What is love?

What is love



Listen to: Girls Generation's "Forever" (Its just so sweet ;AAA;) : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6LQE8gh7RGo

"I'm going to confess." Sehun whispered in his head as he watched Chanyeol and Baekhyun laughing at the people in the horror train. "Its not that scary anyway!" Baekhyun laughs. Sehun chuckles. "Pfft. Baekhyun. You're so brave. I'm sure you'll cry your heart out when we get on that ride." Sehun laughs as Baekhyun pouted. "Y-yah!"

Chanyeol looks at the two and smiles. "But it really is scary, Baekhyun." Chanyeol said. Baekhyun shaked a bit and looked at Chanyeol. "I-i-it is not!" Baekhyun shouts at him which made all the people look at the two of them. Sehun laughs loudly which got the attention of everyone else. Baekhyun looks at Sehun and laughs with him and Chanyeol probably laughed with them which got all the people's attention.

"We're getting crazy." Baekhyun said, wiping the tear in his eyes because of too much laughing and his other hand on his tummy. "Yeah." Sehun smiles while still giggling.



Tomorrow morning, at school, Sehun decided to leave a note to Baekhyun saying to meet him at the rooftop after class. Sehun felt nervous. Scared that he might get rejected and that their friendship might be destroyed. But he just can't hide his feelings anymore. At least Baekhyun is aware of his feelings.

After class, Sehun waits for Baekhyun as he leaned his arm on the grills. He slowly turned his head around when he heard his name got called.. By an angel. He sees a cute Baekhyun running to him. "You know, i never went to the rooftop of this school afterclass. Its so beautiful here."  Baekhyun looked around and leaned his arm on the grills beside Sehun. The wind blows beside Sehun and it makes him feel like he just wants to explode right now. "Look at the sunset! Its so beautiful.." Baekhyun smiles at Sehun then stares at the sunset. "By the way.. What is it, Sehun?" Baekhyun looks at Sehun.

Sehun smiles and stares at the sunset. "I want to tell you something. Something important." Sehun said. Baekhyun waits for Sehun to ask as he repeated his question. Sehun paused for a while and Baekhyun repeated his question again...

"....I like you." Sehun softly said.. Almost like a whisper.

Baekhyun's eyes widen. The wind blows beside them soothingly.. Like it would kill Sehun from too much silence. "What?" Baekhyun heard it. But he just thought he might have heard it wrong.

"I.. I like you Baekhyun. I love.. I love you." Sehun looked at Baekhyun. And this time, he was looking right into his eyes.

Baekhyun looks at Sehun as he said Sehun's name. "I never expected this.." Baekhyun said. Sehun stares at the sunset again and smiles. His tears were about to fall.. But he just tries to stop it from falling. "Neither did i." Sehun smiles again. "This is my confession to you,Byun Baekhyun." Sehun looks at Baekhyun.

Chanyeol, who was actually listening to them all that time, felt jealousy as Baekhyun hugged Sehun.. What? Baekhyun hugged Sehun? Was he happy with Sehun's confession? What is this? He got confused on what he felt. But he was sure.. He was sure it was jealousy. Then thats where the 'waters' from his eyes comes out, pouring. He runs away.. Not hearing about Baekhyun's refusal on Sehun.

"Sehun..I'm sorry.. But i already like some--"

"Chanyeol right?" Sehun smiled as tears slowly fall down from his eyes.

Baekhyun looks down and continues to hug Sehun. "Sehun.. I love you. But as a best, best friend. I hope you understand." Baekhyun sniffs with tears falling from his eyes.

"I understand Baekhyunnie. Its okay if you'll love someone else. Go and love him from the bottom of your heart." Sehun pats Baekhyun's head who was now crying a bit loud. "Sehun.. Thank you." Baekhyun smiles. "Confess to him." Sehun closed his eyes and smiled.

Baekhyun releases him and nods. "Thank you.. And sorry.. I'm very sorry." Baekhyun smiled at Sehun and runs to find Chanyeol.

Sehun watched as Baekhyun left. He stays at the rooftop and watched the sunset until it was already night and the snow started to fall.


Baekhyun opens the door of their dorm cheerfully while taking off his scarf, hoping to see a cheerful Chanyeol greeting him. But all he found was a letter from Chanyeol on his bed. He slowly took off his shoes and picked up the letter then reads it.

"Baekhyunnie. Hope you enjoy with Sehun.. You like him right? Goodbye Baekhyun. Thank you for always being there for me. But please remember this.. I will always love you and i will never forget you, alright? Don't look for me."

Baekhyun's eyes widen as tears started to fall from his eyes. He looks around, hoping that Chanyeol was just joking. But no. Chanyeol really left. He really left. Baekhyun panicked, not knowing what to do, he wears his scarf and ran outside without even knowing where he's going to look first. He started to shout Chanyeol's name which got everybody's attention. "Chanyeol! It was a minsunderstanding! Please come back..

Baekhyun continued to run around, looking for Chanyeol. Almost freezing to death. He sat on a bench in a park and started to cry. "Dont leave me Chanyeol.." Baekhyun sobs. His body already felt weak. But he's telling himself not to stop. He stood up again and started to look again. His whole body is already cold. He walks to the road, crossing to the other side..

When all of a sudden.. He gets hit by a car.

Unluckily, the driver was..  Drunk so he just ran off, not even helping Baekhyun. Baekhyun opened his eyes, but his visions were already blurry.. He saw a familiar figure of a man running to him, shouting his name.. The voice was famliar.. Until everything just went black and he can't hear anything.

Baekhyun wakes up and finds himself in a hospital, with a bandage wrapped around his head. He slowly opens his eyes and turned his head around and sees a crying angel.. "Ch-Chanyeo-"

"You idiot! Why the heck did you do that??!! You're such an idiot, Byun Baekhyun!" Chanyeol cries out loud.

Baekhyun looks at Chanyeol and smiles sweetly. "You.. You made me worried so mu--" "Why did you think of doing that?! Sehun.. He explained it to me. He explained everything. When i knew you refused him.. I felt sad for Sehun. But i felt happy the same time. You know why? Because i love you." Chanyeol confessed. He confessed at last.

Baekhyun's eyes widen. He stares at Chanyeol and blinks. "I love you Byun Baekhyun. I love you." Chanyeol looks at Baekhyun who was really happy and surprised from his sudden confession. "I.. I love you too Chanyeol." Baekhyun said..

This is it.. The time they waited for many years. They waited for each other.. And this is it. Finally. "I've been wanting to tell you that i really love you. Since the first time we met." Baekhyun smiled sweetly as tears of joy started to fall from his eyes.

Chanyeol smiles with tears of joy falling from his eyes too. He bends down a bit and kisses Baekhyun.. "Promise you'll never leave me." Chanyeol smiles and whispers into his ear. "I promise." Baekhyun smiles.

Sehun smiles as he watches behind the door. "This is better for them. Better for Baekhyun." Sehun smiles and walks away with some things learned. If you love someone.. Let him go if you think its better.


After a few days, the doctor said it was okay for Baekhyun to leave the hospital. Chanyeol and Baekhyun went back to the dorm. Chanyeol was worrying so much that everytime Baekhyun takes a step, he guides him by holding his arm. "Im alright.." Baekhyun giggles. Chanyeol pouts a bit. "I'm just worried Baekhyunnie." 


"Byun Baekhyun. Because of the accident, it caused a great impact in your head. Which made internal bleeding inside. You were lucky that you didn't suffer a coma but.. I'm really sorry to tell you this. I'm really sorry but.. You have cancer. I will give you 4 years to live." The doctor said with a low tone.

"F-four y-years?!" Baekhyun looks at the doctor.

The doctor nodded and looked at Baekhyun. "I'm so sorry. There is nothing we can do about it already."

Baekhyun said as he held his head. All of a sudden, he felt pain in his head. So much that it made him scream. The doctor gave him a medicine and a bottle of water which made him feel okay.

"For your remaining four years, you may feel severe pain in your head sometimes. Whenever you feel that pain, just drink this medicine." The doctor said as he gave Baekhyun a bottle of medicine.

"Please don't tell the guy with me. I'll just tell him.. At the end." Baekhyun faintly smiles. The doctor pats his back. "I'm Doctor Lay. If you're having problems, just call me. Here's my card." Dr. Lay smiles at him and pats his back again. "Let's pray for a miracle." Dr. Lay added.

-End of Flashback-

"Baekhyun! Baekhyunnie! Hello? Earth to Baekhyunnie?" Chanyeol said as he waves his hand at front of Baekhyun's eyes. Baekhyun got surprised and laughs. "I was just thinking of things.." Baekhyun smiles.

"What things?"

"..Unimportant things. Unnecessary things." Baekhyun shrugs and lays down on the bed.

After many, many hours of them cuddling, it was already dark. Chanyeol and Baekhyun laughs and decided to finally stop and sleep. Chanyeol smiles at Baekhyun and whispers a good night into his ear which made Baekhyun smile and blush a little. "Good night too Chanyeollie!" Baekhyun giggles cutely. Chanyeol lays down beside Baekhyun and sleeps.

Baekhyun sneaks to his study table and opens the small light. He reads the card of the doctor and just shrugs then turned his attention to the medical papers the doctor gave him. Suddenly, he felt dizzy.. Like the world was spinning. He felt the pain he felt in the hospital. He holds his head, trying not to scream in pain. But he just cant.

He screams from too much pain as he held his head. He fell from the chair to the ground which woke up Chanyeol. Baekhyun continues as he lies on the ground. Chanyeol runs to him while panicking a bit. "B-Baekhyun! What's happening to you?! A-are you alright?!" Chanyeol looks around and sees Baekhyun's bag on his study table. He grabs it and looks for a medicine. He takes out the only medicine he found and gets a bottle of water.

"Baekhyun. Please drink this!" Chanyeol said as he gave the medicine to Baekhyun. After ten seconds, Baekhyun slowly went calm. He looks at the medicine and realized it had a side effect. "Baekhyun.. Please sleep now." Chanyeol said as he sighed in relief.

Baekhyun nods.. "Chanyeol.."

Chanyeol carries Baekhyun to the bed and lies him down. "What is it?" Chanyeol looked at Baekhyun but he already fell asleep. He was going to say it.. But he fell asleep.

Chanyeol stares at Baekhyun and kisses him on the cheek as he fell asleep beside his love.. Baekhyun. He would love him forever. Forever and ever. Until the end of time. Until death.



Chanyeol wakes up..He opens his eyes but he didn't see Baekhyun. He went to the kitchen, but he wasn't there too. He opened the door and looked around. But Baekhyun wasn't there. He sat on the bed and wondered where Baekhyun went. He looked around hoping to find Baekhyun, but instead, he found a letter from him.

"Chanyeollie.. I'm leaving! Please don't think i'm leaving because i hate you and i'm tired of being with you.. Thank you for giving me all the good times. I'm not leaving because i hate you.. Im leaving because i love you. Please get used without me. This will all come in handy. Don't look for me! Im telling you now to get used. Alright? Take care my eggyeol! I love you! Goodbye.."
- Baekhyunnie

Chanyeol.. He didn't know what to feel. He felt so much loneliness. But he also felt a bit anger. "Why did he leave? What is he saying? Is he trying to tell me something? Cant he just say it to me directly?" He thought in his mind as he punched the table strongly which made his knuckles red. He tries to hold on his tears.. But it just pours out. He cries quietly as he punches the table again and again but his punch was getting weaker. He slowly fell on the ground.. "What the heck is he saying.. I cant.. I can never get used without him.. Damn." He sweared as he punched the table for the last time.

He runs outside, he runs to a place without any people and shouted from the top of his lungs. His feelings was full of sadness. He just cant hold it in anymore that he had to let it all out.



After 3 years and 6 months..

"Ayo wassup Sehun! You're already going to get married! You look so handsome, dude!" Chanyeol smiles at Sehun. Sehun just smiles. "Of course. And i chose the right one."

"Luhan is so lucky." Chanyeol smiles and pats Sehun's shoulder. "You too. You're lucky too Sehun. Congrats again! I'm so happy for you, like crazy!" Chanyeol laughs. "You're just jealous. You want to get married too." Sehun laughs.

"Yeah.. Guess you're right there." Chanyeol smiles.

The pain when Baekhyun left.. It left a scar in Chanyeol's heart. He tried to understand why Baekhyun left. But he kept on asking himself if he lacked something. Baekhyun said he didn't leave because Chanyeol did something bad.. He said he left because he loves him. Chanyeol can't get it. If he loves him, then why did he leave? Why the heck did he leave?..

After many hours of preparing, Sehun's wonderful and long awaited wedding finally started.. And after many hours of people tearing tears of joy for Sehun and Luhan, the wedding ended. Then the people went to the wedding reception.

"Congratulations for the successful and wonderful wedding!!" Chanyeol said as the people said the same. Chanyeol approached Sehun and Luhan. "Congratulations you too! May you be a happy and never ending lovely couple! Stay awesome!" Chanyeol grins and smiles sweetly at the two. "I hope you find someone you want to stay with for the rest of your life. And if that happens, stay happy!" Luhan smiles sweetly.

Chanyeol just nods and smiles. "I'll wait for that." He smiles and pats Luhan's shoulder.

They started to became quiet as the piano music starts.. It was soothing and beautiful. Chanyeol looked at the direction where the music came from and saw the pianist. He was going to approach the pianist when all of a sudden, Sehun accidentally spilled water on Chanyeol's clothes. Sehun apologized again and again. "Its alright!~" Chanyeol giggles.

He looks at the pianist and went to the comfort room.


Luhan approached the pianist and pats its back. "You're doing great. Keep it up! The music is really beautiful and soothing." Luhan smiles at the pianist. "Thank you very much." The pianist bows a bit and continues.


Chanyeol goes back wearing a different suit. "You changed?" Sehun asked. "Yeah. It was too wet." Chanyeol laughs.

"By the way, who's the pianist? He's very good." Chanyeol smiles. "Oh,him? I don't know. Haven't seen his face. Luhan was the one to choose him. Everything Luhan does, i like too. And he did a very good choice." Sehun smiles. Then suddenly, Luhan calls Sehun. "Excuse me for a hour, Chanyeol." Sehun laughs and runs to Luhan. "Pssh." Chanyeol smiles.

Chanyeol looks at the pianist again and this time, he finally approached him. He walks to the pianist, avoiding to bump all the people in the way. Why does it feel like a decade before finally patting him on the shoulder?

After a few seconds of walking.. That felt like decade for Chanyeol.. He looks at the guy. "You're very good." Chanyeol smiles and pats the pianist's shoulder. "Thank y--" The pianist turned his head around after finishing the song and looks at Chanyeol..



The two of them looked at each other. As the music stopped, the people turned their direction to Chanyeol and Baekhyun. "W-what are you doing here?" Baekhyun asked. "This is the wedding of Sehun. What are you doing here?!" Chanyeol said with a bit of anger.

"L-l-luhan told me to be the pianist.. I.. Chanyeol.." Baekhyun looks up to Chanyeol. "I'm going to leave."Chanyeol said.

"W-wait! Let me explain!" Baekhyun said as he grabbed Chanyeol's arm but Chanyeol just snaps his arm off. "What do you mean explaining?! You left me alone for 3 years! Three whole years Baekhyun! You promised you'll never leave! But you just did!" Chanyeol shouted angrily and went out of the reception not wanting to destroy Sehun and Luhan's wedding. 

Baekhyun looks at the people and bows then runs off to chase Chanyeol.

"Chanyeol!" Baekhyun shouts his name again and again as he chases Chanyeol. He grabs Chanyeol's arm again but Chanyeol snaps it off again. "You hurted me." Chanyeol said quickly as he walked away again.

The rain started to pour heavily. Chanyeol continues to walk away while Baekhyun was crying, watching him go. Standing alone and frozen. Not knowing what to  do.. "Chanyeol.." He whispered Chanyeol's name quietly.

Chanyeol cursed silently as he ran inside a small cafe. He sat down and ordered a coffee. He looks out the window and saw Baekhyun walking, looking for a nice place to stay. "After three long years.. Damn it. Are you just going to forgive him like that? Damn!" Chanyeol punched the table and went outside.

He grabbed Baekhyun's hands and they went in the cafe and sat down. "What the heck is wrong with you?!" Chanyeol asked Baekhyun. The coffee that Chanyeol ordered came but he gave it to Baekhyun. "You drink it.You might get a cold." Chanyeol said as he looked out the window. 

"I didn't want to leave.."

"Why did you leave then?"

"Because... You don't need to know."

"I need to know."

"You need to get used without me."

"Damn it! I can't! After three long years, i just can't!" Chanyeol shouted which made all the people look at them.

"Try your best. Please.."

"This conversation is going to nowhere. I'm going." Chanyeol stood up but Baekhyun held his arm. This time, Chanyeol didn't snap it off and finally listened to Baekhyun's explanation. "Lets talk somewhere else." Baekhyun said.

Chanyeol and  Baekhyun went to Baekhyun's house. "You stayed here?" Chanyeol looks at Baekhyun. "This is my friend's old house. He died. He gave me this house." Baekhyun said as he opened the door. "Explain everything. Right now. I'll give you two minutes." Chanyeol said.

"Chanyeol.. Please listen to me. I didn't leave.. Because i wanted to. I just.. I just needed to!" Baekhyun said and looked at Chanyeol.

"One more minute."

"I want you to get used without me.. I'm going to.. Going to.." Baekhyun paused.

"Time's up." Chanyeol said as he walked to the door. He was about to twist the doorknob when all of a sudden, Baekhyun continued.

"I'm going to die." Baekhyun said with a shaky voice. He's already crying. Chanyeol stopped and looked at Baekhyun."...What?"

"I'm.. Going to die soon. After six months. My life will end." Baekhyun covered his face. "I wanted you to get used without me.. I don't want you to miss me. I don't want you to worry anymore so i just left. I thought you would understand.. But you didn't." Baekhyun continued.

"Why.. Why didn't you told me this? Why did you never let me know?.. We could have made our last happy memories together.." Chanyeol said. "Sorry.. I caused you pain.. I shouldn't have left. I'm very sorry." Baekhyun looks up to Chanyeol.

"Please. Don't apologize. I'm the one who need to apologize." Chanyeol said as he hugged Baekhyun and pats his back. "I'm sorry for not understanding. I'm very sorry." Chanyeol apologized.

After a few minutes, they sat down on the couch and talked about everything. "I have cancer. I didn't let you know because i didn't want you to worry." Baekhyun said, looking down.

"I wish i told you.. But there's nothing we can do." Baekhyun cries. "There is." Chanyeol held Baekhyun's hand."There is nothing. Its already too late. I'm going to die." Baekhyun faintly smiles at Chanyeol who was tearing too.

Chanyeol wipes Baekhyun's tears using his thumb and faintly smiles. "Lets pray for a miracle Baekhyun.." Chanyeol whispered.

After four months..

Chanyeol runs to Baekhyun's house and opens Baekhyun's room.. But he can still walk and stand. Although he's a bit weak. "Don't force yourself." Chanyeol faintly smiles. "Dont cry." Baekhyun smiles.

"I wont." Chanyeol said, although he feels tearing apart any minute, seeing Baekhyun like that. The very cheerful and energetic Baekhyun he knew, is now weak. He can't dance anymore. Whenever he sings, Chanyeol just want to tear up.

"Lets go to the park. Your favorite place." Chanyeol smiles. Baekhyun nods and smiles cheerfully.

"Get in the car." Chanyeol smiled as he opened the door for Baekhyun. Baekhyun goes inside and Chanyeol opened the other door and went inside. "I missed going to the park." Baekhyun smiles brightly. "Me too." Chanyeol giggles.

Chanyeol started to drive and talk. "After the park, where do you want to go next?" Chanyeol asked.

"The cafe!" Baekhyun giggles cheerfully.

"Then next?"

"Hmm.. Our old school. I want to check our school." Baekhyun smiles.

"Then next?"

"Oh! Lets visit Sehun and Luhan!"


"Hmm.. Cant think of anything. Why?" Baekhyun smiles.

"Lets make your precious remaining time happy memories." Chanyeol smiles and looks at Baekhyun.

Suddenly, Chanyeol's lose grip on the stirring wheel which made the car out of balance. "W-were going to hit that wall!" Baekhyun shouts.

Chanyeol looks at Baekhyun and Baekhyun looks back at him. "I love you." Chanyeol smiles sweetly and whispers. "I love you too." Baekhyun whispers..



"We're here in a park! Where a car accident just happened! Two people were seen dead while holding hands in the car. Their names are Byun Baekhyun and Park Chanyeol." Said in the T.V

Sehun stands up rapidly and looked at Luhan. "Arent they the two people in our wedding?" Luhan looks at Sehun. "They are. Lets go to the park." Luhan nods.

They rapidly went to the park and saw many people gathering around a car. "Excuse me! We are good friends of them! Almost like a family! Excuse!" Sehun said, holding Luhan's hand.

Sehun looks at the dead body of Baekhyun and Chanyeol.. "They are.. Dead.." Luhan covers his mouth as tears slowly fell from his eyes. "..The two of them.. I hope they are happy together. Wherever they are." Sehun smiles. He looks at Baekhyun and saw a letter in his pocket. Sehun looks at it and takes it out then reads it.




"The first time we met, the first time we talked, the first time we touched, the first time we kissed.. It all felt like the world to me. They are very, very precious to me. All the happy and good memories we were together, i'll never forget it. I'll bring it with me 'till the day i die. Do you still remember all those memories? I hope you do! I hope you'll never forget them! I love you! Please always remember that. I love you from the bottom of my heart. I love you and i mean it. You mean the world to me.. I never wanted to leave. I didn't want to go. But its my time. I was confused of what love is. But when i met you, i realized that love is something very precious. Love is something you cant understand.. But you can feel it. And i can feel.. That love is you. I love you! I hope we meet in the next life! Never forget! Always remember. See you tomorrow.. I love you very, very,very much."
-From Baekhyun
-To Chanyeol















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Chapter 2: OMG! So sadddddd!! I feel like I can cryyyyy~! The effect on GG Forever song just makes me want to cry even moreeee!! ;A;
YeollinaMae21 #2
Chapter 2: Legit crying! I love your stories author Nim~
U got my subscribe!!~
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