
Flashbacks (One-shot)
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Some of you guys probably know that I don't want to post this story until I've got a poster, but I've been looking around for people but it seems like no one wants to make me a poster. So out of frustration I made my my own poster.... I am not a pro so i just did whatever i could to make it look nice....It took me 2 long hours to do this after watching 5 tutorials over and over and re-doing the poster over like 5 times. i hope you guys like the poster....TT~TT





Her knees was drawen up to her chest, and her head rested on her knee. Her face was covered with dry tears as she looked out the foggy window. Today was Christmas the day when she first met him and the day when he had left her.

On this day, where millions of family gathered and celebrated the holidays. She can't help, but feel bittersweet about the 'special' day as happy memories as well as sad ones filled her head. He had left her 3 years ago and he had no plans of coming back.



She was rushing down the busy streets of Seoul late for her interview when really she should be at home spending Christmas with her family right now. However, she found no time to spare as she was frantically trying to find a job to support herself -the result of wanting to move out of her parent's house. As she ran pass people she tried her best to avoid colliding into them. To her luck she made it to her location without any problem. But, of course her luck runs short when she runs into a guy who had just abruptly stopped in front of her.

The impact of the collision caused her to crash to the ground while the guy dropped his files in his hands. Immediately she collected the flies on the ground while she continuously said sorry.

To her surprised when she stood up to face the guy she was standing face to face with a good looking guy. He smiled at her as he thanked her for picking his things up and before he left he apologized for the sudden stop.

Lost in her own thoughts she watch the good looking guy walk into the elevator. A shoulder bump from one of the employees there brought her back to reality. Taking a quick look at her watch she realized that she was now 10 minutes late.

2 long minutes on the elevator later, she is seen running towards the front desk as she quickly pulls out the envelope that contained the interview information.

The lady working at the front desk directed her towards a grand marble door "You can go in" Thanking the lady she pushed opened the heavy door.

Her breath was caught in as she looked at the big office infront of her. She was even more surprised when the person sitting on the chair behind the desk turned around to reveal the same good looking guy she had bumped into earlier.

He directed her towards the chair infront of him, and once she had settled in he started asking her questions. All questions were normal and she had been ready for them all, all except for one particular question.

"Miss are you free tonight?"

(End of Flashback)

Her smile grew wider as she remembered how straight forward he was with her. He told her that he found her attractive unlike any other women he has ever met. At first she chose not trust him considering that he might've used the same tactic with other womens, but after working for him for a couple of months she couldn't help but fall for his charisma and his charms.

Since the first day they met he's been trying hard to prove that he meant every word he said. He stayed faithful to her even though they had no other connection than a employee and boss relationship.

As she sat on the window sill she spotted the snow man outside her window; she had just built it this morning after the first night of snow fall. As she stare out at the snowman she couldn't help but remember the happy times from the past.


Half a year after they started dating he had asked her to move into his house. He said he wanted to be closer to her, he wanted to wake up every morning to see her angelic face and hear her melody like voice every second of the day. And like always her heart melted and she agreed.

"Yah oppa!" she screamed, the feeling of cold snow running down the nape of her neck made her shiver all over. She turned around to glare at him.

Squatting down she grabbed a handful of snow and ran after him. He quickly dashed away but to his luck he tripped over and landed face first into the snow.

She who saw started laughing and running up to him as she took this chance to get revenge. The moment he turned around so that his back was laying in the snow she immediately jumped on him. Both her legs on either side of him, taking the handful of snow in her hand she plastered the cold snow all over his face.

Satisfied with her revenge she gave him a quick peck on the lips before gently wiping away the snow off his face. He smiled seeing her angelic face right infront of him.

Quickly he flipped them over so that he was now on top of her "I love you" he whispered into her ears the 3 words that was only meant for her. Leaning down he capture her lips with his, gently he kissed her putting as much love in it as possible.

Smiling she whispered the same 3 words as she kissed him back with just as much love.


She stood next to him her head resting on his shoulder, his arms wrapped securely around her waist as they both look at the carrot nose snowman infront of them. "oppa he looks like you" she smiled.

"what?!? How can I be compared to a snowman?? I am 100 times better looking than that ball of ice over there" he smacked the snowman's head.

Giggling She stood infront of him and looked up at him with a smile. Her mitten covered hands reached up to his face "oppa smile for me"

He did as he was told wrapping his arms around her "Your smile is just like the snowman, warm and bright."

(End of flashback)

She glanced at the snowman once more and saw that big smile she made for him. 'oppa are you still smiling?' she couldn't help but wonder. She got up from where she was seated and started making her way out her's and his room.

Her feet made contact with something soft laying on the ground. Looking down she saw Xiahky their little baby who have grown up to be an incredible good looking fellow.

Xiahky looked up at her and barked, he stood up next to her and followed her out into the kitchen. She made a cup of coffee for herself and got Xiahky some food to eat.

She settled herself down on the couch and so did xiahky his head resting on her lap. Smiling at him she petted his head. Xiahky was one of the things she treasures the most, he was given to her as a present from him. He thought she would be lonely at home at times when he was over seas for business trips so he got her Xiahky.


Her back laid comfortably on the couch as she played with tiny xiahky who was barely a year old. The little puppy her face as he happily barked.

Her full attention was on the dog as she played with him. She was so distracted she didn't realize he had come home from a 2 week business trip. Out of no where the puppy was snatched out of her arms, sitting up she realized her boyfriend's presence.

He glared at her as he held the puppy in his arms "You don't even pay attention to me anymore now that you have him" he complained jealous that a dog had more of her attention than he did.

Chuckling she walked over to his side "Well he's our baby so I have to give him my attention plus look at his bambi eyes! You can't resist those!"

He continued to glare at her while he let the dog run off on his own. She smiled at him as her arms wrapped around his waist "welcome home oppa" she went on her tip toes and gave him a small kiss.

"I want your full attention on me tonight, nothing about Xiahky" he lowered his head to give her little pecks, his arms around her waist.

She nodded her head wrapping her arms around his neck "I promise" she leaned in to give him a full kiss.

Pulling away from the kiss she helped him loosen his tie "How did the meeting go?" she asked helping him out of his suit jacket.

He pouted "next time you're coming with me, I thought I was going crazy missing you"

She laughed as she ed the first few buttons of his dress shirt. "Oppa you were going crazy the past 2 weeks but I started going crazy without you the second you stepped out of this house" she kissed his jaw line.

"God baby you're so y" he growled leaving her surprised "baby I haven't seen you in 2 long weeks and here you are now standing infront of me in my shirt" he rubbed her exposed thigh "teasing me with your slow motions"

He quickly undid the rest of his buttons throwing his shirt somewhere around the house. His exposed chest made her blush but she couldn't help but stare. "Baby this is all yours" he whispered in her ears ily, giving her earlobes a bite before picking her up and throwing her over his shoulders.

"Oppa!" She squealed surprised but he didn't stop as he made his way towards their bedroom.

He threw her on to the bed and quickly climbed over her "Baby I going to show you how much I've missed you these past 2 weeks" he leaned down and gave her a passionate kiss.

(End of Flashback)

She looked around the living room and saw pictures of her and him together. All of them different from one another, and each picture told a different story. She picked up the closest picture to her and looked at it.

The picture showed of him and her at their engagment party. She wore a pinkish cream color dress while he wore a black suit. He stood behind her with his arms wrapped around her waist, his head resting against her's. They both smiled at the camera as the camera man took the picture.


She stood there surprised, her hand to as she gasped at him down on one knee holding a velvet box that contained a small ring. "Please marry me" he plead looking into her eyes.

Without a second to waste she nodded her head as tears streamed down her face. Happy he stood up and carried her spinning her around in circles. He placed her back down as he leaned his forehead against her's. "~~~~~~ I promise to love you no matter what happens. My love for you will never lessen it will keep growing and growing as everyday passes by. I'll make you the happiest women on this earth. I love you"

"I love you too oppa" smiling she leaned in to kiss him.

(End of Flashback)

The sound of the phone ringing brought her back to reality. Picking it up she answered the phone "Hello?"

"Hey.... how are you doing?" the person on the other side asked, concern clearly being heard through her voice.

She smiled "I am ok right now, thanks for worrying"

The person on the other side sighed "You know if you need company I am always there for you. You don't need to keep this to yourself"

"I am ok I want to be by myself today"

"ok call me if you need me, bye"

"bye" She stared at the phone and smiled. She never really liked the girl before but how they turned out to be good friends, she herself didn't know. 


She stood infront of him with teary eyes as she saw him and her together yet once again. He looked up and saw her, surprise clearly shown through his expression "baby... what are you doing here?"

"We were suppose to go out tonight. I waited for you. I waited for 2 hours like an idiot at the restaurant. I thought something happened to you but I guess not" she bitterly smiled at the couple infront of her.

His eyes widden "I forgot!" he walked up to her "I am sorry, I'll make it up to you. We'll go where ever you want and I'll buy you whatever you want" He reached out to hold her hand but she pulled away.

"Oppa this isn't the first time.... this has been the 3rd time this week! I am tired. I am tired of waiting if you aren't going to bother anymore. I am leaving" She turned around to walk away but he held onto her wrist.

"Baby why are you being so immature?!? I already said I was sorry"

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2036 streak #1
Chapter 4: How can I end up reading two oneshot in a row where Junsu dies? Why?
Anyway, this story was so sad. I hope I won't end up reading another story where he dies.
PS as a fellow author, I just feel that it's a little unnecessary to ask us to subscribe to an oneshot. Just my opinion though.
Chapter 1: Beautiful Trailer. Very suggestive. I like it very much.
Chapter 3: new reader & subscriber :) just found this one-shot of yours & I really like it even though he left them on Christmas but I like it especially during the flashbacks because they are just so sweet to one another & their love story is sweet & cute at the same time, good job on this :)
Chapter 3: Ok. WOW! this story is so cool! >< but its so sad! :( good one-shot fanfic!
Awwww okay this was sweet but freaking sad! ;'(
PandaMinSoo #6
I love it!!!!!!
I love it!! It's so angsty...:(
this oneshot was a good change.<br />
most oneshots about DBSK/JYJ are about Yunho/Jaejoong.
DBSK-er313 #9
Ohhhh gosh, I freaking loved it! And I agree it's bittersweet. This one shot was very well written, it felt like it was happening to me! And I love Kim Junsu XD
aww i love it! this story is so bittersweet <3