Chapter 7

Creature of Night

The man slipped quietly into the dark room.  Without a sound he walked across the hardwood floor and stopped before a lone chair situated at one corner of the vast room.  He stood erect, with his head bowed and his hands clasped in front of him.  Staring down at the floor he uttered one word, “Master.”

Hearing the greeting, Kevin slowly opened his eyes to look at his long time friend and servant.  “Did you find her?”

Still with his head bent, Ron shook his head sadly.  “I’m sorry Master.  But I will continue looking until I find her.”

Heaving a heavy sigh, Kevin got up from his chair and walked over to his desk.  Lightly running his fingers across the cool wooden surface he said softly, “It’s been so long already and still no sign of her anywhere.  I’m beginning to lose faith in ever finding her.”

Ron heard the misery behind Kevin’s words and quickly assured, “Master, I’ll find her and you two will be together again.”

“It’s been over five hundred years and still not a trace of her,” Kevin reminded Ron gently.  “Even I doubt that I’ll ever see her again so what makes you think otherwise?”

“Mistress isn’t the type of person to break a promise,” Ron said zealously.  “You must believe in her and the love you once had.”

Kevin gave Ron a small smile and glided over to the opposite wall to look up at an old scroll with a detailed painting of a woman.  The woman wore a flowing red dress with her shiny black hair billowing behind.  The artist who painted the picture captured the woman’s beguiling beauty in essence that gave her a life-like feel.  So realistic was the painting that Kevin’s eyes began to mist just looking at her.  “My dearest Si Man, where are you?” he whispered hoarsely.

Ron stood quietly in the background as he watched his Master.  He was far too aware of his Master’s agony of not being able to reunite with his long lost wife and yet there wasn’t a thing he can do to help him.  Yet there was.  He will continue to search for her.  He won’t stop until he does.  “Master, I’m going back out to look for her.”

Kevin abruptly turned to look at Ron.  With a smile of appreciation, he said sternly, “No.  It’s enough for now.  You’ve been out looking for her for a long period of time already.  Get some rest.”

Ron immediately objected to the order, “But Master…”

“I said no,” Kevin bit out sharply.  Gentling his tone, he added, “I know you’re very loyal to me but you also need your rest.  Now go and rest.”

Ron knows not to argue.  Bowing his head he backed towards the door.  “As you wish Master.  I shall be in my room if you need me.”

Kevin turned back towards the painting after Ron was gone.  With his finger, he gently traced the outline of the woman’s face as memories of her filled his head.  The most prominent memory was of their last time together.  They were being chased by palace guards and were trapped at the edge of a cliff.  Si Man had seen an arrow flying towards him and threw herself in front of it to protect him.  At that very second when she fell limp in his arms, Kevin’s blood boiled with unfound rage.  With a newborn strength he didn’t know existed, he lifted her into his arms and jumped off the cliff.  When he finally managed to find a safe haven for them, Si Man’s life was at its end.  He remembered the words she spoke with her last breath: ‘I will always love you and I promise we’ll be together again in our next life.’  Recanting her promise, Kevin felt a drop of tear slide down his cheek.  “Where are you Si Man?” he groaned with anguish.


Night has fallen indicating that another day has ended.  Sitting alone out on the terrace Charmaine stared out into the darkness.  It has been six days since she arrived here and besides seeing him at meals, she was pretty much left alone.  After that first day, angered that she had no choice but to remain here, she stormed into her room and spent the entire day in seclusion.  The next morning, having slept another restful night, she viewed her circumstances differently.  It wasn’t too bad being stuck here.  It may not be what she wanted but if it’ll appease her father, then she’ll do it.  She didn’t want to add to her father’s already heavy plate by worrying him.  It was bad enough for him dealing with Kong Lau.  As a loving filial daughter, her duty was to not give him any additional stress.  Feeling a bit better with her new look on things, she ventured out of her room on the second day only to find herself alone in this huge mansion.  Her so called bodyguard was nowhere in sight and after a short search which seem to have her going around in circles; she gave up trying to locate him.  Seriously, one could get lost without a map in this place.  There were so many hallways and rooms, twisting and turning, she was amazed that she was able to find her way back to her own room.  As each day wore on, she familiarized herself with the house.  There were still parts of it that she had yet to explore but she had plenty of time to do so.  It was actually quite relaxing being out here in the middle of nowhere.  No meetings, no phones calls, and no one to bother her.  She may get use to this sort of stress free life.  Closing her eyes, Charmaine sank back against the plush cushions of the lounge chair.  The salty scent of the sea filled her senses and she sighed.  Yes, she can definitely get use to this place.

Raymond walked out onto the terrace and found her lying on the lounge chair.  Her eyes were closed and her arms pillowed beneath her head.  Without a sound he walked towards her and stopped directly in front of her.  There was a peaceful smile on her face and he had a feeling she was beginning to enjoy the tranquility his house had to offer.  Lying quietly down on the chair beside her, he said softly, "I'm surprise to find you out here."

Startled by his sudden appearance, Charmaine asked with exasperation, "How do you do it?  You always manage to appear out of nowhere without so much as a sound."

Biting back a smile, Raymond replied, "I'm a man of many talents."

That was true alright, Charmaine fumed.  He managed to kidnap and bring her out to this mysterious house of his and all without her knowledge.  She can't even remember a single detail about that first night, except for a pair of red eyes coming towards her before she lost consciousness.  Whatever happened afterwards, including how she came here, was all a blur to her.

Raymond watched her face scrunch up in thought and asked softly, "What are you thinking about?"

Brought back to the present by his question, Charmaine turned towards him.  He was sitting upright, his arms crossed over his chest and looking at her with a curious expression.  Even in such a relaxing pose, he managed to look polished and refined; a rare description for a man and Charmaine can't help but be captivated by it.  She had seen many handsome men in her life but none can compare to this man's raw male beauty.  Her gaze dipped down to his lips.  It looked smooth and soft and was curved upwards revealing a small smile.  An image of him kissing her while she lay on top of the red satiny sheets of her bed filled her mind.  Flushed by her own thoughts, she quickly looked away and mumbled, "Nothing."

Raymond glimpsed the rising color on her cheeks before she turned away.  More curious than ever, he forego his earlier question and asked instead, "Do I make you nervous?"

The question brought Charmaine's gaze back on him.  Flustered that he had somehow guessed her thoughts, she quickly stammered, "N-No.  Why w-would you?"  In response, Raymond stood up and held his hand out to her.  Looking warily at his hand, Charmaine asked, "What?"

Raymond bent and picked up her hand, tucking it neatly in the crook of his arm.  When she tried to pull away, his grip tightened.  He saw the flare of annoyance on her face and quickly said, "I want to give you a tour of my house.  That is, if you want it."

His invitation, asked so softly, made Charmaine's heart pound.  Not to mention the feel of her hand pressing intimately against his waist.  She couldn't seem to tear her eyes from his.  "I would like that."  She found herself responding in a barest of whisper.

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HottestVIPSone #1
Whenever I wanna read about charray, I’ll come to your fics (:
Chapter 7: I am sad but since I'm not a big vampire fan so not really hurt!
Chapter 7: Aw, you should read some Ann Rice novels for inspiration next time, everyone says she writes the best vampire novels.
I enjoyed the story while it lasted. Thought Ray was going to wind up turning Char and keep her to himself forever or something like that.
Chapter 6: Oooohhhhh!! I wish Ray had taken me instead... *sighs*
Not a fan of vampire stories... Blame it on Twilight! But ure one of my favourite authors. So I'm going to hang on and root for you and see how you give life to this one!