A short Story "TOO PERFECT"

Too Perfect

The sky is reflecting it’s self in the ocean, while the wind is blowing the leaves hanging from the tree branch. Nica, a simple lady came from Philippines is having a vacation in Incheon. She's laying under the tree in the green green grass swaying with the wind, saying hi to her lovely smile.

A gentleman named Spencer, who is a renowned celebrity, came across this lovely lady lying under the tree. At first sight he thought the lady was like a beautiful tulips that bloom so lovely in the middle of the spring but when he look so closely, the lady awake from her deep deep sleep like sleeping beauty and she scream so loud from here six miles going there. She thought she saw a monkey hanging from a tree.

"Where's the monkey?" she asked.

"Monkey there’s no monkey here, maybe you're mistaken" Spencer replied.

“No I’m not, really there's a monkey ... Aigoo!"She exclaimed.

"What don't tell me I’m the monkey. “Reply by Spencer showing his smirk.

“Hahaha. Honestly yes. I think you’re the monkey" Nica answered while laughing so loud.

"Like everybody first impression on me... haixt" said by Spencer so sadly.

The two continue their conversation without knowing each other's name. After an hour of conversation and lost each other's sight, they try to remember each other's name but they can't. However, as the moon light up the dark sky with its little star shining so bright, Spencer can't forget the bubbly face of the lady. The way she talk, the way she smile, the way she waves her hair and everything the lady do even if it simple hi. He can't help it to remember. He thinks his heart is falling for the lady. ON the other hand, Nica feel the same too, she thinks her heart knows the name to beat.


One pleasant morning, Nica decided to have a tour in Incheon but her cousin Nathan was busy playing with his three little turtle’s swimming and swimming in swallow pond in their backyard. Nica feel so lonely, so she tours the city of Incheon so alone to amuse her self. One, two, three, and four as her count her steps head down while walking. In spite of being busy, Spencer saw her and joins with her counting session.

"What a pleasant morning to start your day head down" greet by Spencer.

"It's none of your business, if you don't mind I will go now" so Nica walk as fast as she can but Spencer follow her and asked for her name.

“Hey...Hey wait" called by Spencer.

"What? What do you want?" the lady reply.

"May I know your name? You know...” explained by Spencer but the lady immediately gave her name and never asked for the man's name.

Meanwhile, after she gave her name to the man crimson cheeks upper on the lady's face. On her way home, a group of bad guys block her way. She was scared so she runs back as fast as she can. However Spencer who was following her saw the bad guys and talk to them but the bad leader never listens.

“Go find a place to hide" he said to Nica

The lady hides her self in a bunch of flower and watched Spencer while his fighting.

The fight last for thirty minutes until the officers came late. Spencer looks like a violent man after that fight. As an exchange, a thank you for saving her she asked Spencer to have a dinner but Spencer refuse because he is not comfortable when a lady asked him for a dinner. Nica asked him what shall she do to thank him and Spencer ask for a dinner.

"Let's have a dinner. Let say it is a date" ask by Spencer.

"But I thought...you don't like dinner" answered by Nica.

"Heheheh...that’s when a girl asked me, 7:00 pm, I will pick you up see yah later. By the way wear your best dress" said by Spencer.

As the night wore on, Nica can't decide which dress she will wear. First she tries her red dress with a brown belt but it doesn't fit her mood, then she tries her black dress but it doesn't suit her beauty. She tries her green dress picked by her aunt but it doesn't suit the evening and finally, she found the right one. She wears her sapphire blue dress with silver patches of bids that made it elegant that evening. Around quarter to seven when Spencer arrived at Nica's place riding with his black Hyundai. When Spencer Saw Nica, he was completely fall in love with the lady and the butterfly in his stomach fly away.

The two went to a restaurant where the ambiance is so romantic, candle lighted, rose petals on the floor and a romantic music.

“Your so gorgeous tonight" said by Spencer while giving her a dozen of red roses.

"Thank you, well you look handsome too with your black eye.hahahha" Laugh by Nica.

"Hmmm... I got it because of you so you need to pay for it. Hahahah!" exclaimed by Spencer.

"Oh sure, well we never introduce each other selves in a right manner, right?" guess by Nica.

"Yes, because you always run or walk so fast. Uhmmm, let me start it .I am Spencer Lee, maybe you heard my name many times" introduce my Spencer.

“? You’re Spencer Lee, the famous dancing machine of the boy group super junior. Aigoo! You’re kidding right” answered by Nica that never trust Spencer’s introduction about his self.

“Well, well as I think you will not believe in me. Maybe I should try to dance in front of you while rapping” suggest by Spencer.

“You must, so I believe in you. Hahaha” replied by Nica.

That dinner date becomes Spencer’s bridge to get the ladies heart. Their first date become successful and it become more often. When spring came and the flowers bloom. Spencer gave a bunch of tulip to her lady. The earth rotates and autumn came. Nica made a cute little scrapbook full of their pictures together. Tic-toc tic-toc said by the clock as time goes by and the snow gladly drops from the grayish sky. It was winter now. Spencer bought a hot coffee for her lovely lady. Then the shining smile of the sun rose up in Nica’s face showing that summer came. Nica made a local Filipino desert called halo-halo just for Spencer. Finally Spencer revealed his love to the lady. His confession was revealed all over the SoKor (South Korea). All ELFs where amaze about Spencer’s confession but Nica sadly, she never know anything about it until one day. Spencer asks her for a dinner date again, for this nth time he will propose to the lady before he goes back to Seoul for his job. But sadly Nica refuse because she’s not yet ready. Nica ask some times to think for the proposal and Spencer gave it to her.

“If you are ready, just call me but please don’t let it go for so long” Spencer said.

Days have passed and Nica can’t decide until she heard that Spencer will now go back to Seoul for his job. She ran to the train station to find Spencer. She saw Spencer and she back the ring then said:

“You’re too perfect for me. I’m sorry but I’m not the right one for you, but if we meet again after six years maybe we are destiny” said by Nica while crying.

“I’ll wait for you, promise” Spencer’s promise.

Six years have passed and every time Nica lay under the tree on the green green grass while the birds are fluttering, the wind touches her skin and the sun smiles on her she always remember her first love. She can’t forget their happy moments together in Incheon. How they first met, when she was protected by him from bad guys and their first dinner together that become their first date. Now she working in Seoul, hopping she can find Spencer again and tell her the word “saranghaeyo”.

One day, like the day they first met she saw Spencer with a lady and a little girl. On the glance of the eyes, Spencer saw Nica and he ran to see her. But the destiny was failed as they thought. Spencer thought the lady was not Nica; on the other hand Nica thought Spencer has a family.

After that tiring day, she fell into a deep deep sleep. A strange dream came into her sleep. It was Spencer, like what she saw before. Spencer was smiling to her together with his own family and they were happy together. She feels so alone in her dreams. Then she wake up while crying a river.

It was February 14 and many says that when you go out without a date on Valentines Day just pray to Cupid to find you a lover. On the fountain near the church, Nica wish for a lover at her back Spencer is wishing too. As Spencer turns his back, he saw Nica and he thanks Cupid.

“Ehem” as Spencer destruct Nica’s wish.

“Wishing for a lover to come?” added by Spencer

As Nica open her eyes and have a conversation with the man, she was surprise.

“Spencer… Oh... I thought you have a family now. Why are you here?” Nica asked curiously.

“Family? I don’t have a family. Do you remember my promise?” Spencer said.

Nica remember Spencer’s promise that he will wait for her. Then Nica hug Spencer as tight as she misses him. Spencer grabs something from his pocket. It was the ring he gave to Nica.

“Hey do you remember this?” ask by Spencer showing the ring.

“Of course that’s the ring you gave to me and I return it to you” as Nica remember.

“Now here we are, we meet again. Maybe its destiny like what you’ve said before.

We are destined because you are too perfect for me and again Nica, will you marry me?” asked by Spencer while kneeling on the round waiting for the sweet yes of the lady.

Before Nica says her yes, a crimson checks appear again on the lady’s face that shows she’s in love.

“Now I know we are too perfect for each other so why I will refuse again, of course its yes.” She answered.

After that yes, Spencer hug Nica so tight and a sapphire blue firework light up their night under the see of stars that shines so bright.

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Nice!! Waiting for next update~
keyz_locket #2
hindi ko pa nababasa.lol
thankz for liking it.. :)
nice story! ^^
Ayuzawa_Xyn #6
hehehe cute 0ne ^_^
_kexia #7
mahal ko na ang fanfic na ito. mwahaa~ :D