Time for more practice and...teaching?

Adventure and romance in America

Rose POV

The rest of the week went well; we invited Aiden to sit at our lunch table which he did agree to. Throughout the week most everything went well and I had practiced more with Kai and spent more time with Taemin, we actually had our first kiss after being officially together and it was amazing it was like fireworks going off in my head and I smiled for hours. Kai wrinkled his nose at the kiss, we all stayed after school and were practicing in the gym that day. We knew the tickets would probably be here at the end of the weekend and I had to get more work in. Finally Saturday came around the principal gave us permission to use the gym again and gave me the key to unlock the gym. When I woke up that morning before Taemin came to get me I sent Aiden a text message 'Hey Aiden ^.^, meet us at the gym for dance practice then we can all come back to my house so I can teach you some Korean. Hope you make it' it read before I got the message sent notification. I set my phone back down getting up and began getting ready and heard a knock on my door, "Come in" I said looking at the door. Oddly enough it was Minho who entered my room "Rose I just wanted to say thank you. You really mean a lot to Taemin and make him happier then we have ever seen him. He hasn’t been that happy since he was home with his parents. You really made a great impression on him and I just wanted to thank you. Rose welcome to the SM-Town team and good luck working with whoever else they work you with. I truly hope you can work with us a little bit as well" he said and hugged me which I really didn’t expect and I hugged him back "Thank you Minho" I said to him before he left the room and I followed out not that long after him. Everyone was waiting downstairs already for me so we could go to the school to practice I believe that Taemin texted Kai to come as well. We all got there and Kai was waiting outside Aiden was as well which made me smile to see that he showed up. We all then headed into the gym hooking up my iPod to the speakers we brought and the practice began. It was defiantly hard work but it would pay off. Several hours later we finally took a break to rest, I looked down at my phone and saw we had been dancing for about four hours now.

Aiden POV

After giving the letter to Rose we began talking again throughout the week. She let me sit with them at lunch as well which was great we had so much catching up to do. There were a few rough days after telling my ‘friends’ off, but you know what they were never really my friends and sadly I knew that the whole time. Finally Saturday came around, in the morning I got a message from Rose telling me to meet her at the gym for dance practice and then maybe going back to her house to learn Korean. I had to take her up on that offer since I don’t really know Korean and my dancing needed some work. I quickly got dressed and drove up to the school to meet her at the gym. When I got there I saw Kai was there waiting as well for Rose and Shinee. Soon enough they arrived and we went into the gym and got right to work. Shinee was showing us there moves and teaching us there dance routines which were cool but hard. Rose was doing great though it was amazing which made me realize how rusty my dancing really was. We practiced for a while rather intensely before taking a break. I flopped down on the floor looking at my phone and realized it had been four hours already. I knew we weren’t done yet, Kai was here as well which meant he was going to probably teach us some of his stuff as well. We all relaxed for about an hour until Kai got up and said something that I totally did not understand. I saw everyone else get up so then I figured it meant he was ready to get started. Than the harder dancing began…


After and interesting week passed on Saturday Taemin sent me a text telling me to meet him and the others at the gym for dance practice. I went to meet them there being early like I always was back home, I really did miss my friends back home from Exo-K. Not long after I got there I saw Aiden walk up and we both waited in quiet for Taemin, Rose and the rest of the gang to show up. Soon enough they got there and we went in and began to practice. It was so simple to me since all of Shinee’s dance moves are like a walk in the park, at least to me they are. Four hours went by before we took our break, Rose has really gotten better since last time we worked together about a week or so go. Aiden has a lot of work to do still if he is tired already he may not have what it takes to dance what I’ll be teaching them. Hopefully though he can manage it. After the break I got up “Alright let’s get started” I said as everyone got up. Aiden following everyone else’s lead, I knew he didn’t know Korean so it was expected. “We are going to learn part of the dance for MAMA and History. They have quite a few tricky moves, but you will be prepared after this for whatever they throw at you.” I said which Rose then translated to Aiden who nodded which meant he understood.

Taemin POV

It sure has been a busy morning, the past four hours we have been teaching Rose and Aiden dance moves from various songs of ours. Once it seemed they got the move down we then worked on perfecting the moves. After our break Kai took over the lessons it was more for my sweet Rose and Aiden then any of us Shinee boys. Aiden needed more practice, he was quite out of practice it seemed. I wanted to try though to learn the moves, but of course the others sat out and just watched. Kai began going step by step through the moves, Rose was able to keep up better than me even, but I was a close second. Aiden on the other hand was bringing up the rear struggling some. ‘He has a lot of work to do’ I thought to myself. Several hours passed by before we ended practice by now it was five at night. We started practice at nine AM which made sense to why my stomach hurt. “I’m hungry” I whined and Rose giggled at me. “I know when we all get back to my house we will order pizza” she said and I cheered happily which made her kiss me on the cheek.

Rose POV

At the end of practice I drove back home with Shinee, and Kai in the car as well. Aiden followed me back and as I promised I ordered us all pizza. “So you ready to start your language lessons?” I asked Aiden who nodded “Yea, I’m all ears” he said to me smiling. I began teaching him the very basics until the food arrived then we took a break and we all ate pizza. I had ordered five large pizzas between the seven of us and we ate ever bit of the pizza. Taemin and Minho cleaned up the dishes and took care of the trash as the others went to watch a movie in the living room. I then began working on teaching Korean to Aiden again. He wasn’t doing too bad which was a good thing. The night proceeded on and we stopped with the language lessons around ten and joined the others in the living room. They had put on Battle Royale by now, Aiden sat next to me and I cuddled up to Taemin. I couldn’t complain, I had my best friend back and a wonderful boyfriend by my side surrounded by friends. This is all I could have ever asked for. I can’t wait for the adventure I am going to take in Korea with them.

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Izzy1333 #1
Chapter 18: awesome way to go with the story! Keep up the good work.
Izzy1333 #2
Chapter 17: Still liking the story line. Keep up the good work.
Chapter 16: I really hope all my readers are enjoying the story so far. Please don't be shy comment if you like it and if you would like Rose to work with any specific group. I am open for ideas
Chapter 12: To all my readers sorry for the delay of posting I just got a new job at a brand new store that had its grand opening last Sunday and my computer was having some major issues the next post will be up soon. Thank you all for your support
Izzy1333 #5
Chapter 11: Key is really fuming!!
Izzy1333 #6
Chapter 9: Liking the story line.
Chapter 9: Oh ok... Thanks!!
Chapter 7: I understand what you mean but I did it this time that way due to I wanted different thoughts going on through that. It will make sense later.
Ok so now I don't even know for sure who I want with Rose.... But.... You keep repeating the same sene like 4 or 5 times.... It makes the story much less interesting... Sorry but I thought u should know my opinions.. Sorry for the long comment....