
How Sungmin got to sing Bittersweet

"Okay so we sing this song all together." Leeteuk said. "Now--"

"Song reference!" Shindong called. Everyone chuckled.

Leeteuk gave him a look and continued. "We have 'Bittersweet'."

Yesung raised his hand. "KRY can do that song!"

Oh no...Kyuhyun thought. Not again...

"Hold up!" Kyuhyun raised his hand. "I object!"

"We're not at a wedding Kyu." Donghae joked.

Kyuhyun ignored him.

"What is it now Kyuhyun?" Leeteuk sighed. "Is Ryeowook's voice to high for you or Yesung's looks not good enough?"

"Well yeah..." Kyuhyun smiled at the looks of his fellow KRY member's faces."But I want Sungmin to sing with us!"

Sungmin looked up surprised. "Really?"

Kyuhyun smiled."Yeah!"

Leeteuk and the others did not buy it one bit.

"But KRY has to sing this. It's not SKRY or KRYS!" Yesung protested.

Sungmin became discouraged at Yesung's statement.

"No way! Sungmin is joining us! I can't take you two bouncing around in your own little world while I stand far away like an idiot." Kyuhyun yelled.

"What we do not!"

"Do too!"

Do not!"

"Do too!"

"Do not!"

"Yah!" Leeteuk snapped coming between the two as they got in each other's faces. He turned to the other members. "Do they do that?"

They all shrugged.

"Don't look at me I just got here!" Kangin said.

Leeteuk rolled his eyes. That was Kangin's new excuse for everything.

"Please hyung can Sunmgin sing with us?" Kyuhyun begged.

"Fine fine. Just leave already the sooner we get done the sooner it can be released. We have millions of ELFs waiting!" Leeteuk kicked the four out and they walked to the recording room.

Yewook was ahead as usual in their world. And as they passed a hallway that had restrooms Kyuhyun pulled Sungmin in there.

"Whoa! Kyu!" Sungmin said. He then squeaked when he felt a pair of firm lips press against his own.

The kisses were soft yet demanding. Sungmin felt his stomach do flops, his blood boil, and his heart pound. It was the greatest feeling in the world. Kyuhyun then pulled away after a while.

"You didn't think I was just using you to get away from Yewook did you?"

Sungmin stammered and Kyuhyun silenced him with another kiss. It sent shivers down Sungmin's spine.


"Come on Sungmin let's show them Kyumin can be great too!" Kyuhyun cheered.

Sungmin flustered. "Um...okay..."

"Alright let's go!" Kyuhyun grabbed the older man's hand and they went off full of confidence to the recording room to sing their asses off.

And that's why Sungmin sings with KRY in the song 'Bittersweet'.


So yeah I wrote this because it's partially true Kyuhyun is always standing awkwardly when Yewook plays around. Which isn't that often.

Also i've been obsessed with this song for 5 days now :O i think that deserves a story :P

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Alice_K26 #1
Chapter 1: Its looks reallll... oh myy... i hope it really happennn ^_^
cute~~ I really liked it!
Lol~ cute!! I love the story.. And I love the song!! It's my fav too.. So great!!
woahhh! kyumin cannot be separate!
Joyer's Pres objected? well, he was having too much kyumin moment nowadays! hehehe...
love this~
cute :D but its weird how yeye objected.....
ChristalSJ #6
Heheheh xD
ChristalSJ #7
Cant wait ^^