Sukai Mori's Past

Black Butler: The Adventure of Sukai Mori

*This will probably be a short but special chapter Now remember.... This was before I wrote the chapter so it may be longer than expected XD

I was always a happy kid. I used to play with all the other kids all the time and listened to everything my parents had to say while studying law.  Life was cool. I had everything a child wished for. Wealth, a big house, a great social life, good looks, everything. I always thought it would last forever.... That nothing bad would ever happen.
Alas I was wrong.
December 17, 1876... That's the day I absolutely detest.
It was just an ordinary day... The sky was it's usual deep blue color with a few light shades. The puffy clouds drifted within peacefully as if this were to be the best day ever. My mother, Eleanor Mori, and Father,  Lucius Mori were busy as usual. They were owners of a  successful pastry making company so it was not surprising at all.

(Author's note: I HATE THINKING ABOUT PASTRIES!! I HATE THEM WITH ALL MY HEAAAAARRT!!! AAAARGH!!! Ok enough raging... But I couldn't think of anything else so don't ask)

I stayed home studying and memorizing the laws of the government and society. I was so fascinated by them... Especially the thought of pursuing a career related to law enforcement. I didn't want to do anything else. My friends, meanwhile played with each other.
While I studied though, I kept on hearing voices. Voices whispering, "You will now lose everyone you consider special," and "Prepare to face the biggest tragedy of your life."
I was only 13 at that time so I wasn't sure how I should react to the threats. I simply ignored them. But then... I became scared at the thought of it... So scared that I ran outside the house. But oh how I regretted it. 
I came to a sight where a flood of blood covered the floor like an ocean. The blood was so abundant that I could feel it seep into my shoes.
Everyone was gone. My friends... Their families... And my parents... I shook in shock at the sight of their pale, lifeless faces. I walked towards my parents to see a paper in my father's hand. I picked it up and read it.
Although half of the paper was covered in blood, I read it.
"My dear daughter. If you are reading this, then you know that I'm dead. Read closely.  We knew this was eventually going to happen. You see... A curse was bestowed on this family by Erebus.  I, Lucius Mori, once known as the hero of England had killed his ancestor, Cerberus. If you go into our library, there will be a book about the history of England where this is mentioned. Because of this, he had reincarnated into Erebus and although he doesn't have any memories of the fight, he was told to put this curse upon us. Now about the curse...  It was for your mom and I to sacrifice our first child at birth... However after you were born... Your mom was told to not be able to bear any more children and so we went against the curse and it has served us our penalty. The only way you can break this curse is if you-"
The letter cut off from there. I couldn't see anything because the blood was smeared on too thick that it was nearly impossible to see through.
After I had read the letter, I heard the police siren. It was the police.... And the officers were walking towards me!
"You are to be taken to the orphanage as part of the law about orphans," they'd declared
"NO!!! LET ME GO!!! MY MOM!!! MY DAD!!!! MY FRIENDS!!!!!" I screamed loudly as I struggled to be free from the officers' grip. Only they were too strong for me... And soon... I was abandoned in a cold orphanage where kindness did not exist.
"Hahaha! Talk about from riches to rags!" they would all laugh and say.
But I just sat and hoped.... Hope for a better life... That everything would be better...
(Author's note: Cinderella much? XD)
So when I slept at night.... I had a strange dream.
I was floating in the air... There was no wall in the room. It seemed like it stretched out forever. Black rose petals swirled around me antickled my thighs when they touched.
"Do you seek help? To seek vengance? To seek for a better future?" a voice boomed through the room.
"Wh-Who are you?" I said weakly.
"My name is Sebastian Michaelis. I will offer you anything you desire... But it comes with a price."
"What do you mean?"
"Your parents and friends were killed... Am I correct?"
"How did you know?"
"Um... Ok..."
"I will help you to seek vengance against Erebus... To give you a better future.... Whatever you desire..."
"And what's the price?"
"As of when we sign our contract, you and I will be bethroted... However for that, you will need to become a demon like me..."
"But... What if I don't want to?"
"Then you may live your life in misery.... Feeding on scraps while everyone else eats like kings... Wearing rags while others wear riches. No one will be able to save you... Your family tree will perish and Erebus will continue to put these curses upon others..."
I was shocked to hear that. That was my penalty?
"So you mean.... If I don't agree, many people will suffer?"
"Yes... The world depends on you."
Well.... One person can save the whole world can't they? And I need to avenge my parents.... I can't sit in misery too... This was my only way out of this whole mess...
"YES!!! I WILL SIGN THIS CONTRACT!!!!!" I screamed in determination.
"Very well... Here are the rules."
"According to your past, you lived in Japan. There you once had three close friends... June... Jin... and Yuri..."
"They died in the Hokkaido fire... Am I correct?"
"They will be ressurected as your companions... They will protect you with their life... Even after our contract is complete, they will continue to serve you... And so will I as your butler..."
"That's all..."
"Ok then..."
"Welcome to your new life, Sukai Mori..."
And a white flash spread throughout as I fell into a deep sleep... 
Then I woke up...
"Good morning Sukai!"
I rubbed my sleepy eyes and was shocked.
"Haha why do you seem so surprised?"
I couldn't believe it... 
"Oh... Nothing..." 
"I see... Well go get dressed because you need to go to the police department... After all... You are a detective."
I couldn't believe it... Me? A detective? I was so happy! I got my dream job!
"Ok then..."
I got out of my bed... I was once again in my old mansion! Everything was the same... Not a single spot of dust or stain... Everything sparkled like diamonds.
"So you're awake..."
I looked behind and Sebastian was there. He was actually a human! He was wearing a black suit that complimented his pale skin and ebony hair.
"Yes... I am..."
"I see..."
At that moment, I realized that everything in front of me was in fact reality...
(Author's note: Sigh... I'm sorry it took so long to update this chapter. I'm gonna go to sleep now.)
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AnimeFreak123 #1
@Runtysweetiepie Tyvm! I haven't written fanfiction in a long time though so it may not be that great :/
Runtysweetiepie #2
It's so good(:
I LOVE Black Butler :D