Personal Message


Hello fellow writers and readers!

I just started writing fanfictions this year. I have always loved writing, but i have never attempted to write fanfictions until recently. I specialize in angst, but I would try to move on to other genres as I get more familiar with everything. I hope you enjoy your stay here and please leave a comment of encouragement or even criticisms for further improvement.

Thank you.smiley

I love you guys ♥♥♥

About Me

Anyeong! ^^

I don't think any personal introductions of myself would be needed so let's just move on! ~

I will be writing fanfics when I am inspired, when something new has inspire me.

I may come up with a few in one day. I mainly specialize in one-shots because I have the attention span of a monkey. *inserts monkey noises here*

I hope you will enjoy your stay here.♡♡♡