The Deer and The Bunny

EXOSun One-shot Collection

Sometimes he thought being labeled a deer was toublesome.


It was an honor of course, but at times he wished he was something else. Like a bunny perhaps. Yes, a bunny would be nice.


But why a bunny?


It was a question he asked himself quite often. Deers were faster, more intresting and loved by all, yet why does he find himself wanting to be a small fragile bunny?


The answer was right in front of him.


Short brown hair, big eyes, pouty lips, someone that resembled the animal in question. She had met up with him under the company's instructions. Sadly, it wasn't about doing some collaborations or things like that; she was asked to tutor him.


"Yah, are you listening to me? Luhan?"


His train of thought was broken when someone waved a hand over his face. "Wha-? I mean, yes. I'm listening to you, Sunny noona."


The older girl frowned at him. "Then can you repeat what I just said?"


"You were asking me if I was listening." He replied matter-of-factly.


Sunny sighed, this kid had an attitude that matched his young face. "I was telling you about symbiosis." She then proceeded to explain all about it.


"Symbiosis is the interaction between two living organisms. Here are three examples of a symbiotic relationship: Mutualism, Commensalism and Parasitism. In Mutualism, both organisms benefit from one another. In Commensalism, one benefits but the other is not affected. In Parasitism, only one benefits again but this time, the other is harmed. Did you get all that?"


Luhan just nodded even if he had a hard time processing the information; not that the lesson was difficult, it's just that his tutor was so...distracting. With her angelic features that earned her the label 'bunny', who would choose boring lessons over staring at her?


Certainly not Luhan.


So when Sunny asked if he had any questions, he was surprised to find himelf saying---


"Can a deer and rabbit have a relationship?"


Confusion washed over Sunny's face. "You mean a symbiotic relationship? Maybe, but I've never heard of one before."


"Can they fall in love?" He asked again.


"Don't be silly, deers can only be attracted to deers and bunnies to other bunnies. A deer falling in love with a bunny is nearly impossible." Sunny chuckled, failing to see the serious look on the younger boy's face.


"I think it's quite possible, actually."


"It maybe possible, but unless you show me some proof, I'm not betting on it."


"Fine, " Luhan stood up from his chair. "By next week, when you tutor me again, I would have gathered solid proof that you can't deny."


He fixed his things and headed for the door. Before he left, he stopped in his tracks and turned to face Sunny, "Goodbye, Bunny noona."


Sunny was left in the small room, shocked and confused at her tutoree's actions.


"Bunny noona?" She asked, pointing a finger to herself before giving up and deciding to leave, too.



"What are you doing?"


Luhan felt someone hover above his shoulder as he typed in his search engine. Even without looking he knew that it was his roommate, Yixing.


"Deer and bunny?" Yixing read what Luhan typed out loud, "Now why would you search that?"


"Proof," Luhan said, smiling. "So that I can show Sunny noona that deers and bunnies can fall in love."


Luhan turned around when he heard his roommate laughing. "What?" He asked, narrowing his eyes.


"No wonder you've been glued to your laptop this past week. You only act like this when it comes to her, your favorite noona." Yixing said in between laughter.


Hearing this, Luhan blushed. "No I don't." He protested.


"Oh really? What about the time you---"


"Don't even think of continuing what you're gonna say." Luhan glared at his friend.


"Fine. I just don't get what you're trying to do."


"I'm trying to prove to her that deers can be atracted to bunnies and vice versa."


"Because you're a deer and she's a bunny?" Yixing said with a hint of sarcasm. "So you're basically saying that you like her and it's possible for you two to have a reationship despite your labels."


Luhan blushed even more. Was that the reason why he was so determined to prove it? 'Curse Yixing for being right!"

He thought to himself.


"You know, even with you being labeled a deer and Sunny noona a bunny, doesn't mean you can't be together."


"Of course it does. The reason why I'm being paired with other girls is because they have the same image as me; they're also 'deers'." Luhan said, remembering his planned cf with Yoona.


"Then prove to them that you can have a relationship with Sunny noona, just not in this way. Showing a bunch of pictures or news articles to her won't let her know what you feel; you have to show it to her." Came out Yixing's words of wisdom.


"How?" Luhan asked, seeking advice from his friend who suddenly turned into a love expert.


Yixing's mouth formed a mischevious smirk. "I have a plan."



The next day, Sunny woke up to the sound of her phone ringing. With eyes still closed, she reached for her phone and placed it to her ear.


"Hello?" She asked in a groggy voice.


"Sunny noona, it's me."


She opened her eyes once she heard the voice through the phone. "Luhan, is that you?"


"Yep! Listen, noona, instead of going to our regular place, can you tutor me somewhere else?"


"Um, sure. Where?" She asked, wondering what her playful tutoree was up to.


"I'll just send someone to your dorm to pick you up. Oh, and I almost forgot, I sent some clothes to your dorm. Be sure to wear them!"


Before Sunny could question him any further, Luhan already hung up. "Aish! What's he planning?" She asked herself; though she knew that deep inside she was a tiny bit excited.



That excitement, however, was soon replaced with suspicion once she saw what she was gonna wear.


"Nice costume, Sun." Hyoyeon joked as she walked past Sunny.


Sunny's face flushed. 'What was he thinking, sending me something like this?' She thought to herself as she glared at her outfit; her ridiculously pink and very fluffy outfit.


"How cute!" Tiffany, the certified pink lover, exclaimed. "Where are you gonna where it?"


"To my tutoring session with Luhan." Sunny replied through gritted teeth. 'If you want it, just please, be my guest.'


"Interesting." Taeyeon said from behind her.


The other girls were so curious about her 'outfit' that Sunny almost regretted opening it in their living room.


"And just what exactly are you tutoring him on?" Jessica asked, implying something else. The other girls laughed, not minding the glares Sunny shot their way.


"Can we take a picture of you when you wear it?"


"No." Sunny deadpanned at Yuri.


"Unnie, it's about time you get ready." Seohyun yelled from the kitchen.


Sunny sighed and eyed her 'outfit' one last time before going to take a shower, leaving it in the hands of her members. After bathing, she grudgingly put on her outfit prepared by her wonderful tutoree. Just. Wonderful.


As she passed the living room while heading for the door, she heard her members snicker.


"You guys just wait until I get back later." She whispered threateningly before disappearing down the hallway.


Checking to see if there were any paparazzi (she most definitely did not want to be seen in what she was wearing), she hastily made her way to what she assumed was EXO's van. Once she was safe inside, she breathed a sigh of reief before turning her attention to the driver, EXO-M's manager oppa.


"Manager oppa, where are we going?" she asked


"I'm not supposed to tell." He replied, eyes still on the road.


"Oh come on! Tell me, pwease?" Sunny used her infamous aegyo this time.


But manager oppa didn't budge. He just kept silent.


'Pfft, meanie!' Sunny thought to hersef, sticking her tongue out at the manager.



After a good twenty minutes of driving around, the van came to a stop. Once she realized this, Sunny felt her heart pound, both with nervousness and anticipation. She carefully stepped out of the van(it was hard to walk in her costume) and was greeted with a breath-taking sight.


 They were in a park of some sort, with lush green trees and blooming flowers, it's as they were in a painting. A beautiful masterpiece.


Sunny inhaled the fresh air, too distracted to notice the van leaving her behind. After a few more minutes of sight seeing, Sunny remembered the real reason why she was there.


"Luhan? Are you here?" She called out.


No reply.


As she searched for her student, she noticed a heart-shaped sticky note attached to one of the bushes. She picked it up and read it.


'Hey, noona! :)

So you arrived already! Well, welcome to my secret paradise. Only I know about it.

But I guess now you know about it too, huh?^^'


She turned it over, expecting to see the rest of the message. Instead, she saw an arrow. Looking over to the direction it was pointing, she saw another sticky note attached to the bench. She quickly ran to get it.


'Anyway, do you remember our little argument? The one about the deer and the bunny?

I tried researching about it but all that came up were about a movie entitled "Bambi" =_=

Pretty useless if you ask me.'


Another arrow, this time pointing to a sticky note attached to a tree. It read:


'So I thought of other ways to prove to you that deers and bunnies could fall in love...

...and it wasn't easy.

But in the end, I realized that there was only one way to show it to you. :)'


Sunny was getting more excited and confused with each note. 'Where is he getting at?'


The arrow drawn below it was pointing towards an entrance to somewhere. She quickly entered it and walked down the path strewn with sunflowers, all seemingly facing her. At the end of the path, she saw a mysterious brown figure.


'What's that on it's head? Are those...antlers?'


The creature turned around, giving Sunny quite a shock.




Turns out it wasn't a creature at all, it was just her tutoree. But, why was he wearing a deer costume?


Luhan's face lit up once he saw her. "Sunny noona, you're here!" He walked over to her and bowed ninety degrees, as if just meeting her for the first time.


"Annyeonghaseyo, I'm Deer Luhan."


A look of confusion watched over Sunny's face, she clearly did not understand what was happening.


"You're suppose to introduce yourself too, noona."


Despite still being confused, Sunny went along with it. "Annyeonghaseyo, I'm Sunny." And bowed as well.


"No, no." Luhan shook his head, almost hitting the older girl with his antlers. "You're Sunny BUNNY. You know, because of the costume I got you" he explained.


It dawned on Sunny that she was, in fact, in a bunny costume; it must've passed her mind while she was busy reading those heart-shaped sticky notes.


"Oh. Then, nice to meet you---er, Deer Luhan. I'm Sunny Bunny." she greeted again.


Luhan smiled approvingly, his beautiful smile almost making Sunny forget her suspicions. Almost.


"Wait, why are we here again? And why are we in animal costumes?"


The younger boy simply chuckled. "Didn't you read my sticky notes? It says there that all of these have something to do with our argument. The one that I'll win."


"And what makes you so sure that you'll win? Face it, the odds are against your favor." Sunny, not being one who backs down from a challenge, replied.


Luhan chuckled again, walking closer to the smaller girl. "It may seem that way, but I just want to let you know that the odds are always in my favor. Always."


Sunny stepped back, a bit intimidated by the deer in front of her. Deers were supposed to be gentle creatures, right?


"I-If you're so confident then show me some proof."


Luhan smirked. "The proof is right in front of you, noona."


"Wha-?" Sunny was cut off when Luhan grabbed her palm and placed it against his chest. Even through his thick costume she could still feel the rapid beating of his heart.


"I, a deer, have fallen in love with you, a bunny. Is that enough proof for you?" he said, voice softening.


Sunny could feel her heart beat as fast once her mind fully processed his confession. Her face flushed and she looked down, speechless.


She looked up once she felt Luhan let go of her hand; his face was red as well. "W-Well that's all I wanted to say. I guess I proved you wrong huh? I proved that a deer can fall in love with a bunny." he said, preparing to escape from his expected rejection.


But before he could, Sunny placed a hand to his arm, stopping him. "That's not the only thing you proved today."


"Huh?" Luhan asked, confusion apparent in his eyes.

Sunny moved closer to him, smiling. "You also proved that a bunny can fall in love with a deer. Beause...I, a rabbit, have fallen in love with you, a deer."


After hearing that, Luhan could not refrain himself from hugging his noona. Sunny gladly accepted his deer hug, enjoying the feeling.


"Thank you, thank you." He whispered, now knowing the true meaning of pure bliss.



Sometimes he thought being labeled a deer was troublesome. But maybe...maybe being a deer isn't so bad afterall.



Especially when he was with his bunny.


I'm baaaaaack! :))

After a long long time, I finally updated! Sorry for that, I just had to catch up on all the school work I missed^^

So what did you think?? Did you like it? Hate it?

I honestly have mixed feelings about this one. I showed it to my friend and she said it was too sweet. But I actually imagine Luhan to be this kind of person :(

Please comment your opinions! Your comments give me energy~~

Until next time~~


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Chapter 3: Update pleaseeeeeee... T___T
I want sunhun please..... Saranghaeyo authornim!!
Chapter 3: Can't wait for part 2,,, your story is so cute!!!
Could you please write a oneshot for Sunny and D.O.~! KyuNny ‹3
Chapter 3: update soon >_<
Rockwell #6
Chapter 3: Sunny, why are you so gosh darn shippable with every male? It makes it hard for me to decide who fits you best. xD
update soon ~
and sehun with sunny ! please ~
kittydandelion #8
update update update update update please...