
Let me show you my love


            The door was slammed shut as two voices were heard clashing. "I SAW WHAT YOU WERE DOING SEHUN! I'M NOT STUPID!" A glare was shot Sehun's way from the male who had shouted at him. HIs voice raising as he began confronting the younger male. "OH MY GOSH LUHAN. HOW MANY TIMES DO I HAVE TO TELL YOU THAT IT WAS NOTHING?! NOTHING." Sehun's face became slightly red from irritation as he shouted his defense to Luhan. He was becoming sick and tired of Luhan always framing him of cheating when he did a little fanservice with another member aside from Luhan. "NOTHING?! YOU CALL HOLDING KAI'S HAND, LETTING HIM TOUCH YOUR FACE, AND SMILING AS IF YOU WERE HIS, NOTHING?!" Luhan clentched his fist as he shouted those words to Sehun. HIs anger boiling over inside of him because he knew it wasn't nothing. It was something, if not to Sehun, then it was to Kai. And Luhan knew that if that continued, if Luhan kept going back to China for M's activities then sooner or later he was going to loose Sehun; and he didn't want that to happen. "YES IT IS NOTHING. IT NEVER WILL BE SOMETHING. BECAUSE I ING LOVE YOU LUHAN. WHY THE HELL CAN'T YOU SEE THAT?!" Sehun showed hints of hurt in his voice as he spoke to Luhan. It pained him that his lover never believed him when their arguments revolved around Kai. He knew in his heart who he loved, and whether Kai liked him or not did not matter to him; he loved one person and one person only. But Luhan couldn't see that, he was blinded with fear and that was what always generated these arguments.

             "You love me? You say you love me, then why do you do those things with Kai then huh? Why do you hold him around the waist like you do me, why do you hold his hand, why the do you whisper into his ear as if you're trying to tell him something special and sweet? huh? WHY THE DO YOU DO THAT THEN?!" At this point Luhan was on the verge of tears, everything that Sehun had always done to him and him only; he was beginning to do to Kai. All the touches, the whispers, everything. "BECAUSE THE ING MANAGER TOLD ME TO DAMNIT. DO YOU REALLY THINK I WOULD DO THAT TO HIM WILLINGLY LIKE I DO YOU? ITS ING AWKWARD BETWEEN US WHEN I DO SOMETHING TO HIM OR WHEN HE DOES SOMETHING TO ME. YOU KNOW WHY? BECAUSE I ONLY SEE HIM AS A ING BROTHER. AND HE SEES ME THE SAME WAY TOO." Sehun's voice was rising over his usual quiet tone. He was furious at this point. "Plus, you can't call yourself innocent either Luhan. If you're complaining about my fanservice, then what about yours? Why the are you always touching Lay and Xiumin huh? Why the are you always trying to catch their attention? And don't give me that fanservice bull." 

            Sehun was in killing mode now. At this point the thought of not hurting Luhan was out of his mind. He was going to break Luhan right now to show him how wrong he was and prove to Luhan that he really is the only one Sehun loved. "It's not my ing choice you ! I have to do those things to them." Luhan's fist had clenched the hem of his shirt, rolling it up as his anger heated. "That's the exact same answer I've been giving you." Sehun spoke in a softer tone, "Look Luhan. I--" But before Sehun could finish, he was cut off as he was slapped across the face. "I dont want your ing bull Sehun! You think you can fool me? You think telling me how much you ing love me, and telling me how all those you did with Kai were fanservice?" Luhan bit his bottom lip to keep it from trembeling. "I know you're lying Sehun. I know everything you're telling me are lies. I'm not that stupid person who believed everything you said anymore." He could feel his body being to shake. His eyes b with tears that were ready to fall. Luhan could feel his nose begin to clog up with snot as his tears developed. "Holy . I'm not lying Luhan! Why the do you think I'm lying?! Holy !" Sehun was confused and beyond furious now. He had no clue what the hell Luhan was talking about. Everything he had been telling Luhan were true. He never lied to Luhan, and Luhan knew that. "THEN HOW THE DO YOU EXPLAIN WHAT YOU AND KAI WERE DOING IN THE DRESSING ROOM THEN HUH!?" That was what broke Luhan. His tears began streaming down his face like a river. HIs fist clenched his shirt harder as he recalled what happened. "What the are you talking about?" Sehun was even more confused at this point. He had no idea what Luhan was talking about because he wasn't even with Kai during the concert. "Really? Then who was it that was with Kai in the dressing room, fixing his shirt while Kai was running his hand through his hair? Who was it that was fixing Kai's collar when Kai kissed his forehead? WHO THE WAS THAT THEN HUH SEHUN?!" Luhan's tears flew as he yelled at Sehun. His hand's grabbing objects near him and tossing them over at Sehun. "What the are you--" And then the incident came back to Sehun.

          "Sehun could you help me with my shirt?" Kai asked, his face looking down towards the hem of his shirt as he tried smoothing it out enough to tuck it away. "Yeah. sure." Sehun said softly as he walked over. He bent his knee's so that he was about eye level with Kai's hip; smoothing out the end's of his shirt as he tucked it under Kai's under shirt. "Oh your hair's all messed up Sehun. Tch. This is what happens when you run after Luhan so often. Haha." Kai began running his hand through Sehun's hair to help smooth it out a bit so it didn't look so messy. A soft smile was upon Kai's face as he fixed Sehun's hair. However, it wasn't one you would mistaken for love, it was sort of a parental smile. Kai was always taking care of Sehun when Kyungsoo or Suho weren't. Sort of like a older brother. That was how you distinguised Sehun and Kai's relationship; brothers. "Alright. All done. Oh, your collar's not fixed. Here." Sehun stood up right again and began fixing Kai's collar, tilting his head to the side to look behind Kai's neck to allow him self to see the collar. When he was done he stood back and nodded, grinning as he brushed his hands together. "Job well done Sehun. Haha." Kai laughed at the younger's remark and brought him close to place a small kiss to his forehead. "Thank's Sehun. Let's get going now." Kai grabbed his things and headed towards the door, Sehun in tow. 

           Sehun let out a small sigh as he rubbed his temple. "That was nothing Luhan. I was just fixing Kai's shirt and collar and he was just fixing my hair." He locked his eye's with Luhan's as he spoke. "And Kai kisses everyone's forehead Luhan. That's how he shows everyone he loves them." Luhan scoffed at Sehun's remark and rolled his eyes. He wasn't about to believe Sehun's lies again. He knew what he saw and it wasn't how Sehun explained it. "Spare me Sehun. I don't want to hear your lies. I'm done. Through. I won't believe you anymore. You and me are over." Luhan gritted his teeth as he spoke those words. His heart already broken and shattered in his body. Sehun stared at Luhan with disbelief. He couldn't believe what Luhan was saying to him. Was Luhan really leaving him like this? Was Luhan really going to break up with him over a stupid misunderstanding? No. Sehun wasn't going to allow this to happen. No. He was going to make Luhan take everything back. 

           As Luhan began moving away Sehun came up and grabbed his wrist. He turned Luhan around and looked him straight in the eyes. "Luhan, listen to me. Look at me. Do you really think I would cheat on you? Do you really think that I like Kai like that? Do you really believe that everything I just told you were all lies?" Sehun's eyes soften as his voice spoke in his usual tone. Luhan glanced up into Sehun's brown orbs; his broken heart being crushed even more as he saw the pain and agony that Sehun was going through because of what he was saying. "I--No stop it. I know what you're doing Sehun. You can't fool me. No. Not anymore." Luhan turned around and yanked his wrist free from Sehun's grasp. His mind was set; he had enough evidence to know that he was right. He wasn't going to let Sehun change his mind with all his little tricks anymore. He was done and Sehun couldn't change that. Or so he thought. 

           What happened next, happened in a flash. Sehun had reached for Luhan once again, but not to talk. He reached for Luhan and pulled him into a tight embrace. His arms securing themselves around Luhan tight so that Luhan couldn't escape. He could hear and feel Luhan struggling, tears wetting Luhan's face like Sehun's. The pounds that Luhan was doing, soon turned into soft slaps and then dissolved into nothing except tears and shirt clenching. At this point, Sehun had released Luhan from the embrace, only to cup Luhan's face; softly he caressed it, looking into Luhan's tear streaked eyes. "I love you." Sehun leaned down and gently placed a kiss to Luhan's lips, his eyes closing shut as a tear ran down his cheek. And this was what cracked Luhan. No matter how angry he was at Sehun, no matter how much evidence he had already gathered; Luhan knew that everything was now invalid. Nothing mattered anymore. He was brought back to reality. The reality he loved. And he wasn't going to fight it anymore.




A/N: ..yeah 8|| it . The ending was… I have no clue where I was going. I was gonna do a scene but then I got lazy OTL NEXT TIME THOUGH.*^* anyways, leave the lovely crits. Thank you and I hope you guys some what enjoyed this poor excuse of a fanfic. sob. 

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clumsytikduck #1
HunHan! <3 Luhan is cweepy~~ :3 Sehun is thweet~ X)
love this sory! ah hunhan<3!!!
lov this sory! ah hunhan<3!!!
Oh gosh that was good!
Ohhhh myyyy goosssshhhh...........
Fluffy yet sad and........dramatic!!!!
Update already please~~!
jealous lulu or _____ sehun? -....-
andy5251 #8
Ah looks good:)
LuLu.. jelly :P