003 . Day Out with Luhan

Queenka vs. Kingka

Shinyeong - 


Luhan was the one who called me while I was with Baekhyun. Now I'm here at home on my comfortable bed and hugging my stuffed animals; a shiny fluffy unicorn that I named Lay and a fuzzy cute panda bear called Tao. I got Lay from Luhan when he visited Beijing while I bought Tao from a charity. I was admiring the adorable things when my phone rang.

" Baby Luhan! " I said right away when I picked up.

He chuckled. " So are you going to thank me saving you from your blind date?"

" Yeah, thanks so much! "

" Aniya~" he said. 

" Huh??"

" Let's go out tomorrow, make up for the day you owe me instead of just thanking me." he simply said.

" Haha ok~ What time are you coming over?" I questioned. 

" I'm gonna kidnap you at 10!" Luhan answered.

Giggling at his remark I said, " Arasso Kidnapper! Be on time to kidnap me ok?!"

" Aye aye Victim!"

We bursted out laughing, said goodnight and hung up. I closed my eyes and smiled.



I woke up at exactly 9:00 in the morning. Today was Sunday. Omma and appa had to go to a meeting, they're thinking of donating some nonfat icecream to orphans and clothes that are not needed but still in good shape. I really love my generous parents. 

I did my daily morning routine easily. When the maids asked me what I wanted to wear I said, " Uhh is there anything cute but simple? I'm just going to go shopping and stuff so nothing to dressy please."

" You guys have great taste! Kamsahamnida~" the maids just blushed and bowed back.

I was greeted by the chef when I entered the kitchen. " Good morning, madam. What would you like to eat?"

" Morning, sir. Ah I don't want anything, Luhan's coming over to pick me up." I said as I opened the fridgerator and grabbed a cold waterbottle. I took a sip and put it back, " And sir?"

" Yes, madam?"

" Why won't you take the day off? Have some freetime, I'm going to be gone for most of the day, so no need to do anything. And tell the maids too~" I smiled, leaving him flustered.

It's 9:45 . I still have some spare time so I went on the computer in the office room. The office room is huge, decorated with sophisticated tables and chairs with fake but pretty flowers. The light shone through the soft cream curtains, giving the whole room a serene feeling. There were 3 computers and desks. One for me, omma,  and appa. Mine was the only one that had a webcam and headphones.

I logged on and checked my mail. I sighed after I clicked on 'Inbox'. 5 messages from Sehun. All about him wanting me back and regretting what he did. No thank you, and deleted them. 

There was one message about a new spa that opened and came with online coupons. Seems nice, I might need it one day.  But the last remaining message caught my attention. It was from Baekhyun.


Baekhyun : Hey Minah! I had a great time with you today. Just like what you said, I got your number and e-mail from the waiter guy. Hope we meet again soon :)


He sent it last night, probably when I was talking with Luhan on the phone. I replied,


Minah : Baekhyun~ Haha cool me too! Yes I wasn't lying :U Ne I do hope so too ^^


Then I heard Luhan's car in the driveway. I shut off the computer and walked into the living room finding him looking at my baby picture. He looked up and exclaimed, " Aww Minah! You look so cute even when you were a baby~"

" WHAT ABOUT YOU BABY FACE?" I squished his cheeks and walked out the door.

Luhan just chuckled and followed.


(Please play this ! : ( http://youtu.be/eoyye_HfQbQ ) ♥

We were sitting at a bench that overlooked the beach. The atmosphere was so calming I almost fell asleep. The day was filled with laughing, shopping, eating and joking around. I was worn out but I didn't want to fall alseep and miss the beautiful scenery. 

I had my head on Luhan's shoulder. " We look like a couple." he whispered.

I smacked his arm and he giggled. " But it's true!"

" Yah!" I was about to hit him again when he got up and started running away from me.

" Catch me if you can!" he stuck out his tongue and waved his arms.

Aish, this guy, I murmured . I got up, and pretended that I tripped. Luhan froze and came running back to me with a worried look on his face.

" Are you ok?! " he lent me his hand and I reached for it. I pulled him down on the sand with me and got up by myself.

I nodded. " Ne I'm perfectly fine! Thanks for asking~" I teased and we were both laughing.

" Hey you hungry?" Luhan asked.

" Kind of. But there are no food places around.."

Suddenly he held up a plastic bag full of different cookies and chocolates. He smirked at my widened eyes. " I bought this when you were petting the dog at the street. "

" Jinjja?" I attacked the bag and instantly moaned when I chewed on the white chocolate.

He grinned. " Then you should pay more attention to me! "

" The dog was so cute though." I said as I digged into a cookie.

" I'm cute too!!!" he said.

I almost spit out my cookie. Luhan clutched his stomach and was rolling on the floor laughing. I just smiled and rolled my eyes.



LOL Laynicorn & Tao panda ~

Omg can you guys imagine Luhan laughing so hard?! XDD

Thanks to my subscribers! I love you all ^^  

Please subscribe/comment ♥

now go next please :D 




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Got the poster! So cute with the animations x3


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weeniehun #1
Chapter 1: On the first chapter and love it already<3 please update soon~ author-nim~
HyunaSong #2
Chapter 7: update soon :D
Chapter 7: So interesting. :D update soon, please? :D
Chapter 7: NADO SARANGHAEYO author NIM! For making this amazing story ^^ AND BAEKHYUN... HOW COULD YOU TRY TO BREAK HER HEART >.<'
pikachubread #5
WOW i love you so much for commenting on every chapter i update x3 ♥
OHH HAHA. And lol BAEKHYUN youre jealous :P
pikachubread #7
Yus they used to be together xP
pikachubread #9
@ MinnaForever : Ok ^_^ I'll change it later when I get back.
@ Un1c0rns : xD thanks!