Why plan when they do it themselves

Never give up !

I was walking in the hallways of our school, thinking of how long I was going to stay here. I told dad that I will for sure finish this year here but I’m not so sure about the next.

I mean, what in the end is keeping me here ? I would keep in touch with oppa like we always have and I could text and email to the girls and visit them during holidays or they could come to the USA.

I have to say though this place had become a second home for me, sure I missed my real home but the idea of going back, leaving everything and everyone here, hurt. Somehow it hurt even more when I thought of him.

You know who I mean, even if I don’t. Maybe I do have special feelings for him after all ? Because if I don’t then I have no idea why I’m feeling like this. ‘I don’t know’ , sigh.

-Eva ! I heard a guys voice call from behind though I couldn’t recognise it well. I had a feeling I’d heard it before but it wasn’t any of the kingkas. Looking back I saw one of the soccerteams members walk toward me, I watched him come over and searched for a name that went with the face.

-Oh, heechul. What’s up ? I resumed walking after he caught up with me.

-Nothing much, just wondering how you are since we don’t see you that often anymore. he said shrugging, walking beside me now.

-Well, I’m fine. U ?

-It’s good, not bad anyway. He said but in his voice was something that indicated something else.

-What is it ? I asked with a gentle smile, he looked at me blankly before forming a sad smile.

-You noticed, huh ?  I chuckled a bit.

-You’re not that good at covering it up. He chuckled too and we were not outside of the school, he went to sit under one tree.

I saw Jaejoong and Yoochun in the distance and they waived at me, probably expecting me to come over but I just waived back and walked over to Heechul. I sat next to him under the tree and turned my body so that I faced him.

-Want to tell me about it ? Heechul bit his lip looking almost, I dunno guilty? but started to explain anyway.

-Well, there is this girl I like. I raised my eyebrows but kept quiet. But it looks like she’s into this other guy but I can’t be sure. Because when I’m with her she sends me the signs, you know. He looked at me looking troubled and kept silent for a while.

-So, you think she might like you but still you she her with this other guy often ? I asked confirming and he nodded looking down as I thought looking at him with a pout. It wasn’t the angry or sad pout more like concentration and doubt pout.

-So who is she ?

-ah, you don’t know her, she’s not from our school. He answered and confirmed my suspicions. I sighed and looked up to the sky.

-Heechul. I started and he hummed as an answer. Who put you up to this and why ? I asked in the end turning my gaze back to him. His eyes were wide with shock.

-W-what ? what makes you say that ? I’m telli-.

-it’s okay. I interrupted his explanation, I didn’t want to here it since it’s not like it was the truth anyway. He sighed befoe pouting.

-How’d you figure it out ? I’m a good actor, you know. I laughed.

-Sure you are. It’s just that I saw you with your girlfriend in town last week and you forgot to remove your couple ring. I said ponting at the silver ring on his right hand. He blushed and touched the ring smiling.


-Plus, you could have said she was from our school since I’ve told you before, I don’t pay attention to people I don’t know so I probably wouldn’t have rocognised her anyway. And if she goes to a different school, where could you have met her frequently and seen her with some other guy ? I asked and he laughed.

-Well, it’s not my story, it’s the captains. he answered before clasping a hand over his mouth but I heard him already.

-Junsu ? He put you up to this, why ? I asked confused, ‘WTH is going on?’ Heechul sighed before nodding.

-Yeah, he and the rest. I sighed knowing who he meant by the rest. I got up and turned to him.

-Thanks for telling me. He looked up, confused.

-You don’t wanna know why they did it ? He asked and I smiled at him.

-I do but I want to hear it from them. He nodded getting up too and I walked to my next class, knowing CL would be there.

And I was right, she sat on her usual place smiling happily, thinking their plan was successful. I smiled and dropping my things on the table, startling her.

-Eva ! You scared me. She said holding a hand over her heart. I just smiled at her innocently.

-Really ? Sorry, I thought you were being jumpy lately so you’d notice me.

-Jumpy? She asked looking cautios. I smiled nodding. ‘revenge!¨’

-Yeah, all of you. Everytime I come you jump like you just saw a ghost. If I didn’t know any better, I’d think you were up to something. I swear, I could see sweat drops form on her forehead. it was so funny to see her like this, all nervous.

-Well, it’s a good thing you’re not paranoid then. she joked smiling. My eyes turned to slits as I looked at her now, calling me paranoid, huh ?

-Lee Chaerin. I said her full name for the first time and she stared at me in shock. Heechul told me everything. Her expression changed as she started to curse under her breath.

-Don’t blame him, I figured it out. Seriously, is oppa an idiot? I said shaking my head.

-What you mean ? CL asked looking at me, now perfectly normal.

-I mean that he was with me last week when we saw heechul with his girlfriend in town. and who came up with that story anyway ? It was pretty lame and full of loopholes. CL sighed.

-Junsu since he was the one who came up with the whole plan. Dammit, I told him it wouldn’t work. She was a bit angry now but I just laughed before remembering.

-Anyway, why are you guys planning something like this to me ? What’s going on ? Chaerin looked at me but the teacher came in thous saving her from answering. Plus after the class she ran away before I had time to ask and I couldn’t find her anywhere.

I walked around school, trying to find at least one person from our group but the only one I found was jaejoong and he looked pissed as soon as he saw me. I sighed walking up to him.

-Hey, have you seen the others? They have some silly plan regarding me and CL ran off before she explained and where are we going?!?! I was talking but obviously he wasn’t interested as he had grabbed my hand and was pulling me somewhere.

-Ouch! Jaejoong! Where are we going and why the hell are you so mad ?

-Why ? he came to sudden stop so I bumped into him falling to the ground afterwards.

-Ouch! I looked up at him and saw he was seriously mad. ‘What did I do now?’

-Why ? he repeated, glaring at me. let me ask you why ? When did you start ignoring your friends to be with some guy ? I looked at him confused. ‘Is he talking about earlier when I went to talk to Heechul and not him and Yoochun?’

-I mean, you can’t like him ? You don’t even know him and he’s like a girl anyway. I rolled my eyes at his logic.

-I don’t like him okay. He’s just a friend like you and the others. I didn’t notice his expression changed to a hurt one after that. Just because I talk to a guy doesn’t mean I like them, besides it was all part of your plan, wasn’t it ? I asked not knowing that he wasn’t in on it.

Jaejoong was about to interject something to cover the hurt he felt when Eva said he was only a friend and nothing more but after she mentioned some plan, he got distracted.

-What plan ? What are you talking about ? Now I looked at him confused, how come he didn’t know ?

-I say, we go and talk to the others. I said getting up from the ground and grabbed his hand, ignoring the loud thumbs of my heart. His blush went also unnoticed.

When we finally found them half of the lunch hour had passed and we still hadn’t eaten, so Jaejoong went to get some food for us and I went to interrogate our friends.

-Now you will all listen, you will not run away and you WILL tell the truth no matter what it is. Understood? I said using my most threatening voice and they all nodded, too stunned to do anything else.

I smiled and sat down, waiting for jae to come before asking anything, the others were waiting anxiously. When Jaejoong did come I thanked him for bringing food and started to eat leaving the talking to Jae for now.

-So, Eva mentioned something about a plan regarding her. So what’s going on ? He asked and the others looked at each other but Junsu explained. It was his plan after all.

-I told heechul to go and talk to Eva and to make sure you see it. he was suppose to hang around her for a few days while she helps her with his “problem”. I listened and one thing caught my attention.

-Why did Jaejoong have to see it ? I asked and they exchanged looks again. Now it was Changmin who in his impatience blurted all out.

-Because it would make him jealous and you would be together. I raised eyebrows at him and he scoffed. Oh come on, baby E, it’s not like you don’t like hyung so just thank as for trying to make him realize that he loves you too. I rolled my eyes.

-Whether I like him or not is my business. I said and now noticed Jaejoongs blush. and don’t try to use our plan regarding you and your GF because you were just way too obvious and you’re just too shy to do anything. I interrupted before Changmin had a chance to say anything.

-it might not be his business but it’s mine ! Jaejoong said from beside me and I blushed a bit but looked at him steadily.

-I don’t see how since they’re my feelings, not yours. Besides, don’t you have a girlfriend or two to see ? I said before getting up. I’m going to class, now you 8 ! You better stop any plans from forming this day on, got it ! I said and after they all agreed, I left.

‘Seriously, do they have to do that! So what if I , maybe, like Jae. it doesn’t change anything, he’s a playboy, remember ?’

Back in the table, Chaerin kissed Yunho lightly before catching up with Eva since they had the same class next. Jaejoong was still in a daze from Evas words because to him they meant she liked him. Why else would she mention his now none existing girlfriends ?

Truth was that the more he got into teasing Eva, the more he lost interest in dating other girls. They started to bore him, no matter how hot they were. The words they said, the gestures they did all reminded him of Eva and what she had said or done.

Slowly he gave up and admitted to himself that he fell for her. Maybe because she didn’t pretend to like him when she didn’t and just overlooked everything he did that was somewhat fake. She saw him and not the prince charming or the playful playboy or the ice prince he was acting.

The reason why he was a playboy was actually to find his true love more quickly. His parents were the ideal couple, soulmates who loved each other and he wanted that for himself too. And since he was a kid, he decided that he wouldn’t settle for anything less.

Though now he didn’t know if Eva was his soulmate, he wanted to be with her. but he still felt like she was. Now he just needed to confess and she would probably accept. maybe. He bit his lip as doubts started to fill his head.

She though he was still the playboy he had been in the past, so would she accept him ? he turned to look at Changmin who was the closest to her.

Changmin looked at his hyung and saw fear in them and after thinking, he realized why.

-Just tell her everything and it will be okay. He answered and his hyung nodded. He knew Eva was quick to judge but she usually kept her mind open and believed that people could change.

She didn’t hold grudges for long and so on. She would believe his hyung and because she liked him too, she would accept him. At least she would after a while if not immediately.

In the afternoon:

I exited the school gates with the girls when someone suddenly grabbed my hand AGAIN and I didn’t even have to think about who it was.

-Jaejoong! I screamed trying to free my hand from his grip but I couldn’t. He dragged me to this nearby café and we sat at a table in a corner that was pretty hidden.

-Soda ? He asked smiling at me while I rolled my eyes thinking what he could possibly want now. And what I heard was something that hadn’t even crossed my mind.

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bliss- #1
I spent half a day reading this <3
And I regret nothing <3
pleaseman #3
chaeri! my one and only!
This was a real good story. There were some funny moments that made me laugh. Like: "And no, I didn’t hit him since it’s not like I wanted Junsu to kiss me, in fact I’d rather it was Jaej-… Okay I did not just say that, reset,reset !!!!!" <br />
This made me lol, I almost woke every one up! 'Reset, reset!' lol
Alzina #5
awwwwwwwwww.........sniff sniff...its over!!! i really really loved reading this one....its really heartwarming and enjoyable!!! <br />
i had a good time reading it and i always looked forward to reading the updates...<br />
<br />
the story, characterization and the plot was all good....thanks a lot for writing such a good fic...hope u write more in the future...i'll be looking forward to reading it....<br />
<br />
take care!!!!
aaaawwwww,over already:( but this story was really a great read though.i enjoyed anticipating and reading each chapter:)
sparkfiree #7
Wow.. Couples chapter. Lol. Yay, New extra coach^^ Haha. Oh, it's okay if you didn't know how to put Jaeva together. As long as theres Jaeva moments =] Ending so soon? T.T It's okay, I accept it. Lol. Update when you can~ Btw, you're welcome :D
Alzina #8
ooooh.....what a coach...no JaeEva in this one...but it should be interesting!!! i love this one...its so different!!!<br />
<br />
keep up the good work ^^<br />
<br />
update soon!!
sparkfiree #9
EPIC! XD Nice plan for the revenge. Lol. I could really imagine it. Boring? Nah. I think it won't be :) Update Soon~
Alzina #10
LMAO....the revenge was hilarious....and it was awesomely appropriate...hahahaha!!!<br />
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i like this...do keep ur inspirations up!!!<br />
<br />
hope u update soon ^^