
May the Best Flirt Win

Random angsty chapter? I think so. .__.

Jonghyun’s POV~

Okay, so I gotta admit. That story? Pretty dang proud that I made it up on the spot like that and managed to get her to fall for it like she had(x Ahh, the perks of being me. ^^ After Minji left, I was sitting there for a moment, totally and utterly confused. What did she mean by “find a way to make me your Eun”? Was that her way of telling me that she likes me? Was that her way of telling me that she wanted to me to ask her out? O.O

What?! Nooo. It’s just a game. A game. She doesn’t like me and I don’t like her. Obviously. It’s clearly just a game. We flirt, we make each other jealous, we make each other have butterflies in our stomachs. That’s how the game works. And as much as I hate to admit it, she’s pretty damn pro at it, which means that she wouldn’t pull a rookie mistake of falling in love. I know Minji better than that. She’s the best player I’ve ever seen in my life! Why in the world would she pull the rookie mistake of falling in love?! Well, ya’ know, I don’t necessarily blame her since she is playing against me after all. ;D

Okay, that’s beside the point. The point of the matter is the fact that there’s a slight possibility that Minji likes me and a slight possibility that I like her, too. But! Maybe I’ll just go back to being that conceited jerk and get her to hate me again. Aish. Who am I kidding? No matter how I act, girls can’t help but to fall in love with me(x I laughed quietly to myself. Ahh, Jonghyun. You’re so funny. :3 Pulling myself back down to reality and thinking about Minji again, I sighed, deciding that the best thing I could do was just let life take its course. Who knows? Maybe—

“Oh Sekyung,” I said softly, sighing at the picture now on my laptop screen.

It was that same picture, the picture of her walking down the street hand-in-hand with that still unidentified guy. Is it someone from one of her acting projects? Was that it? I sighed again. Still can’t believe it only took her three and a half weeks to get over me. T__T Aish. It’s whatever at this point. Although I don’t know who Eun was exactly, at least I can rule Sekyung out as a possibility.


Minji’s POV~






I slammed my door with all my strength, letting out a frustrated scream. He was so freaking annoying! Every single freaking time I come to visit him, it’s always the same damn thing! We get along for the first couple weeks, and everything’s juuuuust fine and dandy. And then a month goes by and we begin getting fed up with each other. He is the worst when it comes to schedules! He thinks I care that he has so many schedules stacked atop schedules, but in reality? I honestly don’t! I seriously could care less that he has so many schedules, and to be honest with you, I’m happy for him! He’s worked hard to get where he is and he deserves to have all the success and happiness that comes along with it, but when he comes home after a long day of rehearsal and interviews and takes his out on me, that’s where I freaking draw the damn line! At least it’s not as bad as last time, though. Last time, I seriously went for almost two years hating him simply because he—

“DON’T FREAKING SLAM DOORS IN MY HOUSE!” I heard him yelling from outside.

YOUR HOUSE?! YOUR HOUSE?! GAHHHHHHHHHHH! I’M GONNA GO CRAZY LIVING HERE!” I shrieked, covering my ears with my hands.

I heard his footsteps thundering down the hallway and I quickly locked my door. Remembering that I now had three doors leading into my room, I quickly dashed to the bathroom, locking the door leading to Jonghyun’s room as well. I heard him pounding on my door, causing me to smirk in triumph. Ha. Ha. Ha. I win, Minho(:< But that didn’t stop him from continuously pounding on the door, yelling at me to open up. =.= Ugh. This past month had slowly progressed to being Hell for me. Jonghyun, for some unfathomable reason, had turned back to his jerky, conceited self that made me wanna punch him in the face every time he crossed paths with me. Taemin’s become a whiny little brat who legitimately complains about everything. Key’s become this continually PMSing that goes around yelling about everything. I mean damn! And I thought I was a when I get irritable! Don’t even get me started on Minho, who’s become this overbearing mother_______ who spends all his free time breathing down my neck about everything that’s going on in my life. And Onew…Yeah, I think Onew’s the only sane person still here who hasn’t driven me close to the brink of insanity quite yet.

“FINE! IF IT’S DRIVING YOU SO CRAZY, WHY DON’T YOU JUST LEAVE?!” I heard Minho yelling right outside my door, kicking it in his frustration. He was walking away, grumbling to himself, “Ungrateful little witch who can’t show appreciation for anything. Stupid little…”

That was all I could catch before his voice completely faded down the hall. I grinded my teeth, feeling the heat rise in my cheeks in my undeniable anger. Fine! You want me to leave?! FINE! I marched over to my closet, grabbing the closest duffel I could find, and angrily threw in a few pairs of clothes. I grabbed a few pairs of undergarments from my dresser, my toothbrush and other toiletries from my bathroom, my phone, its charger, and a change of ballet wear along with a pair of slippers and also angrily threw them into the duffel. I impatiently zipped the stupid thing shut, probably with more ferocity than necessary, as I grabbed my keys and headed toward my door. Stupid Minho. Stupid boys. Stupid SHINee. Stupid everything!

“Whoa, whoa, WHOA. Where are you going?” Onew immediately asked when I reached the living room, dropping my duffel to the floor by the front door as I bent down to angrily pull on my sneakers.

“You heard him! He wants me out, then fine!” I responded heatedly. I let out a frustrated scream when my stupid foot wouldn’t go into the stupid sneaker. When it obviously wouldn’t go in, I furiously threw it down and abruptly stood, taking the duffel along with me. “Fine! Who needs shoes anyways, ah?! Going bare foot’s better anyway!”

“Yah, Minji-ah!” Onew shouted, grabbing me by the upper arm before I could exit through the door. “Think about this rationally, ‘kay? Where are you gonna go? Who’re you gonna call? And it’s dark out! What’re we gonna do if something happens?!”

“Yah!” I exclaimed, jerking my arm out of his grasp. “Why does it matter for anyway, huh?! With my luck, I’ll get kidnapped and killed so I can forever get outta Minho’s hair since I’m so obviously a bothersome witch!”

“Aish! Stop that this instant!” Onew scolded. “Schedules are going crazy right now and we’re all just—”

“Going under immense stress, blah, blah, blah, I’ve heard it all before!” I impatiently interrupted. “Doesn’t change a damn thing! You heard Minho!”

“Yah! Stop these childish antics immediately!” Key yelled.

“You! Don’t even get me started on you!” I spat, turning my attention to Key.

“Excuse me?!”

“Aish! Everyone just needs to chill the out!” Jonghyun interjected irately, standing up and pushing Key back down to the couch after he had shot up to yell at me. He turned his gaze to me and I rolled my eyes. Oh great. Now I’m gonna get a preaching session from the velociraptor! “Minji-ah. I’m sure Minho’s just upset about what happened today during rehearsal.”

“No matter how freaking upset he is because of rehearsal, it doesn’t ing give him the right to come home and go through my phone and simply because he feels like it! He’s not the one paying for the bill, I am!” I retorted. “Now. If you’ll all excuse me, I’ve got somewhere to be.”

“Where?” they all asked simultaneously.

“Anywhere but here!”

I managed to slip past Onew this time, and, thank the lord that the gods were on my side this time, quickly rushed into the elevator seconds after I hit the button. Once the elevator dinged me to the lobby, I made my way to the door, ignoring the dirty looks that Songji, Songki, whatever in the eff that chick’s name was, kept throwing my way. I dashed to my car, ignoring my hammering heart and the fact that it was very dark indeed, as I quickly unlocked the doors, climbed in the driver’s seat, and threw my duffel into the passenger’s seat, shutting and locking my doors again. I let out a breath of relief that I wasn’t on my way to my car as I gripped my steering wheel with both hands, drumming my fingers in contemplation. Okay, so now where do I go? First off, what time is it? I checked my phone, disgusted by the picture of me and Minho popping up. Ugh. Remind me to change my freaking wallpaper. -__-

Okay, 12:34. Yeah, Christine’s passed out by this time. And she’s pretty much the only one that I can call anyways. Ah! I quickly scrolled through my contacts and once I landed on the right name, I hit the green call button.

One ring.

Two rings.

Three rings.

Four rings.

Five ri—

“Damn it, mother, pick up alrea—Oh hii, umma.”

“Huh? Minji? What’s wrong?” I heard my mom’s sleepy voice ask.

“Umma, can I come over?”

“Come over? Right now? Minji, do you not have any idea what time it is? You’re gonna drive all the way to Mokpo from Seoul at this time of night? Are you crazy? Deranged? A little bit insane?”

I sighed. “Just a little.”

“Sweetie, what happened?”

“Minho and I got into a fight.”

I heard her sighing and the sound of bedsprings creaking as I imagined her getting outta bed to talk without having to be quiet so she wouldn’t wake up appa.

“Arasso,” I heard her say after a few seconds. “Tell me what’s wrong and what happened.”

I was about to explain when I saw Minho and the other guys rushing out the front door. FML.

“Hang on a sec, umma,” I said, pushing my key into the ignition and bringing my car to life. I sped out of the parking lot just as the boys started running toward me and chuckled quietly to myself. Ahh, those idiots~

“Now, what were you saying?” I asked.

“Are you driving right now?” she asked me.


“What happened to not liking to drive and talk on the phone at the same time?!”

“Umma, it’s half past midnight. You really think there are any cars on the road right now?”

“Only the idiotic child I call my daughter,” she replied and I swear I could almost hear her eyes rolling.

I laughed slightly. “I love you, umma.”

“Aish. Love you, too. Now tell me what’s going on. What happened?”

I sighed as I aimlessly drove around, no set destination really in mind. “Same old stuff really. He came home, ing at me as usual, and then randomly took my phone and went through everything. I mean, it’s not as if I have anything to hide, but I’m the one who pays the bills and everything. He has no right to go through anything!”

“He went through—What is wrong with that boy?! Ooo, just he wait until I have a talk with him! He should know better than to invade someone’s privacy like that! I raised a gentleman, not some nosy busy-body who goes around snooping through other peoples’ phones!”

I laughed quietly, pulling into the parking lot of a closed convenience store. I really dislike talking on the phone while driving. -__-

“Umma. I just need a place to crash for tonight. There’s no way in Hell I’m going back there tonight. There just might be a chance that I might commit murder and have the entire teenage girl population of South Korea coming after me,” I said, drumming my fingers thoughtfully once more.

“What about Christine?”

“That girl is a lame-o. She sleeps at, like, nine o’clock, that little goody-goody.”

“Aish. Why don’t you just go and check into a hotel for the night? It’ll solve all your problems, don’t you think?”

“Ah! Aww, you’re so smart, umma,” I said, smiling like crazy.

“You don’t call me umma for nothin’! Now tell me. What’s the current deal between you and Jonghyun, huh? Have you two…Ya’ know?”

“Yah! Umma! You sound like a ridiculous high school girl asking for a piece of gossip or somethin’!” I exclaimed, my cheeks immediately heating up from the inappropriateness of my mother’s words, but she only laughed.


“Because it is a piece of gossip! A juicy piece of gossip, too! I mean, who woulda thought that my Minji would fall in love with a pop star?!”

“Aish. I am not in love with that velociraptor!” I exclaimed indignantly.

“It sounds as though you’ve fallen pretty hard to meee~” she sang evilly.

“Aish. How is it that you’re the mother in this relationship? And it’s just a game. A harmless game, where no one ever falls in love. Nothing more. Just. A game.”

“Aigoo. You’re no fun, but arasso. I suppose I have no right to tell you otherwise.”

I sighed. “Oh umma. Only youu~ Now, I’ll let you get back to sleeping. If Minho calls you, this conversation never happened.”

She laughed slightly and I could imagine her nodding at this point. “Arasso. Goodnight, honey. And just give Minho some time, arasso? You two aren’t used to living with each other longer than a few weeks without trying to rip each other’s throats out.”

“Must you forget that I lived with him for nearly thirteen years of my life?”

“Yes, but ever since SHINee and whatnot started, you two have been going head-to-head like crazy. So give him a break, arasso? He’s tryna be a good oppa, I know he is, but it’s hard when he’s so busy at sucha young age. Did you forget so soon that he’s still only eighteen?”

“Yes, but so am I.”

“But you aren’t a famous singer like he is.”

“Yes, but he isn’t a teacher of two different classes that goes on every day during the week.”

“Aish. You two. Get along before I drag you to Mokpo with me, arasso?”

I sighed. “Arasso, umma.”

“Good. Now, go on, run off to your hotel and give your brother a heart attack for the night. Serves him right for pulling a disgusting move like that.”

I laughed. “Oh umma. I love youu~”


Lol. So all your comments about Jonghyun's story and everything totally made my day. Thank you for that(:

And you guys are so nice! Reading your comments seriously made my day! Thanks for all the support and nice comments and things! Seriously means a lot to me! ^^

Lol. So as I told one of my readers--you know who you are. ;D--be expecting some upcoming drama. As some of you may know, because you read my other stories and whatnot, drama is kinda my thing when it comes to writing. That, and cliff hangers, but you guys haven't experienced those too much yet. :3 Lol. But yes, be expecting some upcoming drama. I can't wait to write it and see all your guys' reactions(x

Picture toooootally has nothing to do with the chapter.

But they looked cute, so it's okay(x

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Chapter 1: I think Minji's appa was on to something~ lol
Tree_Hugger #2
Chapter 33: Registered to AFF just to comment ^^

And I really hope you're fine!
Tree_Hugger #3
Chapter 33: Remember when the longest you went without updating was a month? =(

I love love LOVE your story, and I truly hope everything is going well in your life, Angie! ^^
ohitsrica12 #4
Henry and Minji are soooooo cute!!!!! Update plz~ ♡♡♡♡
EuniceElaine #5
Chapter 33: I seriously love it. UPDATE please
ch3nya #6
Chapter 32: In love with your story plz update soon C:
luvingkpop #7
SaranghaeBoyfriend #8
Chapter 18: I LOVE HENRY... BUT I have to agree with Myungsoo-PinkRomance, I like Minji x Jonghyun better :( and are you on a hiatus? I signed up for AFF just so I could comment on your story. I have been reading this since it was first written and I'm growing impatient even though you probably have your reasons for not updating... D:
Wu0043 #9
Chapter 32: Skfksjfiqojdj I squealed and giggled so much while reading this chapter! ;v;