Shaking Hands for Truce!


Eun Yi was comforting Haru, as Haru was mourning over her broken camera. She couldn't believe it at all. The only camera that she once worked her off, had become a broken useless electronic.

"Haru-yah, don't be sad. I'm sure of it that you still have the memory card, right? Print out those dang pictures of Himchan, and sell it. Then you would have enough money to buy yourself a new camera," Eun Yi tried her best at cheering up Haru, but it only got worse.

Haru bawled her eyes out, as she stomped the ground furiously. 

"He destroyed the memory card too!" Haru screamed into her pillow, and Eun Yi slowly pats her friend's back.

"I'm sorry," Eun Yi apologized, as she did not know.


"I hope your lesson is learnt, now that your camera is broken," Himchan told Haru, as he saw her collecting the broken pieces. 

Haru stood up after picking up every little piece off the ground, and then glared at him with tears running down her cheeks.

"Don't worry one tiny bit. My revenge is just starting soon," Haru mumbled, as she was just about to leave.

"Are you trying to threaten me?" Himchan asked, and Haru turned around to punch him.

Yes, she had punched him instead of slap him.

"Yah, what the ?" Himchan yelped, as he covered his mouth.

"I declare war, Kim Himchan," Haru replied, as she rose up her memory card at him.

Himchan snatched the memory card from Haru's hand, and snapped it. Haru tried fighting for her memory card, but all she got in return another broken collectible piece.

"Himchan hyung~" Youngjae sang Himchan's name. "H-h-huh?" Himchan snapped back to the realm, as he looked at his friends. "You're not thinking of Haru now, are you?" Daehyun teased, and Himchan snickered.

"Yah, yah! I'm going to kill you," Himchan said, as he pointed his fork at Daehyun. "What? How are you going to kill me, when you just got beat up by a girl?" Daehyun jokingly replied.

The guys laughed, and Himchan sulked down on his seat.

"Daehyun-ah, how did Himchan and Haru kiss again?" Yong Guk teasingly asked, and Himchan rolled his eyes away. "They were hugging each other and smooching closely," Daehyun answered, as he tried to mimick the scene.

"No we weren't! I was trying to grab her camera that she hid behind her back," Himchan spoke up with annoyance arousing, and the guys laughed at him again.

Himchan then scooted away from his friends a bit, as he played with the food on his plate. He wasn't very hungry, but the boys wanted to eat some Chinese food, so everyone dined at the tiny restaurant by their school. Whilst thinking about what had happened between him and Haru eariler, Himchan giggled to himself silently.

'That was her first kiss.' He spoke inside his head.

"Hyung, why are you smiling?" Youngjae asked Himchan, and he shook his head. "Nothing, I was just thinking," Himchan answered.

"Yeah, thinking of Haru~" Daehyun joked, and Himchan hissed. "Wait, wasn't that your first kiss?" Yong Guk asked, and everyone started poking Himchan's cheek.

"I'm going home!" He blurted out, as he stormed out of the restaurant.

As he walked alone without his friends chasing after him, Himchan stopped at a river nearby and watched families hanging out together happily. Himchan smiled at each and everyone of them.

"Don't throw rocks at the ducks. You'll be known as a murderer, if one them dies," a little girl scolded a little boy, and Haru's words rang inside Himchan's head.

'You camera murderer!'

"She knocked the camera over herself...besides, I took her first kiss," Himchan mumbled to himself, as he continued on walking his way back home.


It was a beautiful Saturday morning, and Haru sat in front of her laptop sighing, as she scanned through the old pictures saved inside her laptop.

"If only Yena and Himchan just freaken dates, my camera wouldn't have been broken. Though, it is my fault too, since I got angry at Himchan's stupid words. Ughh!! my ing life!" Haru wanted to cry.

Haru then took off to all of the electronic shops to try and buy herself a new camera, but the ones that she wanted were just too expensive.

"So how much are the money altogether to get yourself a new camera?" Eun Yi asked over the phone, as Haru was out alone and sitting inside a smoothie shop. "It's still not enough to buy the same exact camera like mine," Haru answered with sadness being overload.

"Would you like me to help lend you some money?" Eun Yi asked. "Yah! What did I tell you about me being independent? I can do this all by myself," Haru answered, and Eun Yi gave up.

"Well, I have to go. Yong Guk is here now," Eun Yi replied, and Haru heard Yong Guk's raspy voice on the other line. "Have fun," Haru said, and then hung up the phone.

Haru stared at an old picture of Himchan in one hand and sighed, as she looked out the window afterwards. Sipping on her mango smoothie, Haru's finger tapped lightly on her cellphone.

'I declared war on Himchan, but I don't even have any idea on how to torture him.' Haru thought long and hard, as a finger traced over the picture of Himchan.

As the bells chime, Haru rose her head up to see who had entered the smoothie shop, and her eyes widened in horror. It was Himchan who had decided to jump inside the smoothie shop also. Haru quickly puts Himchan's picture back inside her wallet, as she watched him make his way towards her table.

"Haru-yah," Himchan's voice was calm, as he called to her. Haru rolled her eyes away, since she was still angry at him. "Haru," Himchan called to her again, and then sits in front of her.

"What are you doing here?" Haru asked irately. "Uh...I saw you, and I thought that I'd come by to apologize for what had happened the other day," Himchan answered, and Haru slowly turned her gaze at him.

"What?" She asked in disbelief. "After going home and thinking about your camera being 'murdered' by me, I felt a bit of remorse," Himchan answered.

"Just a bit? Tch," Haru then glanced away. "Will you just listen?" Himchan asked, and Haru returned her gaze to him once again.

"Listen to what? When I declare wars with my enemies, I don't care for their stories," Haru snapped, and Himchan lowered his head down.

'Was I too harsh?' Haru thought, as she's never seen Himchan like this before.

"I like you, okay," Himchan confessed straightforwardly, and Haru stared at him in shock.

"Ha...Hahahaha. What kind of sick joke is this?" Haru asked, as she started laughing at him. 

"It isn't a joke, and it's one of the reason why I didn't want you to take my pictures," Himchan explained, and Haru stopped laughing.

"Liking me is your reason?" Haru asked, and Himchan nodded his head.

"Because I liked you before you became a paparazzi person. I had high hopes that maybe the only person looking at me would be you. However, when you started this business of yours, I turned cold towards your photography for money. I thought that maybe you were better than this," Himchan explained thoroughly, and Haru blinked at him expressionless.

"Wow," which was all that came out of Haru's mouth. 

"I understand though. If you need money badly, feel free to take all the pictures you want. It's just, you needn't please any fangirls just so you can get free money," Himchan continued on, and Haru was soon starting to feel guilty.

"This is no joke?" Haru asked, and Himchan shook his head. "I never joke around when I like someone," Himchan answered, and Haru breathed heavily.

"Fine then, I shall be fair with you too. How about tomorrow, we meet up here again? I'll give you all the photos that I had printed out, and we can burn them together. I'll promise to never do this business again, if we can start anew," Haru suggested, as she wanted truce with Himchan.

Of course she wanted truce with Himchan, as it was shocking to know that he was interested in her. Maybe, they can build something up, and Haru might get Himchan to like her for who she really is again.

"Sounds like a great plan to me," Himchan agreed to what Haru had explained, and they both shook hands.




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Chapter 4: Himchan is really sorry I see. So he's giving up?
Awww... try a bit harder. She'll crack someday. /she aldy did rn/
Chapter 4: Woohoo update :) going where?
@mochi216: Himchan is a greasy boy. :\
himchan...messing with her feelings :[
@Sujulover321: You're welcome! :DD

@fireworkrainbow: WELCOME NEW READER! XDD I'm glad that you love the plot of this story. The plot loves you back! :DD
83 new reader!~ love the plot of this story =^^=
Why thankyou *sniff* *sniff*
@Sujulover321: >___< *wipes your tears for you* You are awesome!
Yep it really is!!! *wipes away a tear of happiness*
@Sujulover31: Is it really epic? YESSSS! >_< I will update soon!