✰「 tous les jours 」» 「 aff roleplay; Closed 」
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< This is a Fomal Letter for all of you who came to join this roleplay >
             You, yes you - the one who's reading this right now. Since you are reading this, I suppose you are a member of this family. I would just like to take this time to thank you, for making me help this roleplay become active - even though I'm such a lazy wallpost replier. Because of you, TLJ would have failed to live for a whole three and a half months. To all the pioneers, the past members who stayed for long but couldn't because of personal reasons, the members who were kicked out because of inactivity, the people on hiatus but most importantly, to the present members who stayed until now, thank you so, so, so much for staying.
             To the people on hiatus, you probably will be surprised when you come back and read this. But nonetheless, I love all of you. ;u;
             Now, you're all probably wondering why I'm writing all these to you. I probably sound like an emotional guy trying to make you all cry(and probably failing). Anyway, yeah. To answer your question, I am here to say, sadly, that I have to close down the RP for personal reasons. Don't worry, just because I treasure you all so much, I'm going to explain.
            (I got the news just wednesday) So apparently, my grades are going well - too well in fact - that my own teacher signed me up for extra classes for the smart people(no I'm not smart). Actually, I didn't think it would be that bad but when I got a letter for my parents(I read it on my own), I was shot dead when I found out that it required extra hours of school. To think that my normal day starts at 4:30 AM in the morning, I leave by 5:25 AM and go to school for several hours. I get dismissed at 4:30 PM and get home by 6:30 PM or so. If I add about four hours of school due to the extra classes, I would probably be home by 9 - 10 PM and I still have homework to do. 
           I know I should be proud instead of being depressed but still, I thought that I was gonna be too busy to take care of TLJ. Concerning this, I know I should just put the rp on hiatus but when I come back, I probably will be hurt because of people leaving. Remember: One thing that hurts an admin heart is seeing people leave. So I decided to just close down the RP instead of putting it on hiatus.
           Closing it down doesn't mean it'll never come back. I'll only close it down for about two months or so and make a comeback near December because I love the place too much I can't bear to see it leave and go permanently. You'll have time to see me and our chatbox will still live even after this. I'll be on our chatbox but most probably be poofing in and out because I have work to do while I'm on. So if you want to still talk or even see me or some of the other members(hopefully, you're not tired of my face yet .A.), log in on our chat which is forever linked in our story. 
            This is a big thing for me. I'm not doing this because I want to, but because I have to. For now, I am mentally cursing myself for doing good on the periodical exam. Some people here have been such fun people to talk to and I met people who became such good friends of mine who live in different parts of the world just because of this RP. And I thank you all for that.
            I don't know what to say now nor can I continue on explaining to you guys. On Sunday, I'll take down the RP so you have time to say goodbye to each other. Thank you guys, I can't express how grateful I am towards all of you. I still hope to see you when I come back from this program. Goodbye. And no, I am not trolling. ._.
Love from your admin & co-creator,
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--xbaeksumin #1
omg i commented on the old hq. pls just know i rlly miss you all. forever and always
can I be Sunny from SNSD, please?
Thank you~~
Chapter 2: Can I be Jang Chommi (ulzzang)?
sorry but bomi's deactivating ; ~ ;
this is one of the best rp ever but,
I have too many rps to handle..
omg why did so many of you left w/o giving me your personal! /rages; shot.
Chapter 2: Could I be Eunhyuk from Super Junior?

(Reply in message please :3)
x-Yenny #6
yenny is deactivating. sorry ;~;
will miss this place...