Leaving is the Only Way

Leaving is the Only Way


You said you had somewhere to go and I let you coz I thought it was just with your friends or something important but then it became too often, you didn’t want to spend time with me and always wanted to go somewhere. It was the first in weeks that we got together but yet you didn’t look too happy about it, I tried to not listen to what everyone was saying, I held strong to my thought that it wasn’t what they were thinking it was but someone can’t hope and stand aside forever, I followed you once and I wish I just didn’t.


“You were there holding her hand and I was lost trying to understand”


I didn’t say anything and waited for you to tell me what was really happening but you didn’t say anything, not even a word. Days went on when I didn’t even see your shadow and it hurts even more that I knew where you were. There were a lot of thoughts that came to mind about the reasons why you did it and it kills me to know there were a lot, I’m not the perfect girlfriend material I can say that but I tried my best to make the relationship work and TRYING wasn’t enough in the end even from the start it never did.


“The worst thing about being lied to is knowing you weren’t worth the truth”


And so that day came, I told you I knew everything but you didn’t care it was you that wanted to end everything. Having nothing to say and argue with I agreed with it and right then you walked away like we never even happened. I felt my whole world fall apart even with all the preparing I did, it was not enough.


“With first love comes the first heart ache”


The day after I didn’t show up to school and just stayed home, I didn’t want my parents to see me like that so I locked myself inside my room crying my heart out. I knew for sure that I if I see you I’d only break down and humiliate myself. I can’t bear to see you with someone else … so I decided to leave, to get away from you as far as possible. With that decision, I got in a plane and flew to the States, leaving my life in Korea behind me, forgetting everything and forgetting you.


“Moving on is simple, it’s what you leave behind that makes it difficult”

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Fr0zenMus1c #1
YUP! This needs a sequel, and I agree with @amership there :D Great story by the way
Is this somehow your personal thoughts

hmmm it hurts, and moving on is never easy

but its better than living a life w/ full of lies
what mattered in failed relationship is that
you give your best shot,it not your lost its his..

so a sequel is a must
and let her meet Jae

(if this is a fic)
(if not, you'll meet someone
who'll love you endlessly)

Jaennah #4
I love d way u wrote it.. Its simple & there's emotion in it.. I agree w/ sieann.. Its jst wow(*☻-☻*)
ellisd #5
Oh wow. This is nice. I love gow you didn't use any names. I think it brought more character to this oneshot