
❄ The Special Lovely Boy ❅

Hyukjae passed out after that out of exhaustion and malnutrition. Donghae took care of the boy that night but when he was about to leave the room , the younger clutched on his sleeves. He look at the younger confusedly. "Stay.." He whispered since he was too weak to even talk and the older just complied to it.

Donghae called Jungsoo to bring some water and continued sitting on the bed , beside Hyukjae. The younger searched for his hand and when he found it , he intertwined them together - feeling a comfort feeling as he did so. His eyes became heavier as second passes. He was about to doze off when he heard the older called out for him.

"Hyukjae , you should drink more.. It will lessen your fever's temperature.." The older said as he pulled the younger to sit properly. The younger felt sad when the comfort feeling left him as Donghae's hand was out of his. He drank the warm water slowly and felt refreshed.

Jungsoo gestured Donghae to come closer to him and he did so as the boy was relaxing in his bed. "I think you should sleep with him tonight.. I'm afraid he'll try to suicide again.." He said , shivering slightly remembering how the doctor yelled out his name and found his young master drenched in the bathroom.

Donghae nodded. "I'll stay with him.." He assured with a smile. Jungsoo left him after saying "I'll be counting on you then.." He changed into his pajamas and proceeded on lying beside the younger. He chuckled. "What's funny?" The younger asked as he turned towards the older with a curious look.

"Nothing.. Just.. You have a king-size bed and yet here we are , cuddling in the middle of it.." He said while chuckling lightly. "Hmm? Do you want me to give some space to you then?" The younger questioned and back away a little. "No no no.. That's not what I meant.." The older said while pulling the younger closer to him.

"It's just.. Funny.. And wow.. Your mansion is as big as a castle.. Maybe bigger!" The younger frowned. "Now you'll like me because I'm rich?" He said pouting , the older panicked. "That's not it! I love you since the first glance of you!" He said sincerely and saw how the younger blushed furiously , trying to cover his face with his hands.

"Aww~ My baby is shy~?" He teased , the younger blushed even harder while hitting the older's chest lightly. "Okay okay.. I'll stop teasing.. It was fun though.." The older said , pecking the younger's lips. Making him shock. "W-What was that?" The younger asked , dazed. The older look at him confusedly. "A kiss?"

"C-Can you do it again?" He said shyly and the older just complied to it. 'He never heard of a kiss? It also means he didn't have it yet right? I'm his first!! Wait.. That bastard Siwon took it! =__=' He thought. "Let's sleep.. It's already late.." "Mom and dad is coming home tomorrow.. They might examined you so wear proper clothes.." "Since when I dress badly?!" The older said , faking hurt. "Okay okay.. I'm sleepy.. Let's sleep.." The younger said , cuddling with the older to seek warmth.

"Look at the way they are cuddling.. I bet they did this more than 3 times to get so natural with it!"

"Honey.. Don't squeal.. You'll wake them up.."

"But still! They're so cute! >..<"

"My son has a good taste.. I approve.."

"Hmm~ I want to watch his manners before approving him.."

The man nodded , watching as his wife fangirling over her own son and their soon-to-be-son-in-law. When they heard a whimper , the couple panicked and quickly tried to hide in the first thing they saw - the closet. They opened the closet door a bit to peek. They saw how their soon-to-be-son-in-law sat up and messed his hair up. 

He then look to his side , where Hyukjae was sleeping and then lay back on the bed once again. Cuddling with the younger. "They're so cute.. I'm about to burst into cotton candy.." The wife said and the husband look at her weirdly. "Why cotton candy though?" "Cause it's so fluffy and sweet!" "Yeah yeah.. Whatever you say dear.."

They heard another whimper. This time , from their son. "Oh~ Did I wake you up?" Their soon-to-be-son-in-law said. The boy opened his eyes slowly and rubbed it as he was still feeling a bit sleepy. "Nope.. But I still feel like sleeping again.." He said with a tired smile and continued cuddling with the older. 

"You're just a lazy .. Go bath and let's have breakfast together.." The younger pouted. "But Donghae.. I'm so lazy to move around.." "Oh! His name is Donghae!" The wife whispered and the husband just nodded. They saw how the said man carried their son on his shoulder and entered the bathroom with the whining Hyukjae.

They quickly ran out of the room  to the dining room. "Prepare breakfast for 6 people.." Mrs. Lee said to the maid and she nodded her head , walking to the kitchen.

Donghae was taken by surprise when he saw Mr. and Mrs. Lee waiting for them at the dining room for breakfast. He bowed politely to them. Mr. and Mrs. Lee decided to act like they didn't know him and decided to ask his personal information. "Who might you be?" They asked , putting a polite smile on their face even though they were laughing inside at Donghae's flustered face.

"My name is Lee Donghae.. I'm Hyukjae's doctor." He introduced himself. "We didn't pay you to be his doctor though.." "I know.. But staying with him was my own decision.. You don't need to pay me , Hyukjae is a special person to me.." He said and they saw how their son blushed. Mrs. Lee decided to test him a bit more. 

"Usually people who knows Hyukjae identity is either killed or will be taken to be this family servant so.. Which one do you prefer?" She asked with a smirk. "Servant." Donghae said , not hesitating. "And what do you mean by my son is 'special' to you?" They saw their son's flustered face - probably telling the older to not say anything - but he answered it anyway.

"He is special because I love him.."

He answered with gentle eyes. Ms. Lee could see how much the man was saying the truth. Her husband look at her and she nodded. "Okay.. I approve of you.." The couple blink their eyes in confusion. "Hmm? Approve what?" Their son asked. "I said.. I approve your boyfriend so you guys can get married next week.." She said casually causing Hyukjae to blush.

"M-Married?" He said , still blushing. "What? You didn't think of that before?" His mother said. "We didn't even think you can approve us.." Donghae voiced out. "We were just testing you! Loosen up a bit will you?" The husband said and Donghae decided to act like himself now.

Mrs. Lee then gestured Donghae to come closer to him. "But you do know that my son's life isn't that long.. Right?" He nodded and whispered back. "I'm working on a medicine for it.. So.. Please start hoping and praying so that it will work out fine.." Mrs. Lee look at him with a shock face.

"The doctor I hired to take care of my son before never tried or even wanted to make the cure for his disease.. I really hope you'll succeed in making it.. Hyukjae is savoring every breath he has and even when he never voiced out his worries , he is actually frustrated that his life is short.." "Yes.. I know.." Donghae said with a sad smile.

He sat beside Hyukjae and looked at their breakfast. He furrowed his eyebrows in confusion as there are 6 plates. Mr. Lee , Mrs. Lee , Hyukjae , Donghae and.. Who is the other two? The younger noticed where his lover was staring. "That's for my older brother and my best friend Kyuhyun.. They should be here any minute now.." 

Kyuhyun was the first one to arrive there. He look confusedly at Donghae and sat in front of him. Mrs. Lee noticed the stare and said "I'll explain it when Sungmin gets here.." And when Sungmin arrived , also making the same face as Kyuhyun did and sat beside his brother's best friend.

"Okay.. Now that everyone is here I want to announce that.. Hyukjae is going to get married next week to this guy over here!" Mrs. Lee announced proudly and 4 of them - Donghae , Hyukjae , Kyuhyun , Sungmin - choke on their own spit. Donghae wasn't expecting it as well as Hyukjae.

"W-What? To this stranger?" Sungmin argued. "I'm Hyukjae's doctor.." The older brother eyed the doctor. "Hmm.. Let's go out after breakfast.. Just to make sure my innocent brother is in good hands.." He said and began to eat while glaring lightly as his brother's soon-to-be-husband. "Hyung.." Hyukjae whined while pouting.

Sungmin turned to his brother with a smile and ruffled Hyukjae's hair in affection. "Don't worry.. I'm just going to take him out for a while.. You'll just have to play something while we're gone.." The younger pouted. "Fine.. I'll just play with Minho.." He said , whispering the last sentence.

After they finished eating breakfast , Mr. Lee went to his company , Mrs. Lee to her saloon shop , Donghae and Sungmin out to wherever , Kyuhyun to his university leaving Hyukjae to sulk. "Minho~" He called , whining. In an instant , the said name appeared in front of him.

"What is it?" Hyukjae pouted. "They left me alone! I'm super bored right now.." Minho chuckled. "You know.. I pity your piano.. It hasn't been played like half a month.." The boy quickly ran to the music room. "Oh God! Please don't be dusty , it will change the tone.." He said worriedly.

He sigh in relief when he saw that the keys weren't dusty. "I bet the maids cleaned it.." Minho said. "What song are you going to play now?" Hyukjae thought for a while. "Hmm.. I haven't played Yiruma songs lately.. I guess it's time.." And with that , he began to play Yiruma's River Flows In You .

Minho listened to it while closing his eyes. It was indeed a beautiful song and it sounded even more beautiful when Hyukjae was playing it. How sincere it sounded. "You should play that song to Donghae.." He suggested and the other stopped playing. "Should I?" "Yeah.. He'll love it , trust me.." He assured.

"Okay then!" He said with a smile and continued to play the song.

"So.. Where did my hyung took you to?" The younger asked as he rolled over to the older's side in his bed , they were just resting as it was evening. "He took me to a park.." "Then?" "He said to me to not tell anything to you but I'll tell you what's important for now.." The younger look at him confusedly. "And what is that?"

"Kyuhyun and your brother approve of me.." And then he attacked the younger for a hug. Hyukjae giggled. "But I haven't thought about marriage before.." "Me too.." They sighed. "I bet you're tired.." The younger said , chuckling. "Of course I am! I need to be approved by your parents , brother and best friend.. How tired is that!"

"But.. You don't regret your decision right?" The younger asked seriously. The older hugged him tighter. "Of course not.. Why would I regret staying with you.. Are you regretting it?" "Of course not!" The younger said , hitting the older's chest as he pout. "Then don't doubt my love for you.." "Okay okay.."

They cuddled for minutes before Donghae said. "I'm going to my laboratory tomorrow.. You'll study with your private teacher okay? I'll be back late so sleep first." Hyukjae pouted. "Everything is not going my way today.." He said , sulking and turned to the other side of the bed.

The older pulled the younger closer until his chest touched the other's back. "What are you saying? Everyone approved of me so isn't that your way?" "Well.. That's only one.." "I slept in your bed.." "Two.." "I bought our rings.." And Hyukjae immediately sat up on the bed , shocked. Way too shock. Donghae sat up too.

He brought the younger's left hand towards his and look into his eyes. "Will you marry me?" Hyukjae eyes became teary and nodded. Donghae smiled and put on the ring on the younger's finger and the younger did so to him too. The younger hugged him while trying to contain his tears. "Fine.. Everything is going my way today.." The older chuckle.


Hello! An update! Oh! And about the piano.. It's true! If you don't cover or clean the keys (keyboard) it will affect the tone of it.. I play piano so I know.. But I'm still low level at piano.. *pouts* After this I don't know if I can update as usual.. Want to know why? Head on to my blog!

[ATTENTION TO E.L.F.]  Vote here for Super Junior!! I' already made 3 accounts.. Mehehe! xD Should I make more?

And what do you guys think about this chapter?


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YAY!!! Finished!! Lunch here I come.. (I'm still sad though *sob*)


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Chapter 13: So cute!!!!!!!! Kyaaaaaaa
Han-hyunWoo-Eunhae #2
Chapter 14: I really liked this story .you did good job .
And thanks for sharing ♥
Han-hyunWoo-Eunhae #3
Chapter 4: Why minho did that to hyukkie .maybe he likes Donghae or maybe he likes Hyuk so that he would die then he can be with Hyuk.
BTW thank god you didn't hit your head .be careful
Julymoe #4
new reader is here~~~
I love your AFF so much~~~
Thank for updates~~~
x3Maple #5
Chapter 14: The ending. Oh gosh super cute^^ little Henry<33 to be frank, Minho was really scary at the beginning! But Im so happy that' everything turned out fine for both of them! Barely angst and loads of fluff!! I loveeee this story^^ thank you for posting this!!
minkie1001 #6
Chapter 5: It's 1:12am and I'm reading this chapter. Help me, I'm afraid~ ç-ç
naznew #7
Chapter 14: Kyaaa~i like this story...eunhae moments..and henry as their adopted son..minho meet taemin and being a couple ghost..i thought minho will ended up with sarah but it taemin...
how i wish i can see and play with ghost too 'pout'
_bawoo #8
Chapter 14: Sooooo cute!!! I just finished this story and im in total awe! Your a very good author! I love every part of it and every time they smile i smile too... I love hyukkies parents!!!!!! Thank you for this story ^_^
silverberry_hyuk #9
Chapter 14: Hallo theree! I'am new reader here! ^^ I just found your story when I was scroling down on EunHae[Voted] tags. This story so totally amazing!!! glad that its complete already so i can read it in one day without curious! ( even thougth i wish that you'll continue this story X'D)

Once again i say, this story is beyond amazing!! I have alot of thrill when i read your story. fear, shock, happy , exiceted and blabla. You make me sooo many feeeels~ ! Its kinda scary when Minho control Hyukjae --' but well yeah, glad that they fine at the end. Ahh and and, i'am soo happy haehyuk get married!! XD then adopt henry as their son. ahhh, they will be a perfect family ever!! also i'am happy for 2min ^^ your write skills so amazing!! finally i found another author to stalk! XP

I'll subcribe this story and upvoted it since I love this story so much!! <3
Chapter 14: ahhhhhhhhhhh so happy to see hae and hyukkie adopt cute child like henry so their marriage live will be mooooorrreeeee complete..
eyyyy minho and taemin happy tooooooo awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww
nice story to read author nim ^^
well before this story complete i can't read this b'coz i'm afraid with spirits but u make me not scare anymore b'coz the spirits so nice to hyukkie and hae kkk