Being Real


It's been almost a month since the incident, and Himchan found that Haru was right with her words. There were no more pictures being taken from her, but other school girls only.

The five friends of Himchan's even saw the change in him too. Himchan didn't seem to care for the pictures being taken by other school girls, and would eat lunch alone.

Plus, Yong Guk has seen the bags under Himchan's eyes, and noticed that Himchan would sleep in class most of the time. 

Something was wrong with their friend, and the five boys were worried. Could it be that Haru has been running in Himchan's mind?

"Hey dude," Yong Guk nudges Himchan's arm, as he stops his buddy midway from leaving homeroom.

"What?" Himchan asked with irritation. "What's up with you these days?" Yong Guk questioned, and Himchan just gave a shrug. 

"Nothing," he answered, and then brushes off Yong Guk's arm. "What do you mean by nothing? Himchan, you've been acting strange ever since...Haru," Yong Guk paused a bit.

Himchan twitched at her name, and then gave Yong Guk a stern look.

"I'll just see you guys later," Himchan told his friend, and then took off. "Geez, what a weirdo," Yong Guk scratched his head, and then shrugged it off.

"Haru, are you going working today again?" Eun Yi asked, as both girls stepped out of campus together. "Yeh, since we don't have much waiters," Haru answered, whilst tying her hair up in a bun.

"Should I apply there too?" Her friend questioned, and Haru shook her head. "No! If you don't want to see Yong Guk fight with customers there, I prefer you don't," Haru replied, and now changes shoes.

"Aish, Yong Guk won't ever do that," Eun Yi giggled at the thought, and Haru rolled her eyes. 

"Knowing at how quickly Yong Guk can get angry with a man talking to you, oh yeah. He would get you and I fired on the spot," Haru answered, as she changes her blazer.

"Well, have fun at work and making more money for a new camera. I'll be at the library later, if you want to hang," Eun Yi bid her goodbye, and Haru nodded her head.

Hopping inside the bus, Haru chose a seat and quickly sat down. Smiling to herself and staring out the window, Haru knew it that she can save up enough for a new camera.

After that, the exhibit will love her work, and Haru will win the grand prize. When she wins, Haru is going to rub it in the faces of people who didn't believe she can achieve.

In which that is, Himchan would be the first. Haru's smile slowly faded away, as she thought about Himchan and his lies. 

Since then, when a guy tries to ask her out, Haru rejects them rudely. She couldn't trust another man, worried that they would only lie to her.

Himchan stepped outside of Haru's front door, and before knocking, he took in a couple of deep breaths. 

He was filled with remorse, and wanted to apologize. Himchan knew that what he did couple weeks ago, was probably worse than what Haru had done.

Right when Himchan was about to knock, the door opened and revealed an elderly woman. She was shocked at his sudden appearance, and Himchan quickly apologized.

"Excuse me, but who are you?" Haru's mother asked. "Oh, I'm a friend of Haru's. Kim Himchan," Himchan introduced himself.

"Ahh, she never told me that she had other guy friends besides any boys from Stardom High. Are you from Stardom High too?" Haru's mother questioned.

"Me? No, I'm from TS High. It's two blocks away from Haru's school," Himchan explained, and her mother nodded.

"Well then, come on in, boy. Haru won't be home any time soon," she offered. "Wait, what do you mean by Haru won't be home any time soon?" Himchan wondered.

"As you see, Haru has been returning home pretty late. Every time I ask her, Haru just answers that she has extra curriculum at school to be done, but she's always worn out. I remember she came home one night, and cried in her room. But knowing my daughter very well, she wouldn't tell you if you ask her. Haru just prefers telling you when she feels like talking," Haru's mother explained.

Himchan then fell silent, as he couldn't help but had the guilt buried over his shoulders. It was his entire fault, which had Haru crying and her mother worrying.

"I'm so sorry, I didn't know," Himchan apologized, and Haru's mother smiled at him. 

"No need at all. Haru is just a hard working girl. She's been like this ever since her father passed on. It was thanks to him, Haru chose the path of being a photography. I remember when Haru wanted the path of a fighter. Heh, that little girl. I don't know if Haru had told you, but she's a very independent child at her age. After breaking her camera, Haru still didn't want me to buy her a new one for the upcoming exhibit competition-"

"Wait up, competition?" Himchan had cut in between Haru's mother's words. "Yeh. Haru has an art exhibit in four months," she answered.

"Oh my, why didn't she mention any of this?" Himchan muttered quietly to himself. "Did you not know about it?" Haru's mother questioned.

"No, I didn't have a clue," he replied with a soft expression. "Hmm, she probably didn't want anyone to worry about her broken camera then," Haru's mother said, and Himchan sighed.

"Thanks for your time though. I'll go find Haru at school and speak with her," Himchan said, and Haru's mother gave him a warm smile and nodded her head.

"Where is my coffee?" An elderly woman asks. "Hey, you've forgotten to tell me what song will be sung next," a teenage boy blabbered.

"Do you work here?" A bald man questioned. "I didn't ask for marshmallows," a young adult whined.

"Geez!" Haru huffed, as she wiped the tables after the long day service. "Tired?" Hanhae asked from behind the counter. "Never," Haru replied back with confidence.

"I can't believe that you're going to over work yourself for a stinking camera," Sanchez teased, as he helped Haru wiped down the rest of the tables.

"It's important to me," she replied, whilst wiping the sweat forming on her forehead. "Education is important. Go home and study," Kiggen said, and threw Haru's backpack at her.

"But my shift-"

"Go home, Haru. You did enough for today. Get some rest, okay?" Kiggen interrupts, and Haru chewed on her bottom lip for a while.

"Thanks for letting me work overtime," she bows to the elder three men, and then left the restaurant.

With the sun slowly setting down too, Haru quickly searches for her cellphone in her bag. Taking it out, Haru started taking pictures here and there.

Crossing the bridge, Haru snapped a couple shots of the river bank, and purple orange sky. She smiled at her tiny beginning, and then moved her phone camera back in front of her.

Suddenly, her smile faded when meeting Himchan in front of her. Slipping her cellphone back inside her bag, Haru ignored Himchan's presence.

"Hey," Himchan greeted her, in hopes that Haru would say hi back.

Instead, Haru gave him the cold shoulder and walked past him. Shocked at her action, Himchan then caught onto her wrist.

"Y-y-yah! I said hey," Himchan held onto Haru's wrist tightly. "Goodbye," Haru mumbled back, as she yanked her wrist out of Himchan's grasp.

"Yah, Im Haru!" He raised his voice irately at her, and Haru spun around to face him. "What do you want? I ain't taking pictures anymore," Haru angrily spat.

"Can we talk?" Himchan asked, but Haru shook her head. "I'm a busy person to waste my spit on a kid like you," Haru replied harshly, and then continued on her way.

"What is that supposed to mean? Are you still angry with me?" He wondered. "Angry? Himchan, I am furious! So leave me alone before things get ugly," she told him.

"Well...I came here to apologize for what I've done, alright?" Himchan said, and Haru cackled. "Apologize? Psh! Remember the last time you tried to apologize?" Haru chortled at Himchan.

Himchan stared at Haru with a blank expression, as he didn't know how to apologize to her this time. She wasn't taking anything serious, and Himchan was losing patience.

"Come with me!" Himchan shouted, as he dragged Haru along with him. "Yah! Where are you taking me? Let me go this instant! I have to get home," Haru yelled, as she tried to free herself from Himchan's hold.

But Himchan kept quiet, and continued on walking with Haru yelling.

Coming to a final stop in front of an electronic shop, Himchan pulled Haru inside. Haru's eyes widened at the amount of great cameras were inside, and at how professional looking they all appear.

"Pick one," Himchan spoke up, and caused Haru to snap back to the realm. "Ah, uhmm..." Haru was speechless, as she didn't know where to start.

"This will be my apology gift to you," Himchan tells her. 

Haru then turns around to face him. Raising an eyebrow at Himchan, Haru then pushed him aside and walked out of the shop.

"What's wrong? Are there none that you didn't like?" He asked whilst following her out. "No, it's not that. Besides, I don't want one," Haru replied, and then makes a turn to go home.

"You don't want one? Psh! I talked with your mom, and I was told that you need one," Himchan blurted.

Haru eyeballed Himchan angrily this time, and clenched a fist tightly.

"You did what?" Haru questioned through gritted teeth. "I spoke with your mother," Himchan replied. "Why?" She asked. "Because I came to look for you..." He answered quietly.

"Look Himchan, I am no one to you, and you are no one to me. Don't look for me, and talking to my mother is unacceptable. Leave me alone from now on, if you want to apologize that badly," Haru raised her voice at him, and then home.


The past weeks that had gone by, Himchan has done nothing but visited Haru everyday after school. Lots of the students thought that the two were dating at times, but Haru would say they aren't.

Seeing Himchan trying hard to hang around with Haru, the female students who likes him started to dislike Haru.

Haru even sometimes received threatening death notes, and had gotten water poured on. However, nothing was going to stop her, as it is Himchan's fault, not hers.

"Haru-ssi, you should tell Himchan about the bullying. So that he'd stop bothering you," Eun Yi spoke in concern, but Haru brushed it off immediately.

"I really don't give a . They want to fight, those cowards can bring it on. As for Himchan, he wouldn't care if anyone is bullying me. Besides, I have better things to worry about anyways," Haru replied bluntly.

"I'm just worried for you. Also, when was the last time you ate, huh? Ever since you started working your off at the Phantom restaurant, you look different," Eun Yi continued on sounding like a mother.

"I am fine, Eun Yi-ssi. You just stay focus on Yong Guk, okay? I'll be fine," Haru replied with a sincere smile, and Eun Yi nodded her head.

Taking her time to go to the restaurant, as her shift doesn't start in an hour, Haru started to think about Himchan.

Was he really trying to apologize?

What if it's just another scheme of his?

But he did seem to be more real than the last time, right?

"Agh!" Haru shook her head, and then looks up to find Himchan sitting at the bus stop bench. 

Rolling her eyes, she turned around and decided to take another route. Himchan saw Haru, and quickly caught up to her.

"Haru-yah," Himchan called to her, but Haru heard a faint call only. "Haru!" Himchan shouted, but Haru just ignored him.

Himchan then ran up to Haru, and held her by her shoulders. Haru gave him a weak look, and then suddenly out on the spot with a whisper of, "mother."

Trying to shake her awake, Himchan failed and then carried Haru on his back. Taking off, Himchan felt the guilt building over his shoulders some more.


Squinting her eyes slowly, and now blinking her eyes awake, Haru looked around to find herself in an unfamiliar place.

"Noona!" Zelo's loud voice beamed, which gave Haru quite a shock. "Haru's awake!" Daehyun screamed loudly, and footsteps were heard running towards her direction.

"Haru-yah! I'm so glad that you're awake. I already called your work place, and they had let you off. Plus, I told your mother that you'll be with me, and she's fine with it," Eun Yi spoke up.

" I?" Haru asked weakly, as she tried to look at everyone around her. "You're at our hang out place," Youngjae answered smiling.

"Why?" She questioned another, as a tiny slight of pain crawled inside her head. "Because you fainted," Himchan answered this time, and appeared in the crowd.

Haru squinted her eyes at him, and shook her head. 

"Noona, are you okay? How are you feeling right now? Are you hungry? Should we bring a doctor?" Zelo bombarded her with questions, and Jongup pulled the young boy back.

"I'm just thirsty," she answered tiredly, whilst trying to get up. "You should lay down and rest some more. I'll get you water," Eun Yi said, but Haru refused to lay back down.

"I want to go home," Haru told her friend. "But you're not even strong enough to go home yet," Zelo said, and Haru smiled at the kid.

"Thanks for your hospitality, but I would like to get home now," Haru told everyone, and Himchan brushed through the crowd.

Gently, he helped Haru up and held her by the arm. Haru tried to pull away, but Himchan continued on holding onto her.

"I'll take her home," Himchan alerted everyone, as he carried Haru's backpack with his other arm.

Walking to Haru's home, the two stood in silence. Haru had nothing to say to him, but Himchan had lots.

"Thanks for uh...walking me home," Haru thanked him, as she walked up to her porch. "Yeah," he muttered a quiet one.

Before Haru took out her house keys to unlock the door, Himchan took his chance to spin Haru around and hugged her.


"I'm sorry," Himchan whispered inside her ear, and then released Haru afterwards. 

Staring blankly at Himchan, as she watches him walk away, Haru didn't notice the blush growing on her cheeks.



But sorry for the delay of this update. Pwuahahah!

I hope you all enjoyed this update.

I felt like I was slacking. :\ 

Maybe because I need to hurry up and pack my , because I AM GOING BACK HOME.

GOODBYE, CALIFORNIA! ;____________;


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Chapter 4: Himchan is really sorry I see. So he's giving up?
Awww... try a bit harder. She'll crack someday. /she aldy did rn/
Chapter 4: Woohoo update :) going where?
@mochi216: Himchan is a greasy boy. :\
himchan...messing with her feelings :[
@Sujulover321: You're welcome! :DD

@fireworkrainbow: WELCOME NEW READER! XDD I'm glad that you love the plot of this story. The plot loves you back! :DD
83 new reader!~ love the plot of this story =^^=
Why thankyou *sniff* *sniff*
@Sujulover321: >___< *wipes your tears for you* You are awesome!
Yep it really is!!! *wipes away a tear of happiness*
@Sujulover31: Is it really epic? YESSSS! >_< I will update soon!