Here are my reasons.

Many Reasons To Love You

All told in Taemin's POV

You've asked me, 'Why do you love me?' 

You asked me that multiple times. 

Baby, there are so many reasons.

Your eyes, they glitter even in the darkness.
They give a glimmer of hope, when all goes down-hill.

Your eyes, they sparkle brighter than stars.
It's a common thing to say, but it's true. 

Those eyes, always looking up at me with loyalty.
You always look at me with love in your eyes.

Not only is it those eyes that made me love you...

Your lips, the way you bite your lips when your nervous.
I always tell you to stop biting them, but you never listen.

When you pout when I tease you.
But in the end you smile and forgive me.

Those pink lips that kiss me every morning.
Those kisses that I'm addicted to.

Do you think I'm done listing things?

Your cheeks, the way they turn red when you're embarassed...
Or when I show public affection for you.

Those cheeks that I pinch.
Whenever you do aegyo for me.

Those rosey cheeks, that I give quick pecks to.
Whenever you do sweet yet simple things for me.

Yes, there are many reasons, right?

Your hands, those hands that I hold whenever we're together.
Laying in bed, walking, watching a movie, our fingers are always intertwined.

Those soft hands that caress my face.
The way you trace my facial features as I sleep. Yes, I know about it~

Those warm hands that warm me up on the coldest days.
You cup my cheeks whenever they turn red from the cold. You instantly warm me up.

Are these reasons enough? Heh, I'm not done~

Your hair, so soft and silky.
The way it frames your beautiful face.

The way you blow your hair off of your face.
It always get's in the way, that's why we bought you a bunch of head bands~

When you mess your hair up in frustration.
You look even cuter~

Baby, can't you see that there are so many reasons?
I could list a billion more reasons.

But here are the ones that truely make me love you.

Baby, you're the reason I live.
The reason I breathe.
The reason my heart beats.


The reason I smile.
The reason I'm loved.
The reason I love.


Gah, sorry it's crappy! It just came from the top of my mind e_e Okay. I hope you liked it. 

Bai Bai~^^

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Chapter 1: Awwwwwwww ^^ so so so cute <3 it's beautiful!!!!!!!!!!!
Chapter 1: OH MY GOD! It was so beautiful! I think I'm going to cry!
ChoNanami #3
Really, that was so cute, omg. Tears on my face. ;A;
This is amazingly BEAUTIFUL! Any Taemints would so go crazy if TAEMIN were to say that to them. I mean I would. :) wow this was amazing ! Ur really good !!
awwwwww this is just soooooo cute~!!!!! ;u; i love it~!