005 . Return of the Heartbreaker

Queenka vs. Kingka

Shinyeong -


" All right class, " Mr. Sooman quieted down the class. " There's going to be some students visiting from EXO High to help us with our school drama later. For now just finish up the class worksheet I gave you guys yesterday. And if you're done with it, turn it in to me and talk or whatever."

The class responded in a chorus, " Yes, Mr. Sooman."

I stretched. I already finished the assignment with Luhan yesterday. To be honest, I didn't expect him to randomly barge into my house and into my room. He said that we should ' Combine our intelligent minds together ' . Ha, translation : You can do both ours while I just lay back and drink some bubble tea. 

" Psst!" I turned around in my seat and found Luhan smiling like an idiot. 

" Yeess?" 

He held up his paper. " Shinyeong-ah, could you please turn this in for me?"

" Do it yourself!" I rolled my eyes and swiveled around to face the front of the classroom.

" I'm too lazy!" he whined.

After a staring contest, I sighed and grabbed both our papers and walked up to Mr. Sooman. Then at the same time, Baekhyun appeared and had his paper out.

" Thanks guys. Since you both are the first ones to finish it, go have some freetime. " Our teacher chuckled.

We both bowed at the same time. Before I went back to my desk, Baekhyun said, " Shinyeong."

" Yes, Baekhyun?"

He just grinned and sprinted back to his desk. I felt my heart gave a little flutter. I scoffed to prevent another and shook my head.   Luhan looked at me questioningly and I gave him a nervous smile.

There was a knock at the door and I heard chattering outside.

" Oh yes, come on in guys! Class, please welcome..." Mr. Sooman said and everyone walked in. They all looked friendly enough, but my eyes stayed frozen on him. " EXO High!!!"

Oh my shisus.



Baekhyun -


I checked out the girls from EXO High. Ugh, none of them are like Shinyeong. Pabo! Pabo! Pabo!

I saw Shinyeong staring at a guy with cinnamon hair with a cool aura. He was crossing his arms and leaning back on the wall with a poker face. I had a bad feeling about this guy.

" Shinyeong-ah!" I called out to her.

She slowly faced me with a scary blank expression.

" Wow, scary..." I muttered under my breath.

She continued to death-stare me.

" Uh..ok..so what's up with the guy you were staring at?"

Narrowing her eyes, she ignored me and looked down on the floor.

Er okay then. I'll ask her later.




I finished my soda and wiped my mouth with the back of my hand. I tossed it over my back and I heard the satisfying sound of it landing in the trash.

Kyungsoo, Kai, and I were sitting under a tree for lunch. My best friend's lover gave me a look and said, " You know you should cover your mouth or at least say ' Excuse me' .You're disgusting!"

" Yes you are." I replied .

Kyungsoo flicked me on the forehead while Kai just rolled his eyes. I flipped my phone open and 4 hours have passed. 4 hours, she has to answer me by now. I brushed some leaves off my jeans. " Hyung, Imma go somewhere now. Jal ga~"

I got out of there as fast as I could because I started seeing Kai giving Kyungsoo a massage, and I do not want to hear moans.

I checked the cafeteria and she wasn't there with her friend..Luhan? In fact he looked like he was waiting for her and was nibbling on his Lays.

I searched in the hallways; nothing. I looked around in the last remaining classroom. I accidentally knocked over a pile of papers and bent down to pick them up. Just as when I was about to put them back, I saw Shinyeong talking with the cinnamon-haired guy in the basketball courts.

I dashed out of the room and down the school's stairs.  

" Shinyeong, if you would just listen to m---" He was pleading, but got cut off by her.

" You are really stupid, you know that?"

I felt a smile crept up my lips at her comment. It immediately disappeared when he grabbed hold of her wrist.

" Why am I stupid?"

She stayed silent and tried to release from him.

" ANSWER ME!" he yelled.

She whimpered. Bastard, I got out from my hiding spot behind the bush.

" Yah, you." I said.

Cinnamon Guy glared at me while Shinyeong looked like she was about to cry.

" What do you want?"

I smirked. " Actually yes, I do want something." I walked up to him and jerked away his hand from Shinyeong. He was about to punch me when I ducked.

" Stop being an a-hole." and with a hard kick, I took Shinyeong's hand, leaving him on the ground with pain.



Hi guys! Went throught a tiring week of school =.=

i might not update as fast but i will never leave this story :P\ 

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now go next page please :D 



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Got the poster! So cute with the animations x3


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weeniehun #1
Chapter 1: On the first chapter and love it already<3 please update soon~ author-nim~
HyunaSong #2
Chapter 7: update soon :D
Chapter 7: So interesting. :D update soon, please? :D
Chapter 7: NADO SARANGHAEYO author NIM! For making this amazing story ^^ AND BAEKHYUN... HOW COULD YOU TRY TO BREAK HER HEART >.<'
pikachubread #5
WOW i love you so much for commenting on every chapter i update x3 ♥
OHH HAHA. And lol BAEKHYUN youre jealous :P
pikachubread #7
Yus they used to be together xP
pikachubread #9
@ MinnaForever : Ok ^_^ I'll change it later when I get back.
@ Un1c0rns : xD thanks!