It’s Fall

The Fall Girl

Autumn’s POV

The light shine through my window causing me wake up as I squinted my eyes. I looked at the time and widen my eyes in horror.

“Aish! Snow unnie is going to kill me!” I shouted as I darted towards the bathroom. After I finished I zoomed out of my room and went to the kitchen and sat on my chair.

“Good Morning Autumn.” I heard Snow unnie’s voice. Damn! I looked towards her slowly and smiled sweetly.

“Morning Snow unnie, how are you?” I asked innocently.

“You’re late, again.” She said plainly.

“I’m sorry…” I mumbled as Snow unnie came behind me.

“You know, before you come down…” She said as she started to fix my wings. “You need to make sure your wings aren’t bent.”

“Unnie, I’ll make sure that won’t happen again.” I said.

“Just be on time and make sure your wings are awake.” She said as she let my wings go. I flutter them and smiled.

“They are wide awake now.” I said smiling.

“Snow! Leave your baby sister alone.” Appa voiced rang through the dining hall.

“Appa!” I excitedly said as I went up to hug him.

“Morning my baby girl.” Appa said as he pinched my cheeks.

“I’m just preparing her for her future appa. Just like how you prepare us for our future. Bliss, Blossom and I were all able to be here on time when we were 15. Autumn is 21 for crying out loud.” Snow unnie said.

“I don’t care how long it takes before Autumn grows up. She’s still…” Appa started but Snow unnie cut him off.

“Your baby. I know. We all know that.” Snow unnie said.

“Snow dear, don’t argue with your father.” Omma said as she came and sat on the table.

“Yes omma.” Snow unnie said as she sat on the table. “I’m sorry appa.”

“Why are you guys always fighting?” Blossom unnie asked as she made her way out of the kitchen. Blossom unnie is always helping the cooks cook food. “I think Snow unnie is doing a wonderful job. Autumn needs to know when to be ready on time. It’s not good for her.”

“But she’s still young, she’s still learning.” Appa said.

“Appa, she’s 21. You know that once Bliss unnie comes back…” Blossom argued.

“Stop it! I’m sorry Snow unnie and Blossom unnie.” I shouted. “I’ll be more responsible from now on and be on time.”

“That’s great darling.” Omma said smiling. Appa heaved a heavy sigh and shook his head.

“Hey guys! I’m back! Miss me?” a voice said at the end of the hall way. We all turned our head and saw Bliss unnie.

“BLISS!” We all ran up to her and hugged her.

“You’re a day early?” Snow unnie said.

“Yeah, I figured that I might as well come home early.” Bliss unnie said smiling.

“Yay!” I squealed happily.

“Oh...I see I just came in time for breakfast huh? God, I miss your cooking Blossom.” Bliss said as she sat down.

~After 15 minutes of eating~

“Appa…summer is ending…” I started. “And I am 21 now…so I won’t have to have stay with ahjusshi and ahjumma all the time now right?”

“Yes…but you have to be careful…” Appa said. I smiled and nodded.

“Yeah…Autumn…no matter what, remember you can call me.” Snow unnie said.

“Yeah…don’t worry about me unnie.” I said smiling.

“We’ll always worry about you.” Snow unnie said. “Come, I’ll help you pack.”

Snow unnie and I went upstairs to my room and packed my clothes. Before I knew it, I was all ready to go. In order to go to the human world and return back to Crestilla, we walk pass a weeping willow tree. The weeping willow tree allows us to enter in and out of Crestilla without anyone seeing us. It’s our main source of travel. Let me tell you a bit about us…Snow unnie is the oldest of the four of my sisters and she is the Winter Fairy Princess. Next is Bliss unnie; she is the Summer Fairy Princess and the second daughter. Third is Blossom and she the Spring Fairy Princess. Last but not least, me…and you probably guessed it by now…I’m the Fall Fairy Princess. I bid my goodbyes to my family before walking pass the willow tree.

End of Autumn’s POV

Junsu’s POV

I scrolled down the screen on my laptop. I gathered the last piece of evidence. I have been working on this case for a month and I am finally coming down to a conclusion. I printed out the paper before looking at the time.

“Oh !” I cursed before running out of my office. I got in my car and drove as fast as I could to the court room.

~At the Court Room~

“You’re late Junsu.” Yunho hyung said as he walked by me. Yunho hyung was my partner on the case. Our main focus on the case was if the wife killed the husband or not. I’m defending the wife and the prosecutor is the husband’s mistress…which is very ironic.

“This is case number 108 on the murder of Mr. Cho Pinho” The bailiff announced. I confidently raised my head and waited for the prosecutor to speak. Before going up to deny, Yunho gave me a thumbs up.

“Break a leg.” Yunho whispered.

“This is no biggie.” I said back.

~End of Case~

“Nice job Kim and Jung!” The bailiff said before walking out of the courtroom. I smiled and started to pack my things.

“Hey, you won the case even without my help.” Yunho hyung said sticking out his fist for a bropound.

“You did a lot too hyung. We both won this case.” I said.

“Mr. Kim and Mr. Jung, thank you both so much for proving my innocence.” Mrs. Cho said.

“Yeah…I’m glad to hear that you really didn’t kill your husband.” I said happily.

“I would never do that. Why do you think I married him? It wasn’t out money or looks. I really did love him. Too bad he decided it to waste it on someone else than me. I really do thank you though.” Mrs. Cho said before walking out.

“Let’s go out and call the rest of the guys for dinner. Victory dinner!” Yunho cheered.

“Sure, I’m up for it.” I said smiling. Yunho hyung and I both walked out of the courthouse. As we got to the parking lot I looked up to the sky and saw the clear blue sky breaking into a hazy gray overcasting the green hills. It’s fall.


End of first chapter~!!!

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Does it sound interesting?! I hope you all like it!

I have been thinking about this plotline for the longest time ever and finally decided to write about it.

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Chapter 3: this is interesting. please update
Chapter 3: Luv this~ update soon
haha she's cute