Stop Time

D Kryber hot/funshots

Stop time.


All I want to do is to stop time and press the rewind button and go back to the day when we first met. And from that day onwards, I’ll treat every moment with you as the most special… as if it were the last.




How I wish I never heard those words of farewell from your lips. How I wish those words never crossed your minds at once, because those words that my ears perceived struck my beating heart at the center, leaving me lifeless… speechless.


I love you.


When you told me that you love me, my world seemed to stop as my heart swelled of blissfulness. That moment that felt like forever was the one that I treasured the most in my heart. And since that day, your voice that spoke those words became music in my ears… words of love… words of an angel.


How can I?


So now tell me… how can I forget you? Shall I try to forget you? After you decided to just stop and leave, how am I supposed to live the life that was already used to have you in it? How do you expect me to sleep at night when I know that the warmth that used to embrace me has now gone? That there are no more “Good night’s” that will lull me to sleep whenever I feel troubled? That when I open my eyes the next day, there is no longer you, who’s smiling back at me before greeting me “Good morning?”


How I wish…


How I wish you could’ve at least told me how to live without you. How I wish you could’ve slowly disappeared in my life like a snow crystal slowly melting away on my hand, and not like a bubble that suddenly just disappeared out of my sight.


How I wish you held on to me more. How I wish you gave “us” more a chance.


Even in my dreams…


And no matter how much I wanted to hate you from hurting me and walking out of my life like that, a part of me still wishes… even in my dreams… that you are still loving me.





This is supposed to be a song but I uhh... just typed the supposed to be lyrics. LOL

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Since it's Halloween, I tried writing something with a ghost involved. I hope you liked '2100H.' Comments are very much appreciated.


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Hirokichi #1
Chapter 28: can you pleaseeeeeeeeee continue K.O part 4 Please 🙏🙏
really really waiting for part 4
and 5 maybe 😁 until finish
Hirokichi #2
Chapter 28: Still waiting for K.O part 4
Please 😊
2074 streak #3
Chapter 18: More than anything I can ask for
2074 streak #4
Chapter 18: I love this story so much
Chapter 29: Chapter 25: Awwwe~ wish you can have a sequel story for this one. Dead amber is a sad krystal with a child. My heart cannot take it. TT~TT
justmeyay #6
Chapter 2: ??kryber fic thankyou
Chapter 12: Urmmm…… Drinking hot chocolate and Milk really will feel better? Gd idea…… keke.. Thanks Authorim H for this suggestion!! :D I prefer your fluffy ff…… Sometimes, the angst ff really can be heavy to digest but... once in a while is gd to read too.... Hope to see new chapter from u SOON!! :)))
Chapter 29: OMG!!! It was raining while I was reading... I had the doubt that the story was gojng to be a sad ending!! And till the part when Amber appeared to be home, my room's light suddenly went off!!! Gosh, it was a total darkness in my room!! Due to the lightning, the electricity of my whole house in the circuit beaker was switched off!! Goosebump!! And I was right……… it was the last meeting of Kryber!! T_______T I hate to imagine such scene.... It is killing me! Tears rolled down my eyes... Seriously, I can feel how devastating Krys felt!!! The loss of her most beloved Llama Ber is unbearable!!! Seriously.........very upset!!
krystal1023 #9
Chapter 29: omg this made me cried!
Chapter 29: ITS SO SAD!!!! TT__TT