Meet the worst delinquent

I Love My Guardian Angel


Chapter 5

Rise!  Bow!


“’s lecture is about the person who will become the ruler of this world, Kwon Yuri history.” Tiffany said to the class.


“Tiffany! Please teach the class seriously!” Yuri bangs her hands on the table.


“But I was serious!” Tiffany saddened.


“How?” said Yuri.


“Concerning the Yuri that I love, I can say...” Tiffany replied.


Just then, classmates were mumbling about themselves


“It’s going to start again as usual” one of the student whisper


“You over there, no talking in the class” Tiffany threw the duster but sadly, it landed upon Yuri’s face.


“Yuri Master! Are you alright?” Jessica quickly run towards Yuri held her up.


“How dare you treat Yuri master like that?” Jessica was furious towards Tiffany.


“Because someone is not concentrating in class” said Tiffany.


“Whoever hurts Yuri master shall NOT be forgiven!” Jessica shouted.


“What! You want to fight? Tiffany hissed.


“S-Stop it...S-Stop...S-Stop” Yuri tried to control the girls but it was too late.


A loud explosion occurred in the school again. Not once but many times. Even the classmates or even schoolmates know why it happened. The class was being a messed again and everyone is trying to clean up and rearrange the tables and chairs.


“If there weren’t these fights, Tiffany’s class won’t be quite interesting.” said Taeyeon standing beside Jessica.


“Is that so? I was wondering what you think about Tiffany?” she turn her head and look at Taeyeon with serious eyes.


“Well...I think she is a-a good teacher after all.” Taeyeon hesitated but did not tell the truth


Gosh! Why is Jessica asking me this question all of the sudden. I know myself that Tiffany was not only a good teacher but also someone special for me. Shags! I should stop thinking about those fantasy dreams. I know it’s not going to happen.


“Oh I see…by the way who is sitting on this table?” pointing at the empty seat.


“You mean Yoona? She’s the school’s worst delinquent” said Taeyeon.




“She’s a leader of the group of juvenile delinquent” Taeyeon hissed.


“That’s not true Jessica.” Yuri interrupted.


“But still, she’s always tardy, and a trouble student” said Taeyeon.


“Trouble student?”


“I don’t think so, I guess she just being herself. Alright let’s go home” said Yuri




Since Yuri’s house was repaired, they intend to move back and the refrigerator needed to fill up with food again. Therefore, Yuri wanted to teach Jessica some modern era stuff. They both went to the shopping mall.


“Yuri! There are a lot of people there!”  Jessica was excited looking around her surroundings.


“Let’s go Jessica” Yuri pulled her along.




Both of them walked along the street and Jessica behind Yuri happily skipping around as she was excited at the mean time.


“That’s a really huge shopping mall” Jessica widens her eyes after looking upwards.


“Umm....Jessica…I’m going to have you learn about this era, starting with this shopping mall”


“In particular, I’ll show you how this shopping system works. My class is extremely difficult! Better pay attention!” Yuri commanded


“Okay!” Jessica nodded her head.


During the shopping, Jessica had difficultly on standing on the escalator. Hence it took quite a while for her to get used to it. Yuri could only stand behind her to support her if she falls backwards. Both of them then went to a fruits stall and Yuri teaches her how to count the price of it. Jessica pulled out a pen and jolted down the information on what Yuri has explained to her. After they choose finished the fruits, they went to the cashier and Yuri teach her how to pay and count money.


“Done, so do you understand?” said Yuri.


“Yes, in general.”


“Yuri master, I want to try buying things by myself” Jessica insisted.


“Alright, but remember to check the price before you buy” Yuri smiled.




Yuri then stood up and walked to a certain corner trying to find something but someone interrupted her.


“I’ve been looking for you! You’re so mean to throw me by the wayside and go on ahead without me “Tiffany dashed towards Yuri and hugged her.


“What are you talking about? Didn’t you get called by the principal? “Yuri pushed Tiffany away from the awkward hug.


“Terrible isn’t it since it happens every day. “ Tiffany pretended to cry.


“It’s because you always destroy the school building every day” Yuri exclaimed.


“Or is it you like toys than me?” Tiffany saw Yuri holding a toy duck.


“Wait for me! I will allow you to play to your heart content!” Tiffany turned around and tried to look for toys.


“Wait! Tiffany!!” Yuri knew something bad is going to happen again.


Tiffany cast her power onto the controller, television, bears soft toy and all sorts of type and combined them into a big transformer.


“Yuri! Come play with it!” shouted Tiffany.


“Damn Tiffany! She’s going to cause trouble again” Yuri avoided away from Tiffany.


The shop owner was excited to see what happened therefore all of them wanted to see what happened. After all the staffs were gone, Yoona appeared. She fastens her speed to a particular corner and tries to steal a pen. Unfortunely, Yuri caught her.


“Im Yoona? What are you trying to do?” said Yuri as she cross her arm.


“H-hey...Yuri, quite unexpected to meet you here” Yoona turn her head slowly looking at the fierce Yuri.


“Sigh...” Yuri frowned.


“Yuri Master! Are you okay?” Jessica sits on the flying dragon.


Both Jessica and Yoona locked their eyes together for quite some time before Jessica broke the gaze.


“Who are you?” said Jessica


“This is the one we talking about in school, Im Yoona.” Yuri answered.


“Geez...Yuri so you are here” Yuri felt goose bumps when she saw Tiffany beside her.


Yuri quickly runs away from the shopping mall as she saw the big transformer heading towards her. The rest then followed her.


 “So those two were the ones that are causing the ruckus at the cultural festival.” said Yoona.


“Yeah, more or less” said Yuri


“I am Jessica Jung, you can call me Jessica.” said Jessica as she introduced herself to Yoona.


“I am Im Yoona, its okay to call me Yoona”


“Who’s that girl?” Tiffany whisper to Yuri


“Umm…you’re the teacher, and you don’t know your students name?” said Yuri.


“Hey Yoona, I shouldn’t be lecturing you, but...” Yuri still haven forget the incident when Yoona trying to steal a pen.


“Then don’t say it” Yoona replied.


“There’s no way around it! That because I saw it!” shouted Yuri.


“Nosy” Trying to look away from Yuri



“Why are you with these two girls?” Yoona smirked.


“That is just...”


“Say, it was you who caused the disturbance back there?” Yoona said to Jessica


“Yes...” Jessica was embarrassed


“That flying animal from back then was so cute! Are there any more kinds of it?” said Yoona




Yoona POV

When did Yuri hook up with these people? I wonder…I got a better idea to deal with Yuri. Hope it works! I think Jessica is a friendly person. Alright am going to used her for the plan I had.


“Jessica...wants come and play with me? Can you let me see some more creatures you have?” said Yoona.




“Is it okay with you Yuri?” Yoona looked at Yuri.


“Hey Yoona” Yuri was trying to stop but was too late as Yoona quickly pulled Jessica away. Yuri knew what Yoona going to do.


“It’s okay; we’ll have fun by ourselves” Tiffany exclaimed.


“Hey let go of me! Jessica! Jessica! Jessica!” shouted Yuri


“Yuri! Yuri! Yuri!” shouted Jessica


“Is this some kind of drama? What are you guys doing” Yoona shake her head.


Yoona dragged Jessica and run away as fast as possible and stop at the nearby park.


“Before you asked, could you answer one question of mine?” said Yoona.




“I’ll be blunt. What is your relationship between you and Yuri?” Yoona was curious about it.




“Your relationship, RE-LA-TION-SHIP” Yoona explained.


“I’m an angel of Lunar” said Jessica


“L-Lunar? You’re a spirit of the moon?” Yoona couldn’t believe.




“Yuri is your master? Who have known that she would be so pure-hearted?”


“Well, I believe it now after seeing you two. The spirit that is carrying around a shopping bag looks really cute” Yoona teased.


“Oh! Yoona didn’t you forget your paper bag at the store back then? We must hurry and get it back!” said Jessica


“Oh, don’t worry about it.” Jessica didn’t know that the paper bag was the items that I stole.


“I…was shoplifting”


“What!?” Jessica spoke loudly as if she looked very angry. Yoona then try to hide her face.


“But what is shoplifting?” Yoona then laughed so loud.


“Did I say something strange?” Jessica scratched her head.


“That question isn’t usually asked” Yoona still laughing hard


“I’m sorry. I don’t understand about this era very well.”


“You really are a strange person”


“Tiffany also says that to me often”


“Say, you really not afraid of me?”




“You didn’t hear what Yuri says anything about me?”


“Yuri didn’t say anything about you. However, the other classmates say you are a delinquent.”


“What is the matter?” Jessica saw Yoona head looked down and her face was upset and angry at the same time.




“Yoona, if you have time, could you accompany me on a walk? Since you also interested in seeing others creatures too.” Jessica tries to brighten the atmosphere


Both of them then fly up to the sky sitting on the flying dragon. Yoona was shocked when she was so high up.


“It’s incredible”


And both of them flew away.


“That damn Yoona, where did she go to? At least, leave Sunny with me...” Yuri was panting hard trying to catch her breath


“You don’t have to worry about them. That girl isn’t going to eat her up anyway. As a matter of fact, she’s not what everyone thinks she is, she’s not bad.” said Tiffany.


“But...I’m still worried.”


“Tiffany! Could you make this thing move?” pointing at the statue of a dog.




“Please, Tiffany! You’re the only one that can help me”


“Yuri...could you say that again?” Tiffany was very happy after what Yuri said




“You’re the only one that can help me. That’s the first time Yuri needed me” Tiffany grin and cast her power on the statue dog.


“Now smell this, this scent will bring me to the owner.” Yuri let the statue dog smell Jessica’s handachief.


“Remember it?”


Yuri thought the dog was able to sniff it but she was wrong. The dog ended up peeing at one of the corner.


“It was originally a stone statue, so it doesn’t know how to smell” said Tiffany.


“That’s so useless”


The dog heard it and was angry and run away from Yuri.


“Hey! Wait up!” Yuri quickly followed the dog.


“There’s time when you screw up at the wrong time” Tiffany mumbled


“How nice...I want to have a servant like this too” Yoona exclaimed.


“No, they are not servants. They are my trusted companions” said Jessica


“Trusted companions…”


Later, both of them saw something happened below. The construction workers were trying to ask the small kids to go other area to play their game as they are going to destroy the park. Yoona wanted to help the kids and asked Jessica to do something. Therefore, Jessica summoned small soldiers and build a playground on the ground.


“WOO, that was so fun!” Yoona laughing so hard but she saw Jessica run towards the workers and apologized to them for causing trouble.


After that, both the girls walked again and saw a massive traffic jam.


“Jessica, can you help move these cars?”


“Okay.” she summoned her giant and the giant try to stack the cars together


While the giant was stacking, one of the car owners scolded the giant.


“Hey! What the hell are you doing?”


Giant turned his head and causes the stranger to freeze at the spot after seeing the giant glared at him.


“I’m sorry. I’ll put it back the way it was.” Jessica apologized to the stranger.


“It was you? You brought this giant over here and stacked all the cars up like that? What a moron!” shouted one of the stranger


Jessica didn’t mind taking up all the blame as long Yoona was happy. After a long tiring day, both of them took a rest at the nearby park.


“Gosh! I have never laughed so much before. I’ve never be so excited” said Yoona


“The creatures were cute too”


“Yeah, good work for today” Jessica patting her flying dragon’s head.


“Umm Jessica, why did you willing to spend the better part of the day with me? Even though it was me who dragged you away from Yuri” Yoona looked at Jessica


“While we were talking in the park before, your expression had a trace of loneliness”


“T-That’s nothing! You should know that I’m a real delinquent. I really enjoy doing bad things. Just today, you are apologizing the whole day and also...” Yoona was cut off by Jessica


“ are not a bad person”


“What are you saying? Do you know what you’re saying?” Yoona blushed away


“I do...because I am an angel after all. I can tell when someone is feeling lonely. Therefore, I wanted to reduce the loneliness in your heart a little bit”


“I never had such a fun time before, I felt that I am so lonely. It’s because of my past and the way I talk. Other people just assume that I’m that kind of person. Therefore I became what they wanted me to become” Yoona bow her head down.


Jessica then passes an apple to Yoona


“Did you have fun today?” Jessica smiled at her.


“You’re strange...” Yoona grabs the apple


Just then...


A loud trembling sound came from behind. It was the dog that Yuri had followed. And the dog flew above them and landed on the nearby pool of water.


“YAH Help me” shouted Yuri.


“Yuri Master” Jessica run towards Yuri


“Oh...that Yuri” Yoona burst out laugher again after seeing Yuri drenched in the pool.


“I finally found you, are you okay?” Yuri said to Jessica


“Don’t worry I am fine” Jessica smiled as she pulled Yuri up from the pool.


“Jessica! I am going back, goodbye!” shouted Yoona before waving goodbye to the both of them.


“Did Yoona teach other thing that you shouldn’t learn?” said Yuri


“Other things?” Jessica was confused.




Not long after, trembling sounds came from behind again. It was Tiffany holding onto the car and she landed on the pool of water too.


Next day...


“Hey both of you stop fighting” shouted Yuri.


That’s right, the school was destroyed again.


“What in the world has just happened?” Yoona shocked as she walks in the class


“Yoona!” shouted Jessica


“Hi Jessica, Sorry I overslept…but it looks like okay to be late” said Yoona as she scanned around the surrounding. The classroom was in a messed.


“Yoona, it’s good to see you here again” said Taeyeon


“With such interesting people here, from today onwards I’ll be coming to school” Yoona then laughed again.


“That just means that we’ve got another obnoxious person now” said Yuri as she thought that there will be more troubles adding.


Yoona know Yuri likes Jessica, therefore she likes to tease Jessica because Jessica is so innocent when she doesn't know anything. 

Thanks for the comments you all gave, am glad u guys love it <3

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yulsicmylove #1
Chapter 9: hahaha ryo tied with tanker~~
Chapter 8: this is really funny specially the string pairings
keep updating author im always waiting for it
Darklady #3
it like watching some anime..........
uyul04 #4
so the one who clueless only sica right..
wonder how ryan know about fany and sica magic already..
anyway yuri you re so cute ^^
ohhh geez I hate that Ryo I want to kill him right NOW
BTW jelly Yuri is so cute,, arrrgghh why is Sica so oblivious
jessica like nobody i like it hehehe
i want more yulti here please make sica jealous hehehe
Jessica, you pabo..she's so dense,...
loveann24 #8
update soon author!
is Fany starting to like Tae.?? :))))
oh, it's Ryo.....
well, nevermind that...