That 's Hard to Find in This Town...

The Chaser
Warnings: strong language (cursing) --

You could ask majority of people; television production staff, fellow idols and fans, and they would say that Infinite are really close, all very good friends.

They're polite and kind, always looking out for one another. They truly do love one another. So you wouldn't think anything could get between them.

Well, that's where you're wrong.

Give them a challenge where the reward is a date with an actual girl... They'll turn on each other.

Who can blame them really? They've all forgotten what s are like.


All of Infinite's hard work has finally paid off, all their accomplishments have been recognized by the higher ups of Woolim and it's been decided that because of Infinite's endeavors and achievements they'll receive a date for a reward, with a lovely girl of their choosing.

Well, the only catch is that it's actually a competition and only ONE person in Infinite gets the date (basically it’s just another publicity stunt to promote the group more but no one but the CEO and a few other select people need to know that information).

The member with the most popularity wins and it's time for them to start themselves out to anyone willing to vote!


"I feel cheated," Woohyun complains after they've all filed back into the van after the meeting about the date competition (their CEO even came up with a creative name to call the competition that would bring even more people’s attention to their new single. He is calling it “The Chaser: Infinite’s chase for popularity for a date challenge.” Too bad no one has the balls to tell him that he is the only one that thinks calling it that is a good idea). Four pairs of eyes turn to him in question. Sunggyu is currently happily oblivious to everything, like usual, and jamming out to Dolly Parton while Myungsoo is staring out the window, spaced out, also like usual.

"I don't see how this is considered a reward. Can't they give us lube and condoms instead? That 's hard to find in this town." The lead vocalist sneers, crosses his arms in iodination. Sungjong rolls his eyes before giving the older singer one of his signature looks.

"Hyung, for obvious reasons you're the only one not happy about this... Well, I'm not sure about Sunggyu-hyung..." Sungjong trails off, eyeing the older boy in question who’s mumbling some nonsensical gibberish that he's trying to pass for English, head bobbing from side to side with the beat of the music. Sunggyu’s obliviousness was endearing (most of the time) though it could be a bit annoying (some of the time) since it took a lot to reel him back into knowing exactly what was going on but the worst part of it is that it’s rather dangerous (all of the time). Seriously, it was going to get him kidnapped one day by some crazy person from some European country that has a reputation for drinking too much beer.

"Oh I could make him real happy," Woohyun says a lecherous smirk curling along his lips. Sungyeol and Dongwoo make gagging sounds and Hoya actually looks like he's going to be sick. Myungsoo is still completely out of tune with Earth and Sungjong isn't fazed in the least but the images in his head are absolutely not welcome. Sunggyu and Woohyun doing the nasty is totally not something he wanted to see. Ever.

“Can we get back to what’s important? The girl.” Sungyeol says as he draws little boy and girl stick figures with a heart around them in the condensation on the window. Sungjong, Hoya and Dongwoo nod in agreement.

“Seriously, acting like we’re gay and in love with each other -Uh, um... No offense Woohyun.” Hoya smiles sheepishly, rubbing the back of his neck. “None taken,” Woohyun mutters absentmindedly as he eyes Sunggyu like a cat would a mouse.

“Though this isn’t even a competition, it’s kind of sad how epicly you guys are going to lose. I have this in the bag.” Sungyeol says haughtily as he stretches his long legs out and folds his hands behind his head, rather oblivious to the fact that three pairs of eyes turn to glare at him. He starts humming a happy tune to himself before he trails off for a bit then starts back up with ‘Did you know, that Sungyeol is more awesome than you? Yes he is better than the other members~’ to the tune of the chorus of The Chaser as he flails around the van doing the dance movements. Sungjong takes the opportunity when Sungyeol lifts his arms up to do one of the moves to jab him hard in the ribs. The tall lanky boy lets out a rather feminine scream of pain as he throws his whole body out of his seat and into Hoya’s lap to get away from his aggressor. The rapper smirks at this and brings both of his hands up to each of Sungyeol’s arms and pinches the slight pudge on his biceps. The tallest boy fails some more letting out a few wails as Howon and Sungjong chuckle manically behind their hands.

Dongwoo observes as Myungsoo’s head lulls against the cool window as his eyes stare blankly ahead of him, the blue-haired boy can swear he sees a bit of drool coming out of the younger’s mouth. Dongwoo scoots away a bit, hoping that Myungsoo’s derp isn’t contagious as he turns his attention back to the chaotic scene next to him. Sunggyu is currently singing a really bad rendition of Duran Duran’s Rio with incredibly butchered lispy English (~Hur nome ith Rio an’ the dathes on dah theandd!~), Woohyun is ing on their rather stupid leader while Hoya and Sungjong torture Sungyeol. Dongwoo harumphs at that, that tall lanky bastard deserves it! Sungyeol had popped his entire bubble wrap collection!

Sungyeol turns to Dongwoo who is sitting there, calmly observing and he reaches out his hand with a look of desperation. Dongwoo was his only hope for salvation from these fiends! Woohyun, Sunggyu and Myungsoo were no help. Maybe Dongwoo would have mercy on his poor unfortunate soul. So Sungyeol reaches out with wriggling fingers and tears in the corner of his eyes and begs, “Please, hyung! SAVE ME!!” Dongwoo stares at him for a moment before shakes his head, “No.”

Sungyeol screeches, “Hey you son of a -OW!” He turns into the finger that is dug into his cheek to glare at Hoya’s smug face. “Now, now Yeolie. That is no way,” the finger deeps in more, “to talk to your HYUNG!”

“What hyung? All I see is a bunch of little boys who aren’t going to win that date!” Sungyeol growls out and for once in his life he actually looks a bit scary. But that comment hurts Hoya’s pride too much to even care about how Sungyeol could (probably not) throw him out of a moving car. Howon roughly pushes Sungyeol away from him, sending the younger boy tumbling half-way off of the seat affectively hitting Sungjong in the side with his knee, scratching the ring on his hand along Dongwoo’s shin and his foot connecting with Hoya’s pelvic bone. They all curse, their eyes narrowing to glare at each other. Sungyeol is the first into action, jumping up and throwing himself across Dongwoo and Sungjong to attack Hoya. The younger rapper struggles a bit with the tall, lanky boy and looks at the other two for help. They just stare blankly at him.

“You know if anyone isn’t going to get the date, it’s Sungjong! What girl wants to date someone prettier than them?” Hoya says scathingly, not appreciating the maknae not helping him with the giant of the group. The look Sungjong gives him chills him to the bone, the younger boy was usually happy so he tends to forget the other boy’s temper. Sungyeol and Dongwoo laugh at Howon’s words and the oldest even goes so far to agree out loud. Sungjong eyes blaze with anger.

“Well, Dongwoo-hyung, you don’t have much luck either since you look a DINOSAUR!” The blue-haired rapper gasps, bringing a trembling hand to his mouth. “Oh no you didn’ttttt!” Sungjong smirks, tilting his head to the side challengingly. “Oh yes I did.” And in that moment, they all felt the need for violence; you know if someone accidently got knocked in the head with something rather hard and fell into a coma it would make for less competition. The evil thoughts ran through all of their minds as they all stare at one another, all of their eyes blazing with testosterone. They wanted blood (and a date). Everyone slowly moved, getting into crouching positions before all jumping onto each other in a big pile of flailing limps.

"Let go of my hair !"

“Your knee does not belong there you !”

"Get off of me NOW!"

"Stay still so I can hit you!"

They all pull back for a moment, glaring at each other before growling and then jumping at each other once again. From the looks of it a full out brawl was about to happen in the van much to their managers chagrin, who’s soft, pathetic calls for them to please stop go unheard by all of them (or rather they are probably just ignoring him like usual).

 “Guys~” Sunggyu’s soft voice cuts through all the fighting; they pause for a moment and look at him (their manager feels the need to jump off a building at that moment). He’s smiling at them sunnily; his eyes crinkle on the sides. They can’t help but smile back. “There’s no need to fight,” apparently he had tuned into the situation; “If we work together we’ll all be popular.” The rest of them blinked, not really knowing what to say to that. Sunggyu did know it was a competition right? And there was a really, really awesome prize (though Woohyun didn’t really agree with that and was actually hoping that their leader was on his side of the fence, if you get his meaning).

“ that,” Sungjong says after a moment, “I just want some .” And with that, they go into a full blown fight yet again, arguing who was going to win, who deserved to win. Sunggyu blinks at his bickering bandmates and pouts lightly. Woohyun takes this opportunity to climb over the seat of the van and over a still spaced out Myungsoo to perch beside their cute leader. He pats the older boy’s thigh before settling his hand on top of it, fingers caressing the soft fabric of Sunggyu’s pants.

“Don’t worry Gyu-hyung~” Woohyun coos at the older vocalist, “I agree with you.” Sunggyu looks at him with bright eyes and leans closer. “Really, Woohyun-ah?” He asks brightly, to completely focused on Woohyun’s warm smile and deceiving words to notice the younger’s hand slowly inching up his thigh towards his crotch. Sungjong, Sungyeol, Dongwoo and Hoya are still bickering in the back and it looks like they are about to start throwing punches (though really, they all knew it wouldn’t get much worse than pulling hair, pinching skin and pushing).

“So, Gyu-hyung…” Woohyun whispers as he leans closer to an unaware Sunggyu.

“Take. That. BACK! HOWON!” Sungyeol screeches as he pinches Dongwoo’s cheek really hard and the older boy tries to bat him away by thrashing around, only causing to hurt himself more. Hoya merely smirks, crossing his arms over his chest in and looking extremely proud. Sungjong is about to suggest that he’ll hold Hoya down if Sungyeol really wanted to hit him when their attention is taken.

“S!” Everyone turns to look at Myungsoo, who has finally come back down to Earth. A rather uncomfortable silence follows the rather strange exclamation and everyone stares wide-eyed at the visual. “Uh..You okay Myungsoo?” Sungyeol asks his best friend; strangely enough he still isn’t used to the other boy’s oddity yet. Myungsoo gives them all a cute smile over his shoulder, he gives a small shrug and looks back out the window. “Yup, just excited is all~” He starts humming a happy tune and they stare at him for a moment before going back to their previous activities.


“Y-yeol leht goow ofhh mehh!” Dongwoo whines and points to his abused cheek that Sungyeol’s fingers are still attached to, his other arm flinging back and accidently hits Sungjong in the temple.

“Wha- Oh sorry hyung!”

“Sungjong that is NOT a nice gesture, put that finger down!”

“You know, hyung, you should totally let me sleep with you tonight.”

“Oh are you lonely Woohyunie?” Sunggyu laughs behind his hand and Woohyun nods vigorously, making sure his plump lips have cute pout, “Yes, soooo lonely.”

Their manager adjusts the rear view mirror as he looks at ruckus in the back. He sighs, looking away and back to the road feeling a huge migraine coming on. “I don’t get paid enough for this.”

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694 streak #1
Chapter 1: chaotic 🤣
safire #2
Chapter 1: wow...infinite's dialogue was hilarious XD
i applaude your skills, author-nim ^^
Chocolato #3
ohh god, this is way too hilarious.
haha... myungsoo is so cute being all but lost.
gonna subscribe.
heh. reuploaded. good, now i can resub ;D
yay!! re-post I read the chapter alll over again!! I love INFINITE!!
Poor manager, though. I feel for you, man. I feel for you. /pats his head

Wait, did Sunggyu get high in the meantime or did I miss something? He’s definitely a little too happy. But I do understand the need to smile when he’s smiling, because his smile is THE best. ;3

Woohyun shamelessly flirting with Sunggyu while there’s a fight of epic proportions going on in the back of the van. I’m seriously starting to think that they should all just be placed in some mental institution and held there under observance. Something is definitely wrong with their heads.

Woohyun is such a wh.ore. I don’t even. /facepalms

Oh poor Sunggyu, why are you so oblivious to the world around you? It will get you killed one of these days.

Although I really fu*king enjoy reading this, I honestly think I will lose the remaining brain cells (and I don’t have a lot left). /sobs

Don’t know if I should spazz over this, because I love everything you write, or if I should cry, because I know you’ll update once in a blue moon. TT_TT

“They’ve all forgotten what s are like.”

What are you trying to say? Are you trying to confuse me into thinking they are not all just a bunch of gay guys who has been humping each other since predebut times? /judging you

But I’m definitely liking the whole idea of this fic. ^.^


“Seriously, it was going to get him kidnapped one day by some crazy person from some European country that has a reputation for drinking too much beer.”

Why do I get the feeling that you’re talking about my wifey in this sentence? ^-^

But I would be lying if I said you were far from the truth, because that’s highly probable to happen. But she won’t be alone, that’s for sure. (:

Yeah, I like my Sunggyu oblivious to the world. That’s the best kind of Sunggyu out there. Especially if he causes Woohyun endless se.xual frustrations. Then he’s even better.

I do not understand how they manage to live with Woohyun without killing him in the process. They should at least punch him in the face, from time to time, to bring him back to reality.

The only person who would probably want you, Sungyeol is orange_one. And in terms of some highly se.xual action, I still think she would prefer a really nice and high quality WooGyu .

Okay, seriously, what the hell are you trying to do? 0_0

I legit died. They are all so fu*king stupid. And what is up with Myungsoo almost drooling? Was not aware his derp was that serious. Sungyeol’s a highly se.xually frustrated kid (okay, that’s not really far from the truth, not like the rest is) and insulting his hyungs. Sungjong is still being pretty. Dongwoo and Sungjong having some b*tch fight, like what the fu*k is going on? Oh, and now they are all on one another and fighting like some children. Nice. /nods head