun!

Your POV

Why?! WHY?! Why must he's here? I was just about to enjoy every bits of my burger when he suddenly here! I don't want him to see me when I'm eating. Tell you what, I ate like a monster! My appetite has gone, my heart can't stop beating and it's pumping like mad. I'm out of breath. Somebody! Help me!!!

Jessica POV

That's weird, why Suzy keep lowering her head down? like she is hiding her face from someone. Wait a minute, who is that handsome waiter? seems to know him, Soohyun! OMG! Now I get it, now wonder Suzy keep lowering her head down. Don't worry buddy, I'm here to help. FIGHTING!!!!

Your POV

"Can I take your order miss?" I know that voice. A very familiar voice. Please Soohyun, get out of here. Your voice makes me shivering... Lucky Jessica is here to give out the orders. I love you Jessica....

"Come on Suzy, you didn't touch your food. Is it about him? Jessica asked.

you nod. "Jessica, lets get out of here. I can't stand it anymore." you reply and get your handbag ready to leave the restaurant.

Jessica POV

What? She is asking me to leave this restaurant? She was the one who eager to this restaurant. I can see that her plate was still remained with her untouched food. Well, that is her reaction when she saw her crush.

"Excuse me miss, you forgot your handbag."

Your POV

"Excuse me miss, you forgot your handbag." I turned around and see that Soohyun is giving Jessica's handbag. I don't know why, but I felt jealous of them. What are you crapping about Suzy? He was just wanted to help.

* * * * * * * *

When Jessica is out from the restaurant, you grabbed her arm and run away hoping that Soohyun won't recognized you. You walk to the car park and drove away. What a terror!



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