
니가 아니면 안돼 // It Has To Be You


Taewon took me our again. We hung out with his friends. I sat there while he drank and joked around. Most of my night was spent at a club with sweaty people who I didn’t even know. I was trapped in my own thoughts, which blocked out the sound of the house music being played. All I could think about was Kyuhyun. My Kyuhyun. I missed him so much.

I always wondered what it would be like if I never met Tae, and Kyuhyun never shut me out of his life. Would we be together? I surely hope so.

“Princess? You alright there?” Taewon nudged me slightly. My glass almost tipped over, but I caught it in time.

“Y-yeah… I’m just… tired.”

“Do you want to go home? I’ll call a cab for you.”

“So… You’re going to stay?” My tone was full of sorrow, but Taewon didn’t even notice.

“Yeah, my friends are staying till late. Let me call a cab.” He took out his phone, startled by his own wallpaper. Taewon panicked and tried to switch screens quickly. But I already saw what I needed to see. I stood up, holding my drink up. He stared at me, waiting for me to speak. The glass tipped over, spilling liquor all over his body.

“I hope that was worth it.” I stormed out, taking off my shoes. Surprisingly I didn’t cry. I wasn’t upset. I wasn’t even agitated.

I’m just saying, he could do better.

The city of Seoul was awfully quiet tonight, which made things creepy. I was a female, walking alone, through a big city. It was quite cold, and since I was in a short dress, I was freezing.

Something was up. I felt like I was being… watched. Grabbing a mirror from my purse, I checked the scenery behind me. A black Lexus was following me. My palms were sweating and my throat tightened up. The car slowly parked next to where I was standing. The tinted windows slowly rolled down, revealing a man with sunglasses. He looked awfully familiar.

“Y-yejin…” He slid his glasses down, his lips shut.

“Kyu…” My heart stopped. I couldn’t breathe. I couldn’t think. I wanted to cry. I wanted to run. But I knew I couldn’t. He was right there.


She looked just as beautiful as before. Nothing has changed. I was hesitant to step out of my car, but I eventually did. Yejin backed away, staring at the ground. All I wanted to do was hug her, and tell her how much I missed her.

“Hello, beautiful… How’s it… going?” I cleared my throat, watching her movements. I knew she felt awkward, as do I.

“I’m fine.”

“No you’re not. Tell me how you really are.” By her tone of voice, I could tell something was up. But Yejin was a stubborn girl, who didn’t like to admit her problems.

“What the hell do you want me to say? You told me to leave and never come back! How do you think I felt, Kyu? I’ve been so upset and lost since you pushed me away. I lost you.”

“You know I joke around a lot. Don’t blame the entire thing on me. You’d rather spend time your time with your precious Taewon, anyways.” My jaw clenched down, and my eyes narrowed.

“And you know how much you meant to me. Taewon? He isn’t precious. I don’t love him. If I did, I would be crying right now. He cheated on me with some . He didn’t love me, either.” Her voice seemed shaky and distraught. I stepped closer, offering a hug.

“Baby, I didn’t know…”

“Don’t call me that. Don’t call me beautiful. Don’t call me anything. Cho Kyuhyun. All I ever wanted was you. I didn’t care about anyone else but you. But being an oblivious , you never realized that! I wanted you to tell me you loved me more than anyone else in this world.”

I couldn’t move. My heart was beating a thousand beats per minute. “Yejin…”

“No. I don’t want to hear it. I’m going to do the same thing that you did to me. I don’t want to see you ever again. I hate you.” Her tears fell off her cheeks as she screamed the last part of her rant. My chest constricted again. I wanted to hold her and tell her I loved her too… But she wants me gone.

“Fine. I’m out.” I ran back to my car, slamming the door shut. Glancing back, I saw Yejin sitting on the ground, crying her eyes out. I couldn’t do anything; she hates me. She will never forgive me.

Starting up the car, I hauled out of the parking spot, zooming out in the road. The tears were welling up in my eyes. I couldn’t see correctly. Before I could crash into anything, my hands tugged the wheel and made a sharp turn down the empty street. I stopped the car, hitting the wheel. My tears kept pouring out, and then I regretted my actions.

I should have stayed and fought for you.


He’s gone. He left me again. I wanted him to hold me tight and tell me he loves me. I wanted to hear him say he missed me. But he didn’t. Now I’m alone, in the middle of the sidewalk, sobbing harder than ever.

I wanted you to fight for me.


My best friends decided to take me out tonight. They thought I needed a girl’s night. I was forced to get dressed and walk back into reality. They thought I was crying over Taewon; they were so wrong.

“Baby girl, you need to smile! We’re going to your favorite restaurant!” Kyuna hugged my shoulders, slightly pushing me forward. Yeonji and Hyojung followed behind us, nodding and agreeing in the background. I was the oldest out of our little group, but it didn’t seem like it. I was really petite, and my cheeks were fairly chubby. I looked as if I was still in high school.

Kyuna is a few inches taller than me, and a few months younger. She was… ditzy. Her thought process was slow, and it would always frustrate her. It didn’t matter, we loved her blonde moments.

Hyojung trailed up to my left side, nudging me slightly. She smiled, hoping I’d be okay. This girl was a younger version of me. I was her ‘big sister’ who helped her with her problems. She took the initiative and planned this GNO, which is something I’d do if one of my girls was upset.

Our baby, Yeonji, followed by my right side and held onto my arm. Yeonji was a special little one.  She was a few years younger than I was, but she was surprisingly mature for her age. This girl could make me laugh in seconds. She was always the comedic relief.

“Yejin! You need to eat a lot, okay? You have to stay healthy and be happy!”

“But eat a lot, guys like it when girls can eat well. Nobody wants to grab bones.” Yeonji voiced in, causing me to cover my mouth. I snickered quietly, shaking my head. We all sat down and began to order, making sure we called out the best food. The food came out quickly, allowing us to eat as soon as we could.

“I saw him the other day.” The girls stopped eating, and stared at me.

“You saw Taewon? Did he apologize?” Hyojung eyes narrowed, waiting for a response.

“I saw Kyuhyun after I left Taewon at the club.” Their forks simultaneously slammed down on the table, causing me to jump.

“Excuse me? Cho Kyuhyun came around and finally spoke to you?!” Yeonji screeched, making the other restaurant goers turn to stare at the girls.

“I told him that I… loved him.”

“YOU DID WHAT?!” My friends whisper-screamed; they moved around, muttering to themselves.

“Why didn’t you tell us earlier?”

“We could have helped you out, Ye.”

“I knew you weren’t crying over Tae.” Hyojung shook her head leaning back on her chair. She knew me better than I knew myself. A small sigh escaped my lips before I started to explain myself.

“Yejin, you’re stupid. You really are. We all knew how much you loved Kyuhyun, but you never told him before. You had your chance, Yejin. You could have stayed at his house and made up with him. But you didn’t. You moped around, whining about how he didn’t call you. Last time I checked, you walked out on Kyuhyun. Do you understand how many times he tried to call you? He was trying so hard to get you back into his life, but you shut him out. Don’t even deny it, because you know it’s true.”

That was a total slap in the face. Hyojung shrugged, flipping her hair to finish her rant. Everything got extremely awkward. We sat there, staring at our plates. Kyuna cleared , trying to break the tension.

“So… Did you know Taco Bell delivers?” A small chuckle came out of our mouths, and the tension was gone.

But Hyojung was right. I made a mistake. I can’t fix it.


I was empty. I was dead inside. I didn’t want to speak to anyone. I didn’t want to live. All I wanted was her. All I ever wanted was her. My chance was gone. But I can’t dwell like this forever. I wanted to forget my feelings.

A close friend invited me to a party; he thought I needed to get drunk and have a good night. I finally picked myself up and changed into something decent. The party wasn’t going to help, but people might have thought I died. My friends chatted around me while I sipped on my beer, staring out at the pool’s water.

“Bro, you alright? You don’t look good.”  Minho patted my back, and I moved away from his touch.

“I’m fine. I’m just tired.” I lied right through my teeth. Everyone knew I wasn’t okay, but they didn’t bother helping me. If I were them, I wouldn’t want to help me either. A high pitched voice rang through my ears. I’ve heard it before…

“Yeonji?” The younger girl stopped and gasped. She got pale and walked away quickly. It was Yeonji. I knew it was her. My eyes scanned the area and I spotted Hyojung and Kyuna; this means she is here.

I have to find her.


“Yejin! He’s here! I saw him drinking with Minho and he’s coming to look for you!” Yeonji rambled on and on, speaking uber quick.

“H-he’s here?”

“I am.” Both of us stopped talking and turned to find Kyuhyun standing there. He slowly walked up to me, and grabbed my wrist. He dragged me outside and started walking towards his car. I unconsciously followed him, until I snapped back into reality.

“Let go of me.” I gritted my teeth together gently. His hold on my wrist tightened.


“Cho Kyuhyun! Let me go!”

“I let you go twice already, I’m not doing it again!” He screamed. I pulled my arm back, causing him to collide with my tiny self. I shoved him away, huffing.

“Why did you bring me out here? So you can make me feel like a for leaving?” He clenched his jaw while he glared at me.

“Will you shut up for once in your life? I’m trying to tell you something and you completely ignore me!”

“Well, if you got to the damn point I wouldn’t have to ignore you! This is why I hate you, Kyuhyun. You don’t tell me how you feel. You hide behind your snarky attitude all the time. That’s why I got sick of you. That’s probably why Nara did too.”

“I don’t care about her. I don’t care about anyone else but you. It’s always has been you.”

“Quit telling me bull, Kyu! I know you’re lying. I’ve been friends with you for too long; I know all of your tricks.” He stepped closer, causing me to step back.

“I’m not lying.” He whispered, softening his expression.

“I don’t believe you. You told me you’d never leave me. You told me you’d take care of me. You fed me a bunch of lies and left me! I despise you. I told you I loved you. You didn’t even respond. I’m in love with you, Kyu! I always have been. But of course, you brushed it off –”

His lips crashed into mine as his hands cupped my cheeks. It felt like his lips were meant to be on my own. Slowly, he pulled away from the kiss and lingered on my lips. His hot breath sent shivers down my spine. My eyes met his, and I couldn’t look away. I didn’t want to look away.

“If you don’t shut your mouth, I’ll shut it for you.” His lips grazed over mine, pecking my cupid’s bow.

For the first time in a long time, I was content. I had my Kyu back.


My Yejin was standing of me; her smile was brighter than ever. I missed her smile. She was back in my arms, where she belongs.

“Kyu?” She squeaked, holding onto my hands. I watched her play with my fingers, as I smiled softly to myself.

“Yes, beautiful?”

“I’m sorry for being such a … I just didn’t know what to say and… I don’t know! I’m just stupid. I’m really, really, stupid –” My lips found hers again, kissing them gently.

“What did I just say? If you don’t shut up, I’ll keep doing that.” Yejin’s cheeks turned a light shade of pink against her porcelain skin. Pulling away from her, I walked over to the small sandy area near the back of the yard and squatted down. Using a stick, my plan was about to come to a close. Yejin%

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What did I say? This story is absolutely amazing, bb. I cried buckets, ok.
Btw, Hyojung is always right. /flips hair
I love it. -u-
rollingbuffalos #2
Awww cute story <3