I Am A Nerd

Color Blind

And I don't mean I just wear glasses...

I am truly challenged to anything social! I do my school work, I fail at P.E. and I go home and spazz at Kpop. That is my life. Sure I have a table of friends, we all have flat hair, not the best skin complexions, not the best teeth, and hairstyles?

What is a hairstyle!?

Really!? I wash my hair, and I let it dry! It's clean so what more do people want!?

So imagine when I got my ticket to the concert of my favorite Kpop band! I remember it like it was yesterday...when I got his autograph, the things he said to me...

Just so nice! And I even got a ticket to their next concert for free all because...

He liked the way I looked.

A/N: I like the way you guys look too!

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Thank you lovely people for subbing to Colorblind! Please Enjoy! I will try to write about everything that makes us ladies different but acceptable to all!!!


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Chapter 5: These chapters were interesting. Underneath it all, the "Idols" will say anything to keep their fandom thriving. That is what I get from all these stories . I would be beside myself too if SHINee's Minho said he likes them brown girls also. Lol. Oh do one if the fangirl is an older woman.
Chapter 1: This first chapter was hilarious. I read it with the thought in my head like, "duh!" Of course the only fan girl that doesn't look like the rest would stick out like a sore thumb. This was a good take on the "different looking" fangirls. Too funny.
key_to_me #3
Chapter 5: Aww this is so awesome :) I feel included now :D coz at least three or four of those chapters describe me so well. I'm fat, tall and a nerd lol. The nerd chapter especially was cool :) And yeah I just blatently say I'm fat coz there is no way around it, I am not what society would call anywhere near skinny or short. With all these fanfictions, they write about the perfect girls nearly all the time, with perfect bodies and long hair and they're cute and adorable. And it just hurts so much usually, and when my biases talk about their ideal types, it hurts worse. Yeah I'm an international fan being in a small country on the other side of the world. Its so nice to see that someone has taken into account that all girls are different, makes me feel a little warmer inside so thank you :D And Idek where I was going with this, I just needed to say a heartfelt thanks :)
Chapter 3: Unnie your other story is : We can make you understand..
And this one is more like : Woa someone finally understands...
Hehehe.. I like your story ideas unnie.. They r very original...
Chapter 1: oooooooooooh!
you're talking about Kai and I??
update soon~~
now go check my drabble Bellwork Seriessssss~~
update soon!!
I love the way this sounds and I'm totally looking forward for more! And the description: YES. FINALLY SOMEONE UNDERSTANDS.
This will be very interesting. Go for it! Renzei fighting! :)