
❄ The Special Lovely Boy ❅

Donghae was thinking so hard that he ran into a wall. "Oww.." He rubbed his forehead and proceeded on walking into his office. He sat on his chair and began thinking. What was he suppose to do now? Help Hyukjae get out of this hospital! But.. How? He groaned when he felt like he would end up in having a migraine and stopped thinking. 

The doctor looked at his watch and realized that his shift is over. He packed his things and went home for a good sleep. 

He woke up after having a complete 8 hours of sleep and got ready for work. It was 7 PM when he arrived at the hospital and was welcomed with a series of screams and nurses rushing here and there. He furrowed his eyebrows in alert and walked towards the source of it. Donghae was speechless when he find himself in front of Hyukjae's room , where the screams are from.

He quickly slammed the door open and was shocked. The room was a total mess. Vases broken and scattered in pieces. The blanket was also torn. The boy was at the end of the room. His hands were on his head , pulling his hair. Hyukjae kept on screaming when one of the guards tries to calm him down.

"What happened?!" He questioned the guard he knew , Jungsu. "I-I don't know.. He was already like this when I entered the room.." He said , lips trembling. He was obliviously scared at the sudden side of the boy. Donghae threw his bag at his feet and began to walk slowly towards the boy. Hyukjae looked up , his eyes were blank. "Don't come near me!!" He screamed and glared at the doctor.

Donghae brought his hands to the front. "Calm down Hyukjae.." "STAY AWAY FROM ME!!" He screamed again , more loudly this time. This was not Hyukjae.. Donghae thought. Suddenly , the boy squatted down to pick some of the glasses pieces and clenched it. "Hyukjae! You're going to hurt yourself at this rate!" He warned but the other didn't care. 

"Hyukjae. Is. Not. HERE!!" The boy yelled and clenched the glass , making his hands bleed. That's it. Donghae had it. He quickly ran towards the boy and grip on the boy's wrist while the other hand pulled him into his embrace. "Let go of the glass. Now." "I WILL NOT!!" The boy - or so it is - , refused.

The doctor pushed the hand and took the glass. He threw it at the other side of the room and embrace the boy tighter. Suddenly , the room was silent and Donghae realized that the boy's body has weaken. He pulled out of the hug only to find the other unconscious. "Place an immediate check-up! Now!" He ordered to the nurse outside the room who quickly obeyed his command.

"So.. How's the check-up on him?" Jungsu asked worriedly after 2 hours. Donghae checked the paper once again. "He lost quite a lot of blood. It usually doesn't affect people much but because of his petite body.. It affects him a lot.." "What do we do?" "I have ordered for them to give him blood from a donor." The bodyguard nodded , understanding. 

"But.. Why was he acting like that?" He asked curiously. "I don't know either.. But what I'm sure is.. It's not because of his disease.. It's something else.."  Donghae said , determined. "Jungsu-ah.. Can I ask you a favor?" The bodyguard nodded in reply. "Do you think that I can kidnap Hyukjae for a while?" Jungsu widen his eyes at the doctor sudden request. "W-Wha? B-But.. It's my young master that you are talking about! His parents will panic if he's gone!" The bodyguard protested.

"Nah.. I doubt that will happen.. So , please~? Just for a while!" The other thought deeply while occasionally glancing up to the doctor once in a while. " First! I need your reason for taking my young master out!" Donghae thought for a while before giving his answer. "You have seen the strange behavior of his a while ago right? I'll try to calm him down and question him about it.." 

Jungsu nodded in approval before proceeding. "Second! Other reason for taking him out?" The bodyguard asked while eyeing the doctor. "Simply because I love him." He said unconsciously and quickly covered his mouth when he realized what he just said. Jungsu just gave him a teasing look. He had known about it by the way Donghae talks and looks at his young master. 

"Three! What are you gonna do about his clothes?" "I'll buy him new ones.." The doctor said without hesitation. "Four! His food?" "I can cook.. So there's no problem.." The bodyguard made an amused face before continuing. "Finally five! Are you sure you can take care of him well?" "I am very sure of it!" Donghae said with a serious and confident look.

"Fine.. You can take him out for a while.. But make sure you take him to some place that is less busier and crowded.. There's a lot of Lee workers around and Hyukjae panics when he's in a place that is crowded.." Donghae chuckled at the bodyguard-like-mother. "Arasso umma.. When can we leave then?" 

The bodyguard ignored the way Donghae adressed him and answered the question. "Leaving? Hmm.. When Hyukjae is normal?" "I'll take that as tomorrow then!" The doctor said in glee. "You better start packing his bag now.." "Yeah yeah.. But if I heard from anyone that you treat him badly.. I'll. Kill. You. For. Real. Okay?" Jungsu threatened with a fake smile and the doctor shivered. 

'Umma is scary too!' "O-Okay.. Leave all the rest to me!" 

It was 1 AM when Hyukjae walked outside of his new VIP room. This time , Donghae saw it. He quickly ran to the boy.  He turned the boy around alarmed and was calmed when he saw the boy eyes were bright. "You're Hyukjae.. Right?" The boy looked at him confusedly. "Hyung.. What happened before?" 

"You don't remember anything?" "About what? And Donghae hyung.. Why did we changed room?" Donghae sigh mentally. 'Sorry.. But I have to lie for you..' "Uh. Umm.. No reason actually.. I thought you'll get bored of staying in the same room all the time.." Hyukjae nodded. "Well.. I kinda got bored of the same room too actually! Thanks for changing my room.." The boy said and smiled his gummy smile.

And at that moment , thousands of butterflies were flying furiously in his stomach. Almost making him puke rainbows. He loved the boy's smile. Especially the gummy one. Donghae was lost into Hyukjae's smile until the boy waved his hand in front of his face. He shook his head in order to concentrate once again.

"What were you thinking about?" The boy asked him with curiosity written on his face. "That you were beautiful." He spoke his thought and abruptly , Hyukjae blushes. And the doctor thought it was cute. "Hyukjae.. Do you want to be with me?" "Hmm? Where are you going to take me to?" "Anywhere except from your house and this hospital.." 

The boy widen his eyes. "W-Wha? Really? You'll take me out of this place?" Donghae gave him a sweet smile before nodding his head. Though , the doctor panicked when he saw the boy's teary eyes. "Why? You don't like being out of this place? In that case , I'll cancel-" Hyukjae suddenly hugged the doctor from the neck making the other shock.

He felt how the boy shook his head from his neck - Donghae had to bent a little in order for the boy to hug him comfortably - "No.. I love that idea.. Thanks.." "No need.." The doctor then proceeded on hugging the boy from the waist. "We'll leave tomorrow morning.. So you have to run and hide before one of your guards found out that you're gone.. Arasso?" Hyukjae nodded.

"Oh Donghae! There you are! I've been searching for you.. And hi Hyukjae!" They broke the hug to find Siwon walking towards them. Donghae groaned. He dislike Siwon a bit because of the kiss he made with Hyukjae but the boy didn't seem to know about it. So , he thought about secreting it.

"Ah.. Annyeonghaseyo Siwon hyung.." Siwon smiled at him before turning to look at his colleague. "Donghae.. There's some paper work I need you to fill it up.. Come to your office.." He said before turning around to walk to his own office. "Bye.. I need to work now.. You'll be okay on your own right?" He said , in hope that Hyukjae would follow him to his office.

Though , then Hyukjae nodded. Crumbling his hopes. "I can sleep on my own.. I think.." The boy said with a smile but the doctor could see the hint of sadness in his eyes. "And when you can't.. You can call me by pressing the red button placed next to your bed okay?" The boy nodded before walking towards his room and waved him goodbye.

Donghae sighed. What was the boy thinking about? He seemed to have a lot to talk about but the boy would only silence himself. Isn't it painful? To carry all of your worries on your own? He walked to his office and proceeded on his work. 

When he finished his work , he walk into Siwon's office. "Siwon.. I need your help.." He said before slumping himself onto the chair. "And what is that , my friend?" The other asked , not turning his gaze away from the document he was holding. It was silent for a while before Donghae started to speak.

"Umm.. You know about spirits and such things right?" Then , his friend put down his document. "Yeah.. Why?" He asked with a serious expression. "It's about Hyukjae.. You heard it from the nurses right? His strange behavior this evening.." Siwon nodded. "Yes.. I heard about it.." "So.. What do you think happen to him?"

"It is possible though I'm not fully sure of it.. But maybe he is possessed by some kind of ghost.." Then , it hit him. 'That Minho.. What does he want from Hyukjae?' He thought while glaring. "Can you somehow.. Get the ghost far away from him?" He asked hopefully. 

"I can but uh.." Siwon sighed. "My father is busy lately.. I'll ask him if he have some time okay? For the meantime.. You should take Hyukjae out of this hospital and far away from Seoul.." Donghae nodded. "I will.. I'm leaving this morning to Mokpo with him.." "What? Who's gonna replace you? Am I going to work alone now? No way!" His friend pouted , making the other laughed at the childish behavior.

"Haha.. I'll ask Kibum to replace me.." He said with a smile while mentioning his childhood friend who was also a doctor from the same hospital. "Kibum? As in the Kim Kibum the internists?!" "Hmm? Wae? You seem to have an interest in him.." "A-Aniyo.. It's just.. It's very rare to see him around.." Siwon said , trying to cover up.

"What rare to see? He's like.. Everywhere in this hospital! It's just that you're lazy is in the office..That's why!" "Arasso arasso.." Donghae then glanced at the CCTV to see Hyukjae walking out from his room. He looked at the right side of the TV.         It was 3:27 AM. The same time as last night!! 

Suddenly , the camera blurred. "Siwon! Did you saw that?!" His friend nodded. "Let's get to him now!" They both ran through the dim corridors to find Hyukjae on the center of it. The boy turned around and again , the boy eyes were blank. "That's not Hyukjae , Donghae.. It's the ghost.." "I know.." 

The boy tilted his head to the side , face expressionless. "What do you want with Hyukjae?!" Donghae shouted , angry clear in his voice. Though , he didn't answer. Just looking at the other with an expressionless face in silence. Siwon mumbled something that Donghae couldn't hear clearly but soon , the boy collapsed onto the floor.

Before Hyukjae could hit the floor , Donghae caught him into his arms. "Sleep in his room for tonight.. He needs someone by his side.." the doctor nodded before lifting the boy bridal-style to his room.

"Are you ready to watch the real world?" Donghae asked as they hide from bush to bush. The doctor carrying Hyukjae's beg as they were holding hands without realization. The boy nodded in determination before smiling his gummy smile. Making the doctor's heart stop for a while though , then he shook his head and proceeded on getting in his car.

"We successfully ran away from them! High five!" They high-fived before Donghae put on the boy's seat belt before putting his on.


Yeah yeah~ I know.. I'm late right? *sigh* It's because of school... *sigh* haha~ I kept on sighing.. I'll stop now.. But seriously.. School is getting super annoying.. URGH.. November.. Please come sooner.. Sincerely , me. Oh~ What do you think about this chapter? ^^ This is where I work (LOL 13 and working? xDD) everyday..


And yes.. I sit at that chair everyday.. It's kind of big so I can sit without getting my waist squeezed.. Hehe! I just ate Cinnamon Bun

And it was super delicious! Oh! And that picture is taken by me~ ^^ I just re-updated my blog so please Vote! And thanks for the 129 subscribers! I'll go now! My homework is not done yet.. URGH.. Until the next chapter~ Bye!! ^^


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YAY!!! Finished!! Lunch here I come.. (I'm still sad though *sob*)


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Chapter 13: So cute!!!!!!!! Kyaaaaaaa
Han-hyunWoo-Eunhae #2
Chapter 14: I really liked this story .you did good job .
And thanks for sharing ♥
Han-hyunWoo-Eunhae #3
Chapter 4: Why minho did that to hyukkie .maybe he likes Donghae or maybe he likes Hyuk so that he would die then he can be with Hyuk.
BTW thank god you didn't hit your head .be careful
Julymoe #4
new reader is here~~~
I love your AFF so much~~~
Thank for updates~~~
x3Maple #5
Chapter 14: The ending. Oh gosh super cute^^ little Henry<33 to be frank, Minho was really scary at the beginning! But Im so happy that' everything turned out fine for both of them! Barely angst and loads of fluff!! I loveeee this story^^ thank you for posting this!!
minkie1001 #6
Chapter 5: It's 1:12am and I'm reading this chapter. Help me, I'm afraid~ ç-ç
naznew #7
Chapter 14: Kyaaa~i like this story...eunhae moments..and henry as their adopted son..minho meet taemin and being a couple ghost..i thought minho will ended up with sarah but it taemin...
how i wish i can see and play with ghost too 'pout'
_bawoo #8
Chapter 14: Sooooo cute!!! I just finished this story and im in total awe! Your a very good author! I love every part of it and every time they smile i smile too... I love hyukkies parents!!!!!! Thank you for this story ^_^
silverberry_hyuk #9
Chapter 14: Hallo theree! I'am new reader here! ^^ I just found your story when I was scroling down on EunHae[Voted] tags. This story so totally amazing!!! glad that its complete already so i can read it in one day without curious! ( even thougth i wish that you'll continue this story X'D)

Once again i say, this story is beyond amazing!! I have alot of thrill when i read your story. fear, shock, happy , exiceted and blabla. You make me sooo many feeeels~ ! Its kinda scary when Minho control Hyukjae --' but well yeah, glad that they fine at the end. Ahh and and, i'am soo happy haehyuk get married!! XD then adopt henry as their son. ahhh, they will be a perfect family ever!! also i'am happy for 2min ^^ your write skills so amazing!! finally i found another author to stalk! XP

I'll subcribe this story and upvoted it since I love this story so much!! <3
Chapter 14: ahhhhhhhhhhh so happy to see hae and hyukkie adopt cute child like henry so their marriage live will be mooooorrreeeee complete..
eyyyy minho and taemin happy tooooooo awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww
nice story to read author nim ^^
well before this story complete i can't read this b'coz i'm afraid with spirits but u make me not scare anymore b'coz the spirits so nice to hyukkie and hae kkk