Henli to the Rescue~

May the Best Flirt Win

Minji’s POV~

Stupid Jonghyun.

Stupid Sekyung.

Stupid Jong Min.

Stupid SM.


“URGH!” I shouted, kicking a rock out of my way with all my force as if that rock were the source of all my problems.

After I had stormed outta that building, I let my feet do all the thinking while my mind was too busy setting curses on that evil witch for ruining my life. Jonghyun and I were doing just fine until she freaking came along. He and I got along, we talked all the time, we spent a good portion of our time teasing each other, and our relationship was actually getting somewhere, and then outta the blue, she freaking comes along and ruins everything. Actually, no. It wasn’t her fault, technically speaking. This is all Jonghyun’s fault. If he hadn’t been stubborn and listened to me when I told him to sit out and not dance that time we were all in the studio, we wouldn’t even be in this mess! Sekyung never would have come back, Jonghyun and I never would have had that stupid fight, our relationship never would have taken the turn it had, and I never would have developed such strong hatred for that idiotic girl if it hadn’t been for his stupid, stubborn self! GAH!

Finally deciding that I had, had enough of aimlessly meandering around town, I angrily threw myself down right where I was standing and pulled my knees up to my chest, wrapping my arms around them, and burying my face in my arms. Shutting my eyes tightly, I took a shuttering breath before I let the tears finally consume me. They came, and came, and came, racking my entire body with nothing but the shameful and useless tears, all meant for the stupid idiot who had stolen my heart and ruthlessly crushed it.

I honestly didn’t even know why I was crying. So what if Jonghyun and Sekyung were really together? So what, right? I mean, it’s not as if he loved me to begin with. He didn’t even like me! He had told me from the very beginning that he doesn’t fall in love with the girls he shamelessly flirts with, and I had stubbornly admitted the same thing about the guys I get involved with. What absolutely infuriates me, though, is the fact that all this started out as a harmless game. A game—a harmless game—that wasn’t intended to hurt anybody, or leave anybody heartbroken in the end. But what makes me angry the most is the fact that I had let myself get caught up in all this. Me. It was solely my fault, and I had nobody else to blame for the fact that I had let myself fall and fall hard for that idiotic dinosaur. Me. It was my fault. Who was I to think that I could possibly win against him in a game that he’s probably been playing for his whole entire life? He probably came outta the womb as a heartless player. I was stupid for ever believing that I could go up against him in his own game. I came into his territory, stepping on his domain. I was probably just one of those other girls to him, the ones who belonged in his ever-changing archive documenting those who had all fallen in love with him because of his stupid tendencies to be a sweet and caring guy. Gosh, Jonghyun, why couldn’t you have made this a little simpler for me by being a douche?! Why couldn’t you be just like all those other guys out there?! WHY?!

“Th…there y…you are!” I heard a panting voice exclaim. “Gosh, I…I’ve been l…looking everywhere f…for you!”

I paid no mind to the voice, deciding that it probably belonged to somebody who was calling out to a lost dog or a lost child of some sort. Who would come looking for me? Plain ole me who obviously can’t compete with the likes of Shin Sekyung, and fails at gaining the love and appreciativeness of her own brother? I mean, do you see Minho running out after me when I left? Yeah, no, I didn’t think so. He was too busy with his precious SHINee. Of course. The likes of me can’t even compete with SHINee.

“M…Minji!” the panting voice called out again, sounding closer than it was before.

Realizing that it had said my name, I slowly raised my head from my arms, wiping my tears away to clear my vision. Seeing as how I spent too much time watching television up close as a child, my vision wasn’t exactly the best, and had only gotten progressively worse as my teenage years rolled by. It wasn’t until the figure was only a couple feet away from me when I realized that it was Henry! Eyes widening, I hastily wiped the rest of my tears away, running a hand through my hair, hoping against hope that I at least looked presentable in front of him. Gosh, why was I crying for?! It only ruined things for me!

“G…gosh, you run fast!” Henry panted as he finally caught up to me. He paused for a moment, bending at the waist with his hands on his knees and breathing hard. Was he really running after me this whole time?



“I-It’ll help if you stand up straight instead,” I stammered quietly, sounding meek and timid. Hell, I’d rather sound meek and timid while speaking to him rather than hiccupping and crying like a blubbering fool.

“Eh?” he asked, tilting his head up and giving me a cutely confused look.

I repressed the urge to giggle like the little fangirl inside me was telling me to do, and instead walked up to him, lightly placing my hand on his shoulder and straightening him up. I don’t know where the sudden courage and bravery came from, but I even had the audacity to raise both his arms up, placing his hands flat on his head, as I said quietly, “If you stand like this, it’ll give room for your diaphragm to actually move while breathing. If you had remained hunched over like you were before, the only thing you would have been doing was crushing your diaphragm, therefore making it harder for you to breathe.”

He smiled at me, causing my heart to do this weird skip-a-beat thing as I coughed and tried my best to cover the blush slowly creeping up my neck and into my cheeks, which were paled from all the crying I had done only moments ago. His eyes suddenly widened, though, as he said, “Oh my… gosh, you’re crying. Are you okay?”

“I am?” I asked, unconsciously reaching a hand up to my cheek. Sure enough, it was wet with slow tears still rolling down steadily. I nervously laughed, quickly wiping them away, as I said, “I-It’s nothing to worry about.”

“With the way y…you tore outta that building, I’m pretty sure it’s som…something to worry about. And… I mean, not that I’m ques…questioning your location preferences or anything like t…that, but, um… You’re kind of in a scary place at the…moment.”

For the first time since I had plopped myself down for my much-needed crying session, I looked around and fully took in my surroundings. He was right. It was pretty scary. I mean, I’m not quite sure how I ended up here, but this park was freaky looking. Instead of nice trees and green grass and a playground for kids, I was faced with dark brown patches of dirt spotting the yellow grass, dead or dying trees that were missing almost all its leaves, and a broken down, pathetic excuse of a playground. If you ask me, I’d say it was more of a rusted, rundown, metal monstrosity that was probably more of a danger to kids than anything else. I shivered slightly, scared by the fact that I had allowed myself to end up in sucha creepy place.

“Why… Why don’t we leave here and go to a… I dunno, restaurant or somethin’? It’s a lot better than this creepy place,” Henry suggested behind me, finally regaining his breath enough to speak in full, coherent sentences.


Dinner with my all-time bias?

Shoosh, yeah! Forget Jonghyun! He can go off and have his little kiss for all I care! I’m spending the day with Henry freaking Lau, man! How much better can my life get?!

“Yeah, that sounds cool to me,” I said in a calm voice, totally contradicting with the fangirl inside me, who was screaming, “OH MY FREAKING GOD, HENRY FREAKING LAU JUST ASKED ME TO GO OUT TO EAT WITH HIM! THIS IS THE BEST FREAKING DAY OF MY ENTIRE FREAKING LIFE! I’M GOING OUT TO EAT WITH HENRY FREAKING LAU, ES!

Yeahh… If I were to have screamed that, I probably would have ended up freaking him out. xD

He extended his arm to me, and, grinning as if I were some love-struck fool, I linked arms with him, beginning to walk alongside him. The walk started out quiet at first, the first fifteen minutes or so passing in us just looking around, lost in our own thoughts. Finally, though, he broke the ice.

“Minji, can I ask you something?” he asked.

I felt that he was looking at me, so I turned my head in his direction, and said, “Mhm?”

“I know you don’t really know me all that well…yet. But I was just wondering. Is there a… Well, is there a thing going on between you and Jjong? I totally understand if you don’t wanna explain to me, so don’t feel obligated to,” he said quickly, blinking at me for a moment before averting his attention back to where he was walking.

I sighed for a moment and said, “Nope. There’s nothing between Jjong and I. Can’t you see that he’s happily in love with Sekyung?”

“That’s all an act, and I think we all know that. He…he doesn’t like her. But I can tell he likes you,” he said, refusing to look at me.

My brows furrowed in question as I turned to face him, a quizzical look on my face. “What? Why in the world would you say that?”

“Well… Just the way he looks at you, Minji. You can see it. Right there in his eyes. The guy’s fallen hard for you.”

“So what.”

“So what? So what? The thing is, if he’s in love with you, why the heck is he going around kissing Sekyung?

“Because. Like I said beforehand. He’s happily in love with her.”

Henry sighed and shook his head slightly. “You’re a stubborn girl, aren’t you, Minji?”


He chuckled slightly before turning to me with that adorable little smile of his again. “I can tell. But… I like it. You’re…refreshing.


“Well… Thanks?” I replied with a slight chuckle.

He laughed at me and asked, “So, I gotta know. Who’s your bias from Super Junior? I wanna say that I know for sure by the way you’re blushing, but I don’t wanna get my hopes up too high, so I wanna hear it from you.”

I giggled slightly, cursing myself for sounding like sucha fangirl, as I answered, “Well, I think it is pretty obvious.”

“It’s Kyuhyun, isn’t it? Gosh, everyone loves that ‘evil maknae’. He’s not even the real maknae! I am!” he exclaimed with an extremely cute pout.

I smiled at him and said, “Well, I like one of the Super Junior maknaes. But after all, they’ve got four, so why don’t we take a wild guess, eh?”

“Hmm… Ryeowook? He has alotta girls falling for him ‘cause of his voice,” Henry guessed as we were nearing civilization again.

“As much as I love Wookie, he is not my bias,” I said with a smile, highly amused by the fact that Henry—my freaking ultimate bias of all time—is tryna guess who my bias is. Isn’t it quite ironic?(x

“Hmm… Kibum? You know, ‘cause everyone falls for his ‘die smile’.” Henry rolled his eyes as he said, “Hyungs and their horrible English.”

I laughed at him, nudging shoulders with him slightly as I said, “As cute and adorable as Kibummie’s ‘die smile’ is, no, he is not my bias either.”

“But… That only leaves me and Kyuhyun. Which brings me back to this: It’s Kyuhyun, isn’t it? Gosh, everyone freaking loves him!”

I rolled my eyes at him. “You’re clueless, aren’t you? Tch. Maknaes.

“I’m your oppa by at least three years!” he exclaimed, once again pouting adorably at me.

Gosh, does this guy want me to die or somethin’? ‘Cause seriously, if he pouts at me again, I’m gonna freaking keel over dead. Simple as that. Actually. If he does anything cute, I’m gonna keel over dead.

Which means, just him standing there might end up killing me(x

“Doesn’t make a difference. You’re still a maknae, are you not?” I asked with a smug smirk.

“Tch. Says the ChoKyulate,” he muttered, looking the other way as he opened the door to the sushi restaurant that we arrived at.

“I, sir, am no ChoKyulate. I am a very faithful Strings,” I answered, smiling at him.

His eyes widened at me as he screamed, “YOU’RE A STRINGS?!”

My cheeks immediately burned in embarrassment when everyone in the restaurant turned to look at us, but I don’t quite think that, that mattered much to Henry. Instead, he threw his arms around me in a suffocating hug, nearly squeezing the life outta me, as he screamed, “OH MY GOSH, THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR ALL YOUR SUPPORT!”

I laughed slightly as I relished in the feeling of Henry’s arms around me. Oh my gosh, I’m gonna die~

All too soon, though, he let go, and said, “C’mon! I’m treating you to dinner tonight!” He dragged me by the arm toward the lady and said, “Table for two, please!”

“Right this way~” the lady said with a genuine smile.

I gave a happy sigh I didn’t know I had been holding when I realized that she wasn’t some rabid fan who might ruin my date—I’m calling it a date, okay!—with Henry. When she sat us down, she took our drink orders, and walked away, saying that she’d be right back with us for our order. Henry wasted no time in launching into questions, starting out with, “So you’re a Strings? Like, a real, legitimate Strings?”

I laughed and nodded at him. “Why wouldn’t I be a Strings? You’re pretty damn amazing, Henry.”

“Oh my gosh, I love you!” he exclaimed, the smile on his face seemingly stuck there. “I can’t believe I happened to meet you and you just so happened to be a Strings! I mean… Well, I rarely ever get any support here in Korea. It’s all over in China where they love me.”

I frowned upon hearing this, and, just to make him feel a bit more comfortable, I said in Chinese, “That’s not true, Henry. Everyone loves you.”

His expression perked slightly when he realized I spoke Chinese. But, instead of answering me in Chinese, he instead said in English, “You can speak Chinese? I’m impressed. But can you speak English?”

“Quite fluently,” I responded without a hint of an accent tainting my words as a smug smirk spread across my lips.

His mouth flew open. Gosh, he’s soooo cute! ^-^

“How in the—? What in the—? Why in the—? HOW?!” he sputtered, still staring at me with a confused look on his face.

“Well… Nobody else knows this… Not even Minho…” I trailed off uncertainly, not exactly sure if I wanted to confide in him or not. I mean, as much as I loved the guy, I did just meet him after all.

“Oh, now you’ve gotta tell me,” he responded, leaning forward eagerly.

I sighed and said, “I studied in the States for a little while. Nothing big, nothing special. I was only in middle school at the time, and I only stayed for about two years before I came back home.”

“WOW. That’s awesome! Where’d you end up staying while you were over there?”

“LA,” I responded nonchalantly.

“Aww, I loved LA. Everything there was so…busy. Kinda like Seoul, but the Americanized version.”

I laughed at this statement as I said, “I dunno. I don’t think anything can beat my Seoul.”

“Pfsht. You’ve obviously never been to Toronto. That place is awesome,” he said with a smile.

I rolled my eyes, a stupid grin on my face. “I believe that you’re pretty dang biased, but that just might be me.”

“Oh, it’s totally only you. Everyone knows that Toronto is the best place on Earth!” he exclaimed proudly.

I felt my cheeks burning up again when everyone in the restaurant kept looking at us. I mean, we were a strange couple in a sushi place, shouting out random things about Toronto in English. Yeah, that was pretty strange if you ask me. But it happens, ya’ know? I looked up at Henry to see him studying my face for a moment, a thoughtful look on his adorable face. I blinked at him for a moment, wondering if there was something on my face.

“You blush a lot,” he remarked simply, causing me to, yet again, blush a deep crimson. He laughed at this, genuinely amused by me, which truthfully had me confused. I’m about as interesting as a cold fish and yet he’s seriously that amused? I don’t get it. “You’re so cute! I like it.”

And yes, my stupid pale Korean skin took that as a cue to once again blush, turning a deeper shade of red if that were even possible. I tried hiding my face with my hands, but he reached forward and grabbed both my hands, placing them on the table with his over mine.

“No need to hide. I think you look cute when you’re blushing,” he said, giving me a sweet smile. 

I smiled in response, my heart slightly racing in my chest as I said, “You’re crazy.”

“Am not! I’m simply telling the truth! I honestly don’t understand how you’re Minho’s little sister. You’re so much better looking than he is.”

I had to laugh at this, shaking my head slightly at his statement. “I’m not. I mean, I am, but not biologically. His parents adopted me when I was a baby, so I’ve grown up with him and Min Seok for practically my entire life. They’re both my brothers really.”

“Ahh, I see, I see. That makes so much more sense now.”

I smiled and made the mistake of looking around the restaurant. My heart dropped when my eyes landed on a certain couple in the corner. I blinked for a moment. Why are they here? Is the show over already? Henry, upon seeing my troubled expression, twisted in his seat to see what I was looking at. When he realized what it was that made me wanna puke, he quickly looked back at me, a worried expression taking hold of his features.

“M-Minji? You okay?” he asked softly.

“C-can we leave, Henry?” I asked quietly, my head hanging low with my stare directed toward the table. I absolutely refused to let Henry see me cry over that jerk and that .

“I know the perfect place to go,” Henry said, and I could almost feel his smile when he grabbed my hand and pulled me outta my chair, heading quickly toward the door.

“So it’s true then? You guys are gonna be in a long-term relationship?” I heard someone’s voice ask followed by a few camera clicks.

“Well, no one really knows how the future’s gonna play out, now, do they? But, if I had to answer that question, I’d say that I sure hope so,” I heard his voice say sweetly, followed by her disgusting giggles.

“Aww, Jjong oppa, you’re too sweet!~” she exclaimed happily.

The sound that followed next caused my heart to plummet a few thousand feet, but I’m pretty sure no one suspected anything thanks to the millions of camera clicks and “Aww!”s that floated around the restaurant. Henry’s hand unconsciously tightened in mine as he began walking faster, pulling me along with him. I didn’t pay attention to where we were heading. I was more concerned about the fact that I could literally feel the hatred bubbling inside me as my tears threatened to overwhelm me once more. Before I knew what was going on, we had reached our destination, wherever our destination was. I realized a second later that he had brought me to another park. A happy park this time, with actual humans around, talking and laughing in their merry own lives. He continued walking, though, and a second later, we were at the base of a huge oak. I stared at it for a moment, blinking, then turning to look at him.

“A-a tree?” I stammered, my momentary confusion overriding my desire of bursting into tears.

“Yes, I’m glad you can differentiate between your various plants and such,” he replied with a slight laugh. He cocked his head up toward the tree, motioning my worst fears. “Go ‘head. Start climbing.”

“Henry, you must be crazy,” I responded. “There are people here.”

“They can’t see us. This part of the park never has any people around. C’mon, just climb. I assure you, it’ll make you feel better,” he insisted.

“How is falling out, breaking my neck, and killing myself going to make me feel any better?” I asked sarcastically.

“Are we gonna do this the easy way, or are you gonna make me resort to using force?” he asked, giving me a half teasing half serious look.

“Force? I highly doubt you’d—HENRY! YAH! PUT ME DOWN!”

I scrambled to hold onto his back tightly, my arms linked around his neck for dear life while my legs wrapped around his waist as if my life depended on it as he easily and skillfully made his way up the tree’s gargantuan trunk. I shut my eyes tightly, burying my face in the crook of his neck as I felt the vibrations of his mocking laugh run right through me.

“You’re sucha scardy-cat!” he exclaimed jokingly.


He simply laughed again and said, “Look, we’re here.”

I felt him gently set me down on a branch, but I quickly scooted over to him, burying myself in his side as my arms wrapped around his waist. At this point, I didn’t have any room to be screaming about the fact that I was hugging my ultimate bias seeing as how all my emotions were directed toward the totally logical fear of tumbling out of the tree and falling to my very unfortunate death. I had my eyes shut tightly, refusing to open them as I kept my head ducked for safety. I felt the vibrations of his laugh course through my body again as he carefully wrapped his arms around me, peeling me slightly from his body as he said, “Quit being sucha baby, Minji. Open your eyes. You’ll be quite surprised.”

“No! I refuse to! I’m gonna die! You’re gonna kill me!” I exclaimed, hugging him tighter and shutting my eyes even more.

“You’re not gonna die, Minji. Trust me. I would never hurt you,” he said sincerely.

Upon hearing his sincere words, I carefully opened one of my eyes and took a peek. My head began spinning from seeing how high up we were, but once I felt his arms tighten around me reassuringly, I took a deep breath, willing myself to build up enough courage to open both eyes. Oh hey~ Once you get past the ridiculous hammering of your heart, the nauseating spinning of your head, and the sickening feeling of going cross-eyed, it’s actually really… Pretty up here~

I sensed Henry’s smile as I slowly pulled myself away from him, straightening up and staring out at the beautiful scene lain out in front of me. Since the season was verging winter, the leaves in this tree were pretty much gone. The branches were bare, but thick and supportive nonetheless, making me believe for a moment that it probably could hold a truck or something along those lines. And the most convenient thing was the fact that Henry chose the thickest branch of them all, definitely more than capable enough to hold both mine and Henry’s combined weight, but what made me feel the safest was the fact that there was also another branch growing behind this one, creating sort of a supporting frame like a bench you’d see in the park or something. It made me smile, knowing that, that branch—and Henry’s arms. Kekeke~—was what was going to save me from falling and dying.

I breathed for a moment, a look of wonder etched into my features. Seoul was beautiful. It wasn’t until now that I realized how late it’s gotten already, with the sky darkening into a deep, rich purple, dotted here and there with barely-visible stars. The moon was slowly unveiling itself as the lights of the buildings began coming on, one by one brightening the city even more. We were so high up that I could see the steady line of traffic clearly, all filled with irate people wanting to get home after a long day of work filled with stress and irritating co-workers. Hearing the joyous shouts of small children, I turned my attention to the left and saw some kids playing soccer in the park’s field under the protective supervision of their parents who were chatting happily with content smiles on their faces. A plane flew overhead, its engine tearing through the quiet sky, making me wonder who the people were that were flying at this time of day and to where their destination would take them to.

It was all just so… Beautiful.

“It’s gorgeous up here, Henry,” I breathed, my eyes wide with childish wonder, a soft smile gracing my lips for the first time in a long time.

“I know,” he replied with a smile of his own, tilting his head back and looking up at the sky. He leaned back against the other branch growing behind the one we were sitting on, his feet dangling happily over the edge of our makeshift seat as if he were sitting on his couch at home or somethin’. I mimicked his movements, stiffening for a moment when I felt the branch shift underneath me, but relaxing the moment everything settled again.

“Do you come here often?” I asked, also tilting my head back to stare at the slowly darkening sky.

“All the time,” was his response. There was a tiny pause before he said, “This is my thinking place. I come here whenever something troubling is on my mind. Home, parents, violin, Super Junior, an—anti-fans. It helps me think, being up here and away from everything else. It clears your mind, ya’ know?”

“Wh-why did you bring me up here?” I asked quietly, refusing to look at him.

“Excuse me?” he asked, turning his attention back to me.

“I mean… This place is special to you. Why would you bring me up here, someone who you just met and know nothing about?” I clarified.

“Because… Well, you looked like you had a lot on your mind. And you’re right. This place is special to me, and no one else knows I come here almost every day, not even my hyungs. Whenever I disappear for an hour, two hours, maybe five hours at a time, they never question it. They know I go somewhere to think, they just have the decency to leave me be and not pester me about every little detail. But you…I think you’re the only person I’ve met so far who seems as though your problems can even begin to compare with mine. So, mind sharing what’s up? I thought you said you and Jonghyun didn’t have a thing?”

I was about ready to reject his offer of sharing my thoughts, but after staring at his irresistible puppy dog eyes, my resistance wore thin and I ended up explaining everything. From how mine and Jonghyun’s messy relationship started, to how it slowly progressed into something that I couldn’t quite explain, to how he had saved me that night those creepy guys practically tried me, to how I’d poured my heart and soul out to him about my past that no one else outside of my family knew about, to how he became my almost first kiss, to how he had asked me if I had liked him or not, to how we’d somehow all gotten stuck in the sticky little situation I’d like to call the “Sekyung Plague”, to how as of right now, I have no clue what I feel towards him. By the end of it, I was shouting various curses to both Jonghyun and Sekyung, probably making myself look like an emotional freak in front of Henry, but I didn’t care. I just didn’t care. I’d held it back all too long.

All this time, I’d held my tongue, not daring to say a word to anybody about it, not even Christine. As far as Christine and the rest of the Shawol Fandom knew, Jonghyun and Sekyung were a real deal, and, seeing as how they were still alive after an entire month of “dating”, it was obvious that everyone liked them together. Everyone except for a certain jealous girl by the name of Minji Kim. There. I said it, alright?




I was extremely jealous that Sekyung was the one who gets to be with Jonghyun, even though Jonghyun doesn’t even like her. But I was pretty sure that my intense fury kinda overrode my extreme jealousy because every time she walked into the same room as me, I didn’t feel the desire to wallow in my self-pity, pulling the “Woe’s me” spiel, wondering how things could have been different if I had simply just swallowed my pride and confessed to Jonghyun my true feelings that night he first asked me. No. That is not what I feel like doing at all every time I see her. I instead feel the urge to just stand up and knock her the out. Simple as that.

Once I was done ranting about the crappy turn my life had taken, it was quiet for a moment. I feared that Henry had long ago climbed down and ran away from me, the psycho freak of a fan that he was probably regretting ever coming after, but I must admit that I was slightly surprised when I turned to see him sitting right where I had left him, a thoughtful look on his face.

“Tell me something, Minji. Are you in love with Jonghyun?” he asked me.

I blinked for a moment, unsure of how to answer that. “I… I don’t know.”

“No, no. This is a simple yes or no question. So? Are you in love with Jonghyun?” he repeated, an intense look in his eyes.

“I… Yes? No? Ugh. I don’t know, Henry, don’t ask me these questions,” I responded, covering my face with my hands and hunching over so my elbows were propped up on my knees. I’ll admit, I was sitting in quite the precarious position, seeing as how all it would take to knock me forward and send me spiraling straight to my death was a simple puff of the wind or a slight shift in the branch, but I didn’t care. I was more concerned with the fact that at this point, I didn’t know if I was in love with him or not. I mean, I’m 18! I’ve never had a boyfriend before! I’ve never had a kiss before! How in the hell was I supposed to know what love was to begin with?!


“Well, I’ll tell you one thing, Minji. Even though this is the first time we’ve ever met, I can tell you that you’re a pretty special girl. And… Well, if things don’t work out with Jonghyun—which I’m hoping that they do work outI’ll always be here to cheer you up, alright? Even if you’re in the midst of trying to work things out with him, I’ll still be here for you. I like you. Even though you’re a fan, you weren’t obsessing over me, you weren’t trying to kill me, you weren’t going insane over me. You were talking to me for me, not the Henry Lau of Super Junior-M. Simply… Henry Lau. And well… It’s hard to find that nowadays. You can even ask my hyungs. They know all too well,” he said sweetly, with a genuine smile gracing his features.

I smiled as well, tentatively straightening myself and scooting closer to him. He opened his arms up, allowing me to fit just right into his side, as I said, “Thanks, Henry. That means so much to me. And thanks for taking care of me today. I don’t know where I’d be right now if you hadn’t shown up and cheered me up.”

I felt him smile as he said, “No problem. I’m kinda the go-to guy when it comes to anybody in need of cheering up.”

“You’re a nice guy, Henry,” I said, pulling away slightly to smile at him. “And for what it’s worth… I like you, too.”



Lol. So how are you Minjong fans dealing with perhaps some Henji? ;D

Ahh, I love couple names~ They're so cute~


Any who, I have the rest of the story practically planned out in my head. :3 It's gonna be sucha cute ending!! ^-^

And sad enough as it is, there's no possible way that this thing is gonna stretch beyond 35 chapters, which means that nine more and this is probably gonna be wrapped up. D:

It makes me sad 'cause this is the first LEGIT story I've ever written< / 3

But that also means that I don't want this to end up like Uki with 100+ chapters. Lol. And 35 sounds like a good stopping place to me. :3

Any who, until next time, my dear readers!~



Okay, I'm done fangirling. ;D

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Chapter 1: I think Minji's appa was on to something~ lol
Tree_Hugger #2
Chapter 33: Registered to AFF just to comment ^^

And I really hope you're fine!
Tree_Hugger #3
Chapter 33: Remember when the longest you went without updating was a month? =(

I love love LOVE your story, and I truly hope everything is going well in your life, Angie! ^^
ohitsrica12 #4
Henry and Minji are soooooo cute!!!!! Update plz~ ♡♡♡♡
EuniceElaine #5
Chapter 33: I seriously love it. UPDATE please
ch3nya #6
Chapter 32: In love with your story plz update soon C:
luvingkpop #7
SaranghaeBoyfriend #8
Chapter 18: I LOVE HENRY... BUT I have to agree with Myungsoo-PinkRomance, I like Minji x Jonghyun better :( and are you on a hiatus? I signed up for AFF just so I could comment on your story. I have been reading this since it was first written and I'm growing impatient even though you probably have your reasons for not updating... D:
Wu0043 #9
Chapter 32: Skfksjfiqojdj I squealed and giggled so much while reading this chapter! ;v;