The Discovery



Chapter 10


Daehyun’s View


Minsoa’s nightmares continued all night long. She continued to squirm in her sleep, and I did my best to comfort her. I half hoped that she would wake up so I could talk with her and make sure she was all right. It didn’t happen. She stayed asleep the whole night, and I watched over her.  Himchan hadn’t comeback up, and I figured that it wasn’t anything to worry about, but in the back of my mind I still worried.

It was the early hours of the morning, and Minsoa finally slept motionless. I could see that she was finally at peace. I gently the side of her face, kissing her forehead. She still was cold and clammy. I pulled her closer to me, and tried to warm her up.

Her eyes fluttered open as she inhaled deeply. She lifted her head up off of my chest slightly making eye contact with me.

“Daehyun...” she whispered


“I’m cold,” She said with a weak voice.

I nodded, and wrapped my arms around her. “How are you feeling today?”

“No good”

“Huh?” I replied slightly confused. “Are you still dizzy?”

“Ne,” She replied closing her eyes, and pressing her face against my chest. “Oppa, saranghaeyo…”

“Saranghae” I whispered cradling her in my arms.




Downstairs in the library, Himchan and Hyosung sat amongst piles of books.
“Hyosung, I can’t find anything.” Himchan called to her from the opposite side of the library.

“There has to be some explanation for her sickness.” Hyosung said, “Keep looking.”

“Do you think she is actually sick?” Himchan said.

“She can’t be. You said that Daehyun tried to heal her and it didn’t work. So it has to be something else.” She replied, and continued to read the book she held in her hands.

Youngjae walked in on the two. His mouth hung open, and he was in utter shock.

“Hyung! You disorganized the library!” he exclaimed.

“Don’t worry about it. I’ll put them back when I’m done” Himchan replied from behind a pile of books.

“Hyung you don’t understand! I alphabetized them all, and they took forever! You better put them back in the exact same places you got them from!” Youngjae scolded.

“Yah, if I don’t you have an eternity to fix them.”

“Very funny.” Youngjae muttered, “What are you doing anyway?”

“We are trying to find a solution to why Minsoa’s sick.” Hyosung said, “It’s quite odd how she could get so sick suddenly.”

“Huh...” Youngjae mumbled, “Let me try something.”

Youngjae then walked over to where he left his laptop. He had to dig for it under the pile of books that both Himchan and Hyosung had placed on top of it.

“Ah there it is.” Youngjae said finally uncovering his computer. He opened the lid and began to search on the Internet for a solution.

“Do you even know what you’re looking for?” Himchan asked his dongsaeng.

“No, but I thought I’d try looking up her parents to see if it’s a hereditary health problem.” Youngjae replied.

“We didn’t even think of that.” Hyosung said looking up from the book at the boys.

“Don’t give him too much credit.” Himchan mumbled, looking back down at the pile of books in front of him.

Youngjae continued to search on the Internet, and a few hours passed by.

“Hey I think I found something.” Youngjae exclaimed loudly.

Hyosung jumped awake startled from Youngjae’s reaction. 

“What…” Himchan mumbled half asleep.

“Check this out!” Youngjae said, and Hyosung got up to see what he was talking about.

She looked over Youngjae’s shoulder at the computer screen. She became breathless.

“Himchan, you better come over here and see this.” She said.

Himchan got up groggily from the desk chair and slowly walked over.

“What, what did you find?” He said sleepily.

“Look at this.” Youngjae said pointing at the Computer screen.

Himchan leaned over, and looked at the screen. He blinked twice to make sure he was seeing what he thought he was. His eyes widened, and he looked at the others.

“Well that explains it.” He said, “but how could we have missed it in the first place?”

“You’re asking us?” Youngjae said, “You’re the one who saved her twelve years ago. You should have been the one to have known.”

Himchan glared at Youngjae, “It doesn’t matter!” Hyosung said, “What matters is why now? And how do we go about helping Minsoa.”

“How are we going to break the news to the others?” Youngjae said.

“We tell them.” Himchan said. “But more importantly how do we break the news to Daehyun, and Minsoa?”



I know it's a short chapter. Sorry about that, but i want to keep the suspence building. Also i've been very busy with university classes, and work so my mind has been fried because of Midterm Exams... Hopefully after this week i will be able to write more and update more. Please don't be angry with me, i'm trying my best to keep updating once a week... well mostly on the weekends when i have some free time. Any who, I am really excited for B.A.P's third single album comback on the 23rd! But i feel that they really need a LONG vacation. Anyway please comment and let me know what you think... What do you think is going to happen? 

Thanks Again for reading! 

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Sharissa #1
Chapter 7: *wiped tears* finally found Chocolat Member fanfic and its so nice knowing it pair up with my bias Daehyun im chocolatiers btw
Chapter 14: Omg... I'm too much in love with this fic for you to stop T.T XD
Plz plz plz update soon ♡♡
Love your story <3 author-nim fighting ^.^
Baekna #4
Chapter 14: i really like this story!
update soon
update plz
ahhhh I love this fic sooooo much please update soon!
Chapter 14: Hey, I just found your fic and I was into it right away! Amazing Fic. Please please update soon. It's a really unique story and I'd want to read more
YBWalkerz #8
update pls!!!
Hey there, I was wondering if you were ever going to update this fic again? Because I'm clearing up my subscribed list, and I'd really look forward to another update for this story. ^^.