You can't win this fight

Welcome to the Family





Three weeks had passed since Minhyun moved in a dorm with his bandmates. Three weeks of extreme workouts to learn their first choreography to "Face", the song that was supposed to be their big debut hit. Three weeks of learning how to answer interview questions and presenting their best sides to the audience. Three weeks of Minhyun looking over at JR every now and then to see how he was holding on.

The first week, he was kind of glad that JR could dance in front of a small audience without any attacks or even a small sign of nervousness. Still, the image of their leader in the Pledis building's bathroom dry-heaving and looking like he was about to pass out still could not leave Minhyun's mind. JR seemed like a completely different person and now he was barely speaking to anyone and it drove Minhyun crazy. Weren't they supposed to spend the next few years of their lives basically breathing the same air?

 It wasn't like JR was this fragile doll or anything like that. The younger boy knew that very well. In fact, JR came off as confident and even showed some leadership but only when the Pledis team was around. Otherwise, he acted quite cold towards each of his bandmates. Even towards Minhyun who caught him at his weakest moment.

Once again, right after today's dance practice, He barely even spoke to anyone and fled right to his room just like he had done for the past weeks.

Minhyun paused with his hand on the fridge of their small kitchen area. Why did he even care about JR being cold to him?

'What am I thinking?  This smug bastard barely spares me a glance and I have to worry about him? Pfft.' He thought as resumed his movement, grabbing a bottle from the fridge twisting the cap. He winced as the motion sent pain to his blistered palm and fingers.

" Aish, I don't think my feet and hands will last my entire career if we keep this up. " Baekho sighed dramatically as he picked at scabs and blisters on his hands from working with the chairs. Ren rolled his eyes from his spot on the floor but still hissed as he made a wrong move and rubbed his side.

Minhyun felt bad for their maknae. Twice, he had lost balance while standing on the chair and fell down during his part. The first time his side hit the chair hard and he was down for several painful minutes, holding his side and catching his breath. The choreographer suggested they took a break but Ren insisted he was fine.

He also fell on his second attempt but this time Aron had caught him. The oldest member simply put him down and asked him if he was okay, looking a little embarassed when every eye in the room fell on them. The choreographer had yelled at Aron for breaking the golden " show must go on" rules. JR had snorted and told Ren that he was obviously too tired and that he should take a break. The blonde finally took the offer but not before throwing JR a sharp glare; his pride obviously hurt.

" At least, we're getting more time to ourselves tonight. " Aron told no one in the room in particular as he sat down on one of the kitchen chairs, unwrapping a granola bar  and shoving half of it into his mouth. All boys sighed in relief; since they were working hard and getting better every week, their manager rewarded them with a whole free evening on the condition that they came back to their dorms before 10 pm if they ever decide to leave it.

Minhyun was glad he could relax;  he wasn't planning on going out at all. Especially not in Seoul where he would get lost within minutes. He briefly wondered how his old music teacher, Mrs. Hyung was doing back home. It seems so far away now, he thought as he walked  to the room he shared with their leader. He was that lucky.

He paused at the door, wondering if he should knock before entering.

"Oh great, now I feel like a stranger in my own room," he muttered." Thank you very much, Jonghyung. "

He almost tore the door off its hinges as he opened it, closing it just as hard as he entered the room. JR was sitting on his bed, looking deep in thought as he drew random doodles on a notebook in his lap while some random hip hop music blared from the headphones that hung from his neck. His head was moving in time to the beat and Minhyun couldn't help but stare.

His black hair was styled perfectly. The longer hair on top falling over his right eye and giving him the mysterious look fan girls wet themselves for and the way it framed his face made his already strong jawline much more prominent.

I bet girls are gonna loo~ve the cold attitude, Minhyun thought as he studied his face.

JR didn't even acknowledge the other boy's presence, too concentrated on creating what seemed like a perfect spiral. Minhyun rolled his eyes and walked the short distance to his bed, plopping down on his dark blue comforter. He opened the drawer of his nightstand and pulled out the book he's been reading for the past few days. Aron had lend it to him when he learned that even though he barely spoke english, he actually could kind of read it. He wondered why he lent him a book about animals in a farm as he pulled out his Transformers bookmark and placed it beside him on his bed.

Five minutes passed and Minhyun realized he'd been reading the same line over and over again because he could not concentrate. The loud music was ringing in his ears and driving him absolutely nuts.

Ten minutes.

He slammed the book shut, the noise barely audible over the sound, and got up. He marched the ten feet that was separating their beds and stood in front of the leader, arms crossed.

As Minhyun's shadow fell on his page, JR looked up; obviously annoyed by the other's presence near his.

" Yes?"

JR eyes were boring directly into his and for a moment the singer lost everything he was going to say. Those dark eyes seemed to stare directly into his mind.

Minhyun suddenly realized that he had walked to the other boy without even knowing what he was going to say to him. He completely let that impulse of... Well, actually, Minhyun didn't know what came of him.

" If you're planning on standing there, could you please move a little to the right? You're blocking the light." JR's voice pulled him out of his thoughts as he turned his notebook to a new page. His hand movement suddenly quickening as his eyes darted between Minhyun's face and the paper.

The other boy did not notice though, a sudden drop in the music had made remember why he was standing there in the first place.

" Your music's too loud. Turn it dow-" His last word died on his lips as JR's gaze once again bore into his. Minhyun thought he felt something weird happen in the pit of his stomach. "Please."

He added that last bit when JR's gaze went back to his notebook, his hand moving even quicker now with look of deep concentration on his face.

Minhyun simply saw someone totally ignoring him. That drove him over the edge and he felt three weeks of boiling inside finally being let out. His hands were quicker than JR's as he grabbed the notebook of the other boy's lap and hurdled it across the room. It hit the wall with barely a noise but a few pages tore on the impact. Minhyun didn't stop there though as he unplugged JR's headphones from the purple laptop that sitting beside him.

The room suddenly fell into a very uncomfortable silence.

JR simply stared at him with one eyebrow raised before standing; finally standing face to face with Minhyun. While he was a few inches taller than JR, he suddenly felt very small as their leader took a step towards him. Minhyun took a step back.

" You... You ..." Minhyun took a deep breath and finally letting out his feelings, "You're being an ,"

Aish, that came out wrong, he thought before quickly adding,

 " I mean, you've been completely ignoring us for the last three weeks : you don't eat with us, you stay in your room all the time, you barely speak to us when Pledis is not around and I'm sick and tired of it. I'm pretty sure the others are too."

JR did not reply and Minhyun continued his angry rant, his voice getting a little louder,

" I've been raking my brain for three weeks trying to find a reason for your attitude and only came up with two hypothesis : you're really an or you're keeping the others at distance because you don't want them to find out."

Minhyun knew he hit a nerve as JR's jaw clenched, knowing exactly what he was reffering to. He didn't stop there, though.

" Also, I did not ask to become a part of any of your problems. I find it very selfish of you to think I can just stand there and pretend I don't know anything." Still no response from the other man.

" Now you either tell me you'll stop being such a or I will walk out this door and tell the-" Minhyun's words caught in his throat and he flinched when JR's launched at him, expecting a punch. He slammed Minhyun against the wall and put his hands on either side of his head, his face mere centimetres apart from Minhyun's. The other boy knew he had crossed the line.

" Don't you dare use that as blackmail." JR's voice was dangerously low, " You think I'm not already humiliated enough?"

Minhyun chewed on his lower lip and lowered his head, unable to hold his gaze any longer.

" You have no idea what it's like." JR spat at him before shoving him out of way, exiting the room. Minhyun heard his footsteps down the hall and Baekho's voice.

" Ah, JR! Where are you goi-"


Minhyun winced as the front door slammed shut, feeling like it shook the whole house.

Well that went well, he thought. Still, he couldn't help but feel a pang if guilt in his chest. He closed the bedroom door gently and sat on his bed, holding his head in his hands.

" This is not what I signed up for..." He said out loud as he raised his head.

He hadn't meant to piss his leader off like that but the more he was talking about the situation, the angrier he became. He blamed it all on him, though. There was just something about JR that drove Minhyun insane and he couldn't quite put his finger on it.

His eyes suddenly fell on the discarded notebook on the floor. He sighed and went to pick it up while hoping he didn't damage it too badly. While he tried to fold it back to its original form, his eyebrows furrowed as his eyes landed on what JR had last been drawing.

" What the..." He took a closer look and gasped. It was a boy's face and While  it wasn't completely done Minhyun could clearly see the shape of a face and the only completed part  were the  eyes.

He could recognize that face anywhere since he sees it everytime he looked into a mirror.

JR had been drawing him.





Is anyone even reading this? LEAVE A COMMENT SO I DON'T FEEL SO LONELY! 


Or is the fandom too small? or taken over by baekren grr  


-waits patiently for the fandom to grow-

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Chapter 4: U just left it at the best part?????
Sunshine_ #2
Chapter 4: So good story~ :3 plz, update soon~~ :D
Chapter 4: YES A COMMENT, gwad, I know what you feel. Btw - awesome story ~ XD
Chapter 4: Here's you chapterly comment. Enjoy it.

But I still prefer Minhyn, :3

This story is pretty fun to read by far, ^^