Mrs. Darwin (pt. 2)

Black Butler: The Adventure of Sukai Mori

I woke up earlier than the time Sebastian wakes me up to investigate the case further.
He was rather surprised when he saw me walk out the door."Good morning my lady. I was just about to wake you up."
I grinned, "Oh. Well I was going to go out to find some more clues."
"I see. Well shall we go?"
"What about breakfast?"
"I know a nice place where they serve excellent food. Shall we go there?"
"If you insist..."
"Alright. Go get ready then."
I did what Sebastian ordered me to do and put on a rather fancy outfit.

"You look lovely today my lady."
"Thank you."
And we head out.
Sebastian escorted me into a restaraunt. It had a nice, warm atmosphere and it was quiet.
When we sat down, I looked at the menu and ordered what I thought would be delicious.
"I would like Croque Monsiuer."
"Very well then."
Shortly our meal arrived. I took a bite of mine and it was really good.
"Wow Sebastian. You sure have good taste when it comes to food."
"Thank you my lady."
I smiled and continued eating while Sebastian watched while he rested his chin on his hand.
After eating, I decided to go check out the house again.
I looked thoroughly and found a letter in a drawer.
"Stop the search right now or you will be killed."
And right when I read the last 3 words, a dagger was thrown at me. Luckily, Sebastian stopped it.
"Are you alright, my lady?"
I nodded. I was a bit too shocked to say anything. A shadow then disappeared from my sight. I couldn't remember what it looked like.
I stepped out the house and found another note.
"Stay inside your house at midnight."
I was again confused. Who was sending these messages?
"My lady, don't be intimidated by such foolish notes."
I didn't reply. I just stared at the letter.
I was definitely going to find out the one behind all this.


Later next day, Sebastian and I went to the market to find the store that could have sold the ring. Luckily this time, we actually found the store.
"I made this for a customer," the storekeeper said.
"May I ask how he or she looked like?"
"I can not answer that ma'am..."
"Well can you tell me anything special about this diamond?"
"I am very sorry. I can not give out any information about the ring or it's owner."
I groaned.
"Thank you for your time sir. I will be leaving now."
I left the shop in anger. Why was this case so complicated? But then being the idiot I am, I bumped into someone.
"Oh I'm so sorry-"
That someone turned out to be the old woman from before.
"Hello there officer! How has your case been going?"
"It's going good right now."
"Tell me when you solve it alright?"
"Ok. I will."
I held my hand up while holding the ring to scratch my head but then I noticed the old woman peering at it.
"That ring... It is mi-" she paused and thought for a second, "Where did you get it? It is beautiful!"
I showed her the ring, "Oh! I got it since it is a clue to the case."
She nodded, "O-ok. I have to go home now. Goodbye." And she ran away.
"My lady. It's time for lunch," Sebastian informed me.
"Alright. Let's head home."
After lunch, I didn't go out. I decided to clear out my head and think of the recent events.
One note told me to stay inside my house at midnight... And the old lady definitely the most suspicious on the list.
I don't normally stay up at midnight in my office but because of the note, I did so.
I waited for something to happen... But nothing did. Were the notes trying to trick me?
"Knock knock"
Come in.
"My lady. Would you like a snack or some tea since you will be staying up tonight?"
"No thank you."
And then he stared at my ring.
He came over to my desk and picked up the ring. He examined it and opened the curtain.
The moonlight reflected on the ring and made a shape. The same shape as the symbol on the paintings at the old woman's house.
"It's her!" I gasped.
"Shall we show her the ring tomorrow and have her give a good explanation about this?"
"Yes. We should."
I rested that night afterwards because I was sure I had solved the case. 
Then the next day, I took a trip to the old woman's house... But without Sebastian. Apparently, June had accidentally set the garden on fire and so he had to stay to bring the fire down and clean the garden. 
When I arrived there, the old woman had already invited me in and seated me on the sofa.
"Did you find the criminal yet?"
"Why yes I did."
"Who is it?"
"Actually... I believe it's you."
The old lady giggled as if what I said was a joke, "Oh silly child! How could it possibly be me?"
I took out the ring, "You see. When you shine this under the moonlight, a symbol forms. That same symbol is on all of your paintings."
The old lady curled her fingers into a fist, "Filthy child! You shouldn't be playing games with adults you know?"
"I'm 16. I'm not a kid. And now, I shall arrest you."
But before I was about to, a hand with a tissue covered my mouth and my nose. I tried to struggle free but I was too weak and soon, I slowly drifted into a sleep.

I opened my eyes to a blurry vision. When it cleared, I could see that I was in a different location. It seemed to be some kind of dark warehouse. I notice was tied up and that a gag was in my mouth. These were some scary criminals. Then I noticed 2 guards in front of me conversing with each other.
"Has the girl waken up yet? We need to perform the death ceremony."
I instantly closed my eyes and pretended I was still sleeping because I knew bad things would happen if I didn't.
"I just looked and it seems like she is still unconscious."
"It's been 4 hours already! She should have woken up 2 hours ago! How much alcohol did you put in the tissue?"
"The same amount as always."
"Is that so? She must really be a weak one."
Weak? Gee thanks!
"Wait. Check for a minute. She could be faking her sleep."
Then one pinched my vital spots. Of course it hurt so much I cried out.
"So she was..."
Oh shoot! They found out...
"Alright. Report to the madam immediately!"
And the guard ran.
"You have some nerve trying to increase our work time," the other said in a really scary tone.
"Mmph MmnMnph!" I cried as my voice muffled through the gag.
He then carried me into this dark room where there were red lights and a black cauldron with smoke coming out of it And laid me down on some table. The old woman was standing behind a speech desk with a book on it wearing a black cloak.
"Hello child. How have you been doing?" she asked.
I of course didn't say anything.
"Oops! I forgot!" 
She came to me and removed the gag from my mouth.
"Now I can hear you scream all I want."
"Yeah... In your dreams," I mumbled.
"Shut up!" she commanded, "Ok boys! Now it is time we begin."
She went back to her speech desk and opened the book and mumbled a few words from the book in a language I could not understand. After she had done si, a guard sprinkled some sort of powder on me.
Then the lady said another few words from the book. The guard then took a stamp and stamped my face.
And the old woman once again repeated the process. Only this time, the guard had gotten a knife.
"Well the child. This may hurt quite a lot, but this is just the beginning. After you are sent to hell, you will suffer for eternity. Now guard! Cut her heart out slowly."
"Yes ma'am!"
He slowly moved the knife down.
"Hehehe! I doubt that butler of yours will be able to track us down now!"
"You better think twice before you say that," a familiar voice said. It was Sebastian.
The guard instantly stopped before he could cut me. Then Sebastian calmly walked towards me.
"Stand back!" the other guard shouted.
Sebastian ignored his warning and continued walking.
The other guard then threw a knife at him but being who he was, he dodged it.
"B-but how?!?? Our security has never been broken through before," the guard who was going to cut me quivered.
"Well you see, I am merely one hell of a butler," Sebastian replied and winked at him. Then he took the guard's wrist and turned it around. The guard yowled as the other one tried to pull Sebastian away from him.
The old woman just shook in fear and watched.
"Well Sebastian... What are you waiting for? Beat the hell out of them!" I ordered.
Then I watched Sebastian beat the guards to a pulp. By the time he finished, they were already 
"Impossible!" the old woman cry.
"But no it isn't. I just made it possible," Sebastian remarked.
"Shut up! How did you get in here anyways?"
Sebastian frowned, "You thought I would never check under the door mat?" he showed her a key.
"Some tight security."
The old woman collapsed on the floor, "This can't be! This never happened before! NEVER!!!"

Sebastian and I watched as the old woman and her guards were thrown into a dungeon.
"Well Ms. Mori, I'm impressed," Mr. Jones told me.
"You should be," I joked.
He chuckled as he scratched his maroon colored hair, "I'm not joking. I never thought you would actually be able to solve a case like this."
"Well I just did."
"Hehehe. Alright then. I should be going now. Thank you for your work both of you."
And we waved each other goodbye.
Later at night, Sebastian came into my room.
"You did a fine job in this case," he said.
"Maybe... But I never could have done it without you," I remarked.
He smiled, "I appreciate the flattery my lady."
And once again, he patted my head and left."
Author's note: This was so fun to write! I hope you liked this chapter!!


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AnimeFreak123 #1
@Runtysweetiepie Tyvm! I haven't written fanfiction in a long time though so it may not be that great :/
Runtysweetiepie #2
It's so good(:
I LOVE Black Butler :D