Chapter 1

The Reason [HIATUS]

*Bang!* your head hit the bead side. You wake up with tears in your eyes. "Mum..." you said softly. It's almost 10 years after your mum deadth. You were only 6 when the incident happen.

You take a long warm bath and had your breakfast. "Good morning Suzy, how was your night?" a cheerful smile as you can see on your father face.

"Great!" you replied shortly. You ride on your bicycle and cycle to school. Suddenly, a ringging sound is heard. "Hello Suzy!" said your best friend Jessica. You replied with a smile. Your eyes caught on a figure. "Wahh! Suzy why you stop your bicycle all of in a sudden?" you ignored the question. It's him... your heart whispered.

Jessica POV

Great! She did not replied anything. What is she staring at? OMG! that boy... her crush, the most handsome boy you ever seen. His nam is Soohyun. He is opular at school... well, sort of. But I just hate that s! Many girls expressed their love at him but he just ignore but still many girls in the school love him. I just don't understand...

Suzy POV

"Suzy, move it! We are going to be late if you keep staring at him." I turn my head around. I can see that Jessica's face turned red. LOL her face is cute when she got angry. Looks like the boy had gone anyway....

You look at your watch. "What the !!! 15 minutes before the school starts?! Hurry up Jessica!" You cycled as fast as you could and somethimes you can feel like you are flying. Jessica is at your back trying to catch you with her bicycle. Puffing and Panting, finally you reach the school. "That wass a good record,cycling from home to school in only 10 minutes, don't you think Jessica?" you said but Jessica is already left you and she shout "Come on, the prefects are ging to close the gate!" you qiuckly run and you did manage to enter the school gate with the 2 minutes leftover time.

*At the school lobby*

"Jessica! Jessica! I know you are going to school. OMG! What happen to your face. It is res just like tomatoes.Come here darling, I will cool yourself down just like in the spa".

Jessica POV

Wahh! It can't be.... Ryeowook! I just knew it. 1...2...3... blast off... I run from him while grapping poor Suzy by my side. Why? WHY!?!?!? I don't want to see him. He smells, he stinks, he is just a simple pimple annoying boy you ever seen. Suddenly, I feel a hand caught me in the arm from the back. I turned around and it was Taecyeon! "Hello honey" he whispered. "Let me go!!" I said while trying to struggling from his arm. "Dude, she's mine! Don't you dare to touch her you s!" I turned around and hahaha.... how funny Ryeowook face when it is red full of anger. That's it, the world war 3 is coming soon... I take this chance to ignore them and escape. Boys with their problems...

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