Another Memory

How Hate Turned Into Love

After bidding their goodbyes to the little giraffe, Yesung and Ryeowook are once again in their car driving to another mysterious place. Even though Ryeowook appreciated his boyfriend's hard work for the day, he was tired and just wanted to go home and cuddle, his body just wanted to get some sleep.

"Yeye can we just go home? Please ?"

"Ani, we can't"

"Wae~~ I'm tired please Yeye?"

"Please Wookie, this is the last place and I promise you we won't forget it."

"Aishh fine" And like that Ryeowook sat there, slightly frustrated that his boyfriend was only thinking about himself, and he wasn't even telling him where they were going. But after a short while, Ryeowook could recognize the street, and where they were going.

"Why are we going to the amusement parl?"

"I don't see why not"

"YEEEYEE why?" Yesung refused to answer and stayed quiet, driving into the parking lot of the park. Quickly he made his way out then opening the door for Ryeowook to come out. Ryeowook who's eye lids where starting to fall, dragged his body out of the car and grabbed Yesung's hand to tell him to just hurry up.Walking into the park Yesung found a bench and led Ryeowook there allowing him to rest a litttle, after Ryeowook sat down he dissapeared again. Now Ryeowook didn't even care that Yesung left, his body refused to go search for the missing male, so he decided to just rest. When he was about to fall asleep he felt something light and fluffy tickle the side of his face, opening his eyes slowly, Ryeowook saw Yesung who was holding a bag of bright pink cotton candy. He held it out as if he was offering it, but to sleepy to realized the action, Ryeowook just closed his eyes once again hoping to make up for the loss of sleep. Seeing this, Yesung took a piece of the cotton candy and tickled his lips and around his nose, and when he was about to pull away the piece of cotton candy dissapeared from his fingers, and he saw a smile forming on the 'sleeping' Ryeowook.

"WOOOOOOOOOOOAH its so good Yeye" Ryeowook opened his eyes and grabbed the rest of the cotton out of his hands and began devouring it as if there were no tomorrow. By the time the cotton candy was gone, the tired Ryeowook was replaced with the kid Wookie. He was jumping around, and begging Yesung to hurry up to go on rides, people were looking at him weirdly but Yesung just found it cute seeing him like this. Today was their 7 year anniversary, but seeing Ryeowook jump around made it feel as if it was April 11, 2012 (a/n: its currently 2019) again, it made Yesung feel calm and happy that t there was still a childish side of Ryeowook that still there after so many years. Looking at his boyfriend once again, he smiled and ran toward the younger who  was telling him to hurry up so they could go onto the next ride.

"Yeye,hurry upppppp I want to go on the ride"  They spent the night together, going all they rides which was all of course, chosen by Ryeowook. It was already late but the amusement park was crowded, so they had to hold hands, so they wouldn't get lost, it's not like they minded though.

"Do you want to go on anymore rides Wookie?"

"Nahh there's nothing to go anymore."

"Really? Then let me chose one"

"Alright, which ride."

"The ferris wheel."


"You'll see"

They made their way through the bodies of many people until they finally got to the ferris wheel. The line wasn't long but wasn't short either, but somehow Yesung managed to get to the front.

"Yes I reserved booth number 15" Yesung whispered into the ride tenders ears, earning a suspicious look from Ryeowwook.

"Oh are you Yesung-ssi?"

"Uh, ne"

"Alright let me just get it for you."


They booth came wuickly and both males made their way in taking seat next to eachother. It felt the same as it did 7 years ago, the chilly air hitting their bodies and like back then Ryeowook was cold, which gave Yesung the chance to hug him for body warmth.

"It's beautiful tonight Yesung"

"But your even more beautiful." This comment made Ryewook blush a little, even after he's been called beautiful many times, he can never get used to it.

"Look at the stars Wookie" Ryeowook looked up but found the stars no where to be found, he looked over at Yesung and told him the stars were missing.

"Are you sure? Look again" He looked up seeing something that made him just want to cry.


Awes could be heard from the other booths and cheers could be heard from below, all there was left was the answer. Ryeowook was spechless all he could do was nod and cry into his husbands embrace, tears of joy stained Yesung face and shirt  and another memory was created.
Ryeowook finally calmed down and enjoyed the rest of the ride in the embrace of his husband, they sat in silence because no words could descibe how they were feeling.

The ferris wheel came to a slow stop and Yesung got out first and straightened his shirt and patiently waited for Ryeowook. Ryeowook was coming out of the booth until he tripped, he waited to feel the hard ground hit his body but instead felt a pair of warm arms holding onto him. He opened his eyes to and saw Yesung, his eyes that sparkled staring back at him. Slowly Yesung leaned in giving a kiss to him, like they did 7 years ago.


Hey my beauties :> like i said i uploaded today :D but my computer was acting all weird and i think messed up the format of the story :/ BUT THANKS ALL FOR SUPPORTING THIS STORY and sorry for such the long wait :D so now that this story is done I can go on working on my other fic. I started a while back you guys should go check that out right here kekeke shamelessly promoting :)  LOL well thanks a lot guys hope I will be able to satisfy you guys once again BYES <3                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   

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1641 streak #1
Chapter 16: Awwww, this was such a cute and fluffy old Yewook story. A pity no one writes about them like this anymore. Nowadays stories need to be all naughty... but I miss old sweet Yewook. So thank you for sharing this sweet journey and also for keeping it here after such a long time. I'm happy I could read it ❤️❤️
Chapter 16: yewook is the sweetest and the most romantic couple that ever happened in SJ.
AprilSunnday_ukiss #3
kaykaygirl #4
Chapter 16: OMO so cute!!!!I loved the ending! Thank for such a sweet story!:) I`ll miss it:)
Vip_Elf #5
Chapter 16: That was so cute >_<
kaykaygirl #6
Chapter 15: This sounds like the cutest proposal planned, I love it!:)
Thank you for such an awesome chapter!
Vip_Elf #7
Chapter 15: I want a giraffe too >.< this was too cute cant wait till the next update ^_^
Vip_Elf #8
Chapter 14: Ahhh this is cute ^_^