
Coming and Going


“Your boyfriend’s cheating on you; I wanted to let you know.”

Sehun didn’t mean for it to slip. He was angry and tired-the perfect example of reckless youth hurt by “love” Sehun didn’t mean a lot of things. When he and Luhan “experimented” together during high school, he did it with him because he liked Luhan very much, not because Luhan was the only gay guy. There were other guys, like Tao. Maybe he should call the old buddy just for fun, but then again, Sehun might mess things up by saying it’s a one night stand even though he knows Tao hates that kind of bull.

He could imagine Taemin right now with his head hung low, arms hugging his legs tightly and close to his chest, the phone’s endless beeping ringing in the room as if to mock Taemin’s existence. Sehun didn’t’ mean for it to happen, yet it did. If Sehun could go back in time and tell himself to take a big breath to relax and take the negativity out of his system, he would. But Sehun isn’t the hippie, happy-go-lucky child. All Sehun wants to do is sing and maybe drink some tea, but he’s stuck in this hopeless reality, pulling drama from all corners of the world.

“I think you need therapy,” he called his mom up a few days after he called Taemin. He didn’t mean for his lips to come loose and for it to enter their conversation. His mom just listened, probably holding the phone where the neck and shoulder meets as she cooked dinner for her and her husband.


“Here, I know a great therapist in Korea that specializes in temper problems…okay, he’s an old family friend, but he’ll know what to do. Just go to him, for me, for all of us, please?”


“Good. I’m making an appointment right now for you.”


                “No later than 1’O clock sharp, Sehun. If you’re not there by then, you’re in big trouble-big trouble my ,” Sehun rolled his eyes, his arms dangling awkwardly at his sides as he waited for the door to open. It’s been ten minutes since he knocked, but not a single word could be heard from the other side. He tried again and the door swung open.

                “So you must be Oh Sehun,” the man smiled, his eyes creased and folded wrinkles on the skin. He wasn’t wearing a white jacket. Instead, the therapist wore an assortment of browns and a green sweater vest. Talk about needing a fashion police.

“Don’t’ just stand there! Please, come in and take a seat,” the pin on the therapist’s chest read Suho. It sounded nice in Sehun’s head and maybe that’s what he needs-a little niceness in his life. It felt familiar, it felt as if his mind wanted to reflect a memory, but he didn’t know what the memory was.

                “I’ve heard all sorts of things about you from your mother. We used to go way back, you know?” Sehun’s eyebrow arched up, trying to remember who Suho is. Is he an uncle? Mom said he was a family friend, but what kind of friend is he?

                “Sorry, I didn’t introduce myself. I’m Suho, you don’t have to call me doctor-I don’t like allowing young people to call me that, it makes me feel old,” he chuckled, “your mom used to babysit me.”

                “Just how old are you?” Sehun’s eyes squinted.

                “Old enough to be a therapist. Enough about me, let’s talk about you. Your mother brought you to my attention by saying you had a little outburst. What is this about, Sehun?”

                “I had an outburst, had. I don’t’ think we need to talk about it if it happened in the past.”

                “I think we do. It can happen again, you know, and small outbursts can lead to bigger ones.”

                Sehun sighed, almost huffing out puffs of smoke from his nostrils, and nodded his head. Why not talk to Suho? After all, he’s a guy with a therapist job which usually means he’s someone people can vent out to and people need people like that. What’s Sehun to lose? Surely he can’t lose anything and it’s great he has someone to vent to because none of his other friends seem to care.

                “My boyfriend cheated on me, or was having an affair, or whatever. Bottom line is he was seeing someone else besides me.”


                “Surprised I had a boyfriend?”

                “No, I’m not surprised at all. It’s quite normal for someone your age, or anyone for that matter, to want to yell out because of a relationship problem. He betrayed you and he lost your trust. I’m assuming he was very important to you so that’s the reason why you had your outburst, no?”

                “One year.”

                “Excuse me?”

                “We were going out for one year, maybe it’d be one year and a half today, or was it yesterday? How does someone go behind their lover and do such a thing? Why would they do such a thing,” Sehun buried his face in his hands. He tried to keep the salty tears inside, desperately trying to search in his mind a happy thought so he didn’t cry in front of this man, but all his happy thoughts connected back to Jongin. Their first encounter, the first time they went out on a date, the time Jongin told Sehun he liked him, the time they spend their first night together, and the morning after. Everything connected back to Jongin and Sehun hated it.

He hated that his happiness was connected to the man he hated.

                “It’s tough. You know, as a therapist I really shouldn’t talk about myself much, but I’m a family friend so I guess it’s alright,” Suho sighed, smiling slightly and when Sehun looked up, it looked as if Suho was glowing.

                “I came out of a relationship recently, too, and it was hard for me to get out of it. I thought it was fine, I thought everything was fine, but I was blinded by my own fantasy of a perfect man because he looked so perfect and everything he touched became golden in my eyes. I was wrong and it took me a long time to figure it out. Now, I’m not saying you were living a fantasy, but I’m saying it’s hard after being in a relationship with someone for a year or so and thinking everything’s going to be alright after one day. It’s not, I’ll give you that, but over time you’ll become better. I think the reason why you keep having these outbursts, your mother has told me more than what you think she’s told me, is because you’re stressed out,  you don’t know how to explain your feelings, and you don’t know how to be independent. The next time we meet, I’m going to help you out, okay? And when I mean help out, I don’t mean you venting your problems, but me giving you tips and step-by-step solutions.”


Sehun’s shoulders drooped when he came home from the session. He was late for rehearsals, which he thought wasn’t necessary because the show opened yesterday, but Yixing thinks it should be more precise and perfect so the whole production had to come. It was late, way past midnight. From the looks of the apartment, it seems as if Jongin came in and picked up his things. No note and no keys. Typical Jongin.

Sehun hopes this was the life he’s always dreamed of.

A/N: A little bit about Sehun:) and a cameo by Suho! Expect to see him appear more and more in the story

I apologize for any grammar/spelling errors!

Oh! If you have any requests for oneshots, please message me and i'll be happy to write them:)

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Chapter 17: I really hope sekai gets togethero(╥﹏╥)o
hopegrl18 #2
Chapter 13: yeah 2min!! as for hunhan,rotfl!!!! they are crazy poor suho!!
hopegrl18 #3
Chapter 12: oh soo good!! can;t wait for the whole chapter!
Chapter 9: TT^^^^^TT 2min
jongkey248 #5
Chapter 7: Asffghjkl go sehun!!
jongkey248 #6
Chapter 5: This is what you get for cheating on Sehun Kai
Chapter 5: Ooooo!
boondoks1 #8
omo,,taemin will now "officially" meet luhan,,,hope his turns out good,,kekekek can't really wait to read the next one,,kekeke
jongkey248 #9
Oohh I can't wait for the next chapter
jongkey248 #10
Ooooooooo its getting goooood