Please don't pat me on the head


"Yah! Zelo give it back!" I shout at my boyfriend as he holds my Totomato plushie away from me.

"Aww but this is so fun!" he says as he keeps pulling it out of my reach every time I jump. "I'll give it back if you give me a kiss first" he says in a flirting tone.

"No!" I shout pouting before jumping once more, this time grabbing his wrist and pulling it down and grabbing Toto away from him before running away to my room. I sit down on my bed with a little huff. Moments later Zelo walks in and stands in front of me, I don't acknowledge him being there.

"Aww are you mad at me?" he asks kneeling down in front of me.

"Yes, you hid Toto away from me" I pout at him

"Aigoo what a child" he chuckles patting me on the head.

"Please don't pat me on the head." I state.


"Don't pat me on the head" I repeat "it reminds me of when you where gone for a long time and I was alone" I start to tremble a little at the memories, tears creeping into my eyes. "I feel so little, l-l-like you're just going leave again-" I find myself pulled into his warm embrace, tears start falling from my eyes onto his shoulder.

"It's ok to feel little" he says in a reassuringly "Because I will always comeback to protect you" he gently caresses my head.

We end up staying that way for most of the day, me in his embrace safe and warm.


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Chapter 2: aww so sweet❤❤❤ this story makes me remember my crush
amanda13 #2
Chapter 2: gah !
soooo sweet !
i hope some day this would happen to me XD ahahaha
Chapter 1: so cute and sweet aww > <
Chapter 2: Aww, Zelo is so sweet! :)
Chapter 2: That was cute~again^^I wish this wasn't a oneshot :( N e way...supa cute~<3ed it^^
Chapter 1: Awwwn~this is xo CUTEEEE~^^I wish this could come true heehee...the only difference would be that I'm 175cm and a 97 year liner...oppa~don't leave me,okay?^^Feels sooooo real :) Sequel?
siwonie_na #7
So short... but sweet... :)
aww... :3
llAsianNerdll #9
-sniff sniff- awwww <333 don't leave me again okay, Zelo?