There's something wrong...

Red Eyes


Dira’s POV

I was sitting in the waiting room, waiting for the event to get started. There were not many people this evening, I just saw a several crew that setting the camera and the lamp on the stage. I was so bored and didn’t know what to do. The event will started at nine pm, and now it’s still eight thirty pm. There is an hour break  before I go on stage to opened the show.

I took out my Ipod and listening to the music through my earphones. While enjoying the musics flowing into my ears, the idol group Ukiss came into the waiting room. Not even knowing, that seven guys sat beside me. I didn’t care their presence and i still have fun with my Ipod.

Hi, are you the MC?”Soohyun, the leader of that idol group greeted me. I didn’t hear his voice cause’ I listened to musics with a loud volume. So, he patted my shoulder softly. I was a little startled when he patted my shoulder.

“Nae?” I took off my earphones then stared at him. Then, Soohyun repeated his question to me, “Are you the MC?”

“Um, yes, I am the MC for this event. Ya’ll from Ukiss, right?”

“Yes, we’re Ukiss. So, you already know about us,” The boy talked to me with a very fluent English. His soft and feminine voice make me felt a little bit ‘tingled’. I once knew him in a quick glance. He is Kevin, the flower boy in the group. You ever read about him in the internet.

“Yeah, i ever read about Ukiss in the internet,” I said with a poker-faced expression. Ugh, I didn’t like their presence around me. I feel strange, because I always be warm and open-minded to another people, even I just met them for a while. I just feel uncomfortable with these people, i feel, there’s something wrong about them.

“Hmm, i thought you’ll be a nice person. But it’s all wrong,” Aj, the one that has the cunning face scoffed .

“What do you know about me? You are no one to me,” I glared at him while i’m trying to keep my anger that ready to explode.

“Uh, let’s change the topic. So, how’s your day?” Kiseop suddenly asked me, it seems that he worried there will be a fight between me and Aj.

“Err, yeah, great.” I answered still with my emotionless expression. I still had a bad mood.

“Hey, it’s time to open the show, Dira! Come on, hurry!” Manager Chang suddenly called me to go on the stage. I sighed and nodded to him. I read the script of the show then went on stage.

          There were a loud sound of the audiences and I heard a lot of screaming girls that mostly a Kissme, the fans of Ukiss. Mostly, kissmes are teenagers aged around fourteen until twenty years old.

Wait a minute .___. It’s not too important to thinking about it now. Ah, just forget it. I have to open this show. It’s show time~~~!!!


          The show lasted for three hours. I felt exhausted and so the artists, yeah, of course, the Ukiss. But, i didn’t care about them. It’s their job as an artist and entertained the audiences that very eager about their professionalism and their perfectionism. And, my job is different with theirs. So, it’s not my problem.

          I drank a lot of water than before after i spent my energy to guide the show. This is the last mineral water i had, and i finished it just in second. I’m still thirsty but i can’t buy a drink cause’ there’s still a closing ceremony that i have to done. Suddenly,  someone patted my shoulder softly. I was startled, but then i saw Kevin sat right beside me. He smiled at me and offer me a bottle of mineral water.

          “Hey, you can drink mine,” Kevin put the bottle of mineral water to my hand. I stared at him, confused. Wether i accept it, or not?

          “Oh, you’re so kind. But, i think i can bought it by myself,” I returned the mineral water to him and smiled softly.

          “Are you sure you don’t want this?” He asked me again. Oh, God. This boy made me annoyed. But, before i refuse his offering, a knock came from the door. I standed up and went to see who’s in front of the door.

          “Eonni~~~!!!!” Fira rushed in to the waiting room and screamed at me. She looked like exhausted and sweats soaked her face. But, it seems there’s something made her so excited to come here.

          “Fira! What are you doing here?! What about your math course?! Did you run away again?! Mom should angry with you!” I pulled her into the corner and start to asking various questions.

          “Eonni! You didn’t tell me! You didn’t tell me!” She screamed again with a louder voice than before. I covered to keep her silence.

          “Shh!! Can you just be quite?! What are you talking about?”

          “You are with Ukiss now! YOU DIDN’T TELL ME YOU ARE WITH UKISS!”

          “Eh?! So, what’s the problem?!”

          “You don’t know this! I AM A KISSME, Eonni!!! And i want to meet them!!! This is a very rare occasion. I’ve been living in Indonesia and i NEVER meet them!”

          “You shouldn’t do this! Screaming like a mad girl and rushed in to their waiting room?! What are you thinking about?! Are you crazy or something?! You can be jailed if you disturb their privacy!”

          “Eonni.... behind you...”

          Suddenly, Fira stopped argue with me. Her fingers pointed to someone behind me. Then, someone patted my shoulder softly. I was startled when i saw Eli standing right behind me. He smiled at me gently. “Let her go, please.”

          I was a little bit scared with that guy. He had a well-built body and muscled body. So, i let Fira go and now, she didn’t move, frozen at her place.

       “I can’t believe this. Finally, i can meet my idols, Ukiss. Are you real, Eli oppa? Is it a dream? Would you mine to pinch me?” Oh.God. She asked Eli a silly questions. How can i have a silly sister like her??

          Eli smiled softly at her. He didn’t pinch her. But, he KISSED her cheek. I was so shocked at that scene. He kissed my sister?!

         “So, what do you think? Is it a dream, or not?” Eli whispered softly in her ear. Her cheeks were so red and she still frozen at her place. She was speechless and unable to speak. She was so shocked. Maybe she will had a heart attack after this.

          I wasn’t jealous with my sister. I DIDN’T LIKE ELI. But, i cannot just keep silent. Dinda is my little sister and a stranger kissed her cheek without any permission to her older sister!

          “Yaa!!! What did you do to my dongsaeng?!” i yelled at Eli. Suddenly, Dinda gripped my hand tightly.

          “Eonni, it’s alright. Everything is gonna be alright,”

          She screamed loudly and hugged Eli so happily. She did the same thing to the other member too. Soohyun, Kevin, Kiseop, Dongho, Hoon, and... AJ. That man... Although i didn’t like the whole member, but this guy is different. I felt, there’s a really really evil soul in him. That strange feel that come for the first time i met him, it’s just... weird.

I think i have to watched them carefully, the way they talked to my sister, the way they act to my sister, the way they treated my sister. I have to worry about my sister. She enjoyed to chat with these people. Suddenly Manager Chang came again and asked me to go on stage and closing the show.

          I stand up from my couch and took my microphone. Before i went to the stage, i stared at AJ. He smirked at me and i saw a horrible thing. THOSE DEATHLY RED EYES...

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@Miss_Terius Okay~!
Miss_Terius #2
i like it,,
keep update please...