Spending time

D Kryber hot/funshots




I took a glance at my wristwatch as soon as I sat down the couch that was facing the large windows of the coffee shop. I got a bit earlier than usual in our meeting place I guess. It’s not that I’m excited to see her. I just missed hanging out with her in this kind of weather.


I was too busy with college when I received a call from her, asking if I’m free this afternoon for coffee. Checking my schedule for today, I immediately informed her the time of my dismissal, which was an hour earlier than hers. Adding the travel time, one hour is more than enough to the coffee shop near our high school, the place where we used to hangout back in our senior years, the place that we frequent especially at times like these.


Resting my back to the soft cushion behind me, I preferred watching the raindrops meeting the paved way of the garden in front of the coffee shop. The rain is more of a drizzle than a downpour, just enough to allow some people to dance in the rain despite the slight darkness outside. Instead of giving a rather dead atmosphere, the dark grey skies above contrasted the joyful feelings in dancing in the rain. It’s more fun doing that when it’s a bit cooler.


(Play this song ^^)


A smile was drawn to my face as I vaguely remembered that moment when she grabbed my hands from this very seat, in this very coffee shop, and asked the owner to play a certain song. Since there are also speakers outside, the loudness was enough for us to hear from the petite garden in front. And just as if it was on cue, the same song played as I thought of that memory when she said those words to me and sang along to the song playing in the background. I smiled as I remembered how she pulled me closer to her and rested her forehead onto mine as she sang “Don’t you know you can’t escape me… Cause you’ll always be my babe.”


Why would I even think of escaping from her loving arms that never failed to make me feel loved, protected, cherished?


I was too busy reminiscing the past that I didn’t see the person I’ve been waiting for a while now sneaks behind me to cover my eyes.


Tch! As if I won’t be able to recognize her touch, how her soft, warm palms feel as they meet my skin.


“Amber…” I called her name without letting her speak a word.


“Aww… You’re no fun.” She pouted as she took the seat in front of me and, as weird as she is, stared intently at me.


“Yah! Why are you staring at me like that? Do I have some dirt on my face or what?” I asked her.


“Nah… It’s just that… I was wondering how could you still glow in a gloomy weather like this.”


“Oh God… You and your cheesy lines.” I rolled my eyes, but in the end I wasn’t able to hide my blush and my suppressed smile.


“What? I’m just saying the truth. See? You’re smiling!!!”


“Not that I don’t like it, stupid.” I admitted as I stuck my tongue out.


“Hahaha! Of course, of course. Anyway, did you wait long?”


I shook my head in response.


“Great! Now, now… Let me order now. Still the usual, Princess?”


I nodded.


When she got back, she took the seat beside me instead.


“I missed this.” She uttered softly.


After taking a sip from my warm cup of coffee, I held it on my lap before resting my head on her shoulder and hummed in response.


It’s true. Our busy college lives prevented us from spending time with each other, especially now that we’re in our last year. But at least, we’re still able to find and make time so we could at least share a moment like this and talk about random things. And such rainy afternoon coffee treats, which others might find gloomy, is one of the happiest moments in my life… because I’m with her.





I'm supposed to be studying right now, but uhh... with the rain and the f(x) feels.. tsk, Imma take a break and type what's on my mind. Written in Krystal's POV. Thank you for reading.

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Since it's Halloween, I tried writing something with a ghost involved. I hope you liked '2100H.' Comments are very much appreciated.


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Hirokichi #1
Chapter 28: can you pleaseeeeeeeeee continue K.O part 4 Please 🙏🙏
really really waiting for part 4
and 5 maybe 😁 until finish
Hirokichi #2
Chapter 28: Still waiting for K.O part 4
Please 😊
2071 streak #3
Chapter 18: More than anything I can ask for
2071 streak #4
Chapter 18: I love this story so much
Chapter 29: Chapter 25: Awwwe~ wish you can have a sequel story for this one. Dead amber is a sad krystal with a child. My heart cannot take it. TT~TT
justmeyay #6
Chapter 2: ??kryber fic thankyou
Chapter 12: Urmmm…… Drinking hot chocolate and Milk really will feel better? Gd idea…… keke.. Thanks Authorim H for this suggestion!! :D I prefer your fluffy ff…… Sometimes, the angst ff really can be heavy to digest but... once in a while is gd to read too.... Hope to see new chapter from u SOON!! :)))
Chapter 29: OMG!!! It was raining while I was reading... I had the doubt that the story was gojng to be a sad ending!! And till the part when Amber appeared to be home, my room's light suddenly went off!!! Gosh, it was a total darkness in my room!! Due to the lightning, the electricity of my whole house in the circuit beaker was switched off!! Goosebump!! And I was right……… it was the last meeting of Kryber!! T_______T I hate to imagine such scene.... It is killing me! Tears rolled down my eyes... Seriously, I can feel how devastating Krys felt!!! The loss of her most beloved Llama Ber is unbearable!!! Seriously.........very upset!!
krystal1023 #9
Chapter 29: omg this made me cried!
Chapter 29: ITS SO SAD!!!! TT__TT