Chapter 2

Love in First Sight

Kevin: we can't let you pay! Ask Hana what she wants.

*Betty ask Hana*

Betty: She said she will also pay for herself.

Kevin: Aigoo.....if you guys insist.

-Fast Forward-

You guys were at the dorm sipping the coffee quietly until Kevin broke the silence.

Kevin: So, Betty, Hana, what do you guys want to do?

Betty: Molla...

Hana: I know! Let's go to Lotte World!

Dongho: Oh yeah! I want to go!!!

Betty: Kevin oppa, can we?

Kiseop: *In his head: WHAT?! OPPA AGAIN?! Aigoo...I think it will be tough getting her to like me...*

Kevin: Hmmm....Let me check out schedule... *goes to manager* Actually, we don't have anything to do for 2 weeks!!

Everyone: Yeah!!!

Hana: Let's get ready!!

-Fast Forward-

*In the car*

Hana: Oooh!!! Let's go to the tallest one first!

Dongho: No! The shortest!!! I'm scared of it *pouting face*

Hana: Shiro!! (No!!)

*Hana and Dongho kept on arguing*

Kevin: Remember Betty, when we were little, we would always want to go tot he carosal?

Kiseop: *In hsi head: Wow...Betty and Kevin are closer than I thought...*

Soohyun: SHIKORO!!!(SHUT UP!!!) Can you guys stop arguing?!! *looking at Hana and Dongho*

Dongho and Hana: Mianhae..... *both looking down*

AJ: Okay we're here!!!

-Fast Forward-

You guys just entered Lotte World from waiting an hour in the line.

Kevin: Okay...where should we go first? And Hana, Dongho, you guys can't choose this time, it will be Betty's..

Dongho&Hana: Aww..... *pouting*

Betty: Um...let's go to the tallest ^_^

Kiseop: *In his head: ...I hate rollercoasters..maybe if I sit next to Betty, I could tell her if she can hold my hand..hehe..*

-You guys are going to the rollercoaster-

Dongho was sitting with Hana, AJ with Hoon, Kevin with Eli, Betty with Soohyun, and Kiseop sitting by himself.

Kiseop: *Shoot! I forgot to ask Betty!*

*He goes up to Betty and Soohyun*

Kiseop: Um...Soohyun, can you sit by yourself this time? And I could sit with Betty? *In a trembling voice*

Soohyun: Hmmm.....Fine. Only because I want you two love birds to be together ^^ *goes to another seat*

Kiseop: Hey!! W-What?! *looking at Betty*

Betty: Are you going to sit or what?

Kiseop: Oh..right.. *In his head: Man..she is tough*

*Going up the rollercoaster*

Dongho: Aigoo! Why the tallest?! I want to get out!!

Hana: Hahaha!!!

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Chapter 3: Dongho is so cute!! I luv it!! Keep up the good work!^^
Chapter 3: poor kiseop... D: