
Traumatic bonding.



Kyungsoo was so tired. He kept his eyes tight closed -well it’s not like he had any other option, anyway- believing that if he kept them close he would manage to wake up from this terrible nightmare.

But he didn’t.

Maybe it was karma getting back on him for his sins.

Or maybe his abductor was simply a psycho, a nutcase.

He hoped it was the second one.

Kyungsoo lost consciousness for a while, falling in a deep dreamless slumber with no relief.

He woke up later at the sound of glass breaking.

He panicky tried to move, but again with no use.

Keep calm, nothing can hurt you. Kyungsoo thought to himself while taking unsteady breaths.

“Wake up my pretty boo, the sun came to see you.” Probably his abductor, called out as he opened the casket Kyungsoo was in.

Kyungsoo felt his stomach twitch in disgust.  How dare this stranger call him the way- wait, how did this stranger even know how---

“Rise and shine” the abductor said huskily

Kyungsoo froze in his spot.

That voice. Where have i heard it before?

“Time for breakfast. I’m sure you are gonna love it. Here have a bite.”

Kyungsoo kept his lips shut as a spoon was aggressively directed in his mouth.

“Let’s do this the easy way now, shall we? I don’t want to hurt you Kyungsoo.” The abductor let out a small laugh.

“Well, at least I don’t want to hurt you over breakfast.”

Kyungsoo’s lips trembled as he unsurely opened them a bit.

“Good boy.”

He had no idea what he was eating, but it wasn’t tasty for sure. It was thick and smelled like rotten cheese.

He ate 5 to 6 more bites.

“You know Kyungsoo, I think we will get along just fine.”

Kyungsoo half nodded, half tried to swallow properly the food.

“Drink this”

Kyungsoo opened his mouth again but quickly spilled the liquor out. It tasted like iron.

“Well, that stinks, and it sure will stain your shirt. Now, drink it, before I have to make you myself.”

Kyungsoo feared the dangerous tone his abductor was using.

He quickly drunk the liquor, in one shot.

He coughed loudly. It burnt his lungs so badly.

“Does it burn?” The stranger asked, sounded a bit concerned

“Hmm” Kyungsoo tried to say yes, but his mouth was in a deep pain.

“Well that’s a good thing. It’s supposed to burn anyways.”

“Sleep well Kyungsoo. A loooong day awaits you”

“W-wait” Kyungsoo managed to say, before the abductor closed the casket


“W-who are you? What do you w-want from m-me?” Kyungsoo questioned.

The stranger chuckled.

“Just call me Kai. And what I want, well let’s just say, I’ll keep that answer for the finale. I don’t want to spoil it for you. Have a nice rest Kyungsoo. You’ll probably gonna need it.”

“Wait Kai---

Kyungsoo didn’t have the time to complete his sentence as the casket close, and he heard the door closing behind the stranger.

Kai… the name wasn’t ringing any ing bells to Kyungsoo.







Why the hell did it take so much for me to update?? O.O

anyways, i hope the update didn't let you down!~>.<

bb till next time,



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Chapter 3: AW WHAT! What's the present~?!

*Bbuing bbuing* Tell me now?

*Bbuing bbuing* How 'bout now?

*pouts* You're no fun...

Looking forward to the next chapter.
P.S I swear my real aegyo would've killed you on the spot so be thankful for the WWW! ~(OJO)~
Chapter 3: Will this be continued? I really love how this story is building so far!~ c:
Valentinaaaaaa!! Is this going to be continued? :c
CRAZYlover #4
update soon please!
i'll be waiting<3
waiting for an update <3
sjeunhaeluv #6
Chapter 3: .... I don't know what to say, but update please~ this is really interesting
Nomatme #7
Such a good story, seriously loving this author-nim :)
Chapter 3: OMG I'm so curious. Please update soon! >.<
luhans-vaqina #9
Chapter 3: Oooof.
So all I WAS thinking about in the past couple chapters was how they'll fall in love or something.
Now I'm worrying about the types of torture Kyungsoo will have to go through. :OOO
Great chapter, though I kind of really need more. ^-^ this is getting really good.
Chapter 2: update soon love ! i want to know what is exactly happen