How Hate Turned Into Love

It was bright outside, the sun shone its rays throughout the city, kissing the couples' skin as they walked around a zoo. For both males it has been years since they have been to the zoo,do to having such busy scheduales in the past. Clearly the sight of various animals fascinated them, from elephants to tigers to monkeys and even a liger. Each animal is another memory of this day.

"Yeye hurry, I want to see the GIRAFFES"

"Okay, I'm coming" With this Yesung couldn't help but form a smile on his face.

Finally arriving at the giraffe's cage, Ryeowook couldn't help but bring his inner kid out  again.

"Yeye did you. se. . . " He turns around unable to find his boyfriend. 'Hmmmm he was just here a moment ago' Leaving the area, he walked around hoping to find Yesung. Walking around the zoo for what seems like forever, Ryeowook decided to just sit down on a bench. 'Hmph you turn around for one second and he's gone . I can't believe he just left, and it's our anniversary. He can't do this to me.' He sat there grumbling to himself until a pen and paper was placed in front of him. He looked up seeing a teenage girl, around 16.

"Ummm excuse me, but can I have an autograph?" the young girl asked. Realizing the situation,Ryeowook straighten up and took the pen. He looked down at the paper and signed his name, then something caught his eyes.

"Excuse me, but is this Yesung hyungs antograph?"

"Uhh ne, I saw him a while ago"

"Oh I see, umm do you know perhaps where he is?"

"I do, but I can't tell. Instead I will just give you this." She hands him a piece of paper and just walks away. Holding it in his hands, Ryeowook opened and began to read it.

~~ Wookie my Wookie~~ Were you looking for me? keke Anyway I was expecting a call from you but I didn't get one. Anyway if you want to find me I'll see you at the entrance alright? hehehe See you, you better hurry before I leave for real this time, and your going to have to walk home. :) Anneong~~

'Aissh why didn't I call him, then it would of saved me so much time.' Finally arriving at the entrance he stood there. by now the sun was soon setting and the color of the shy has turned to a peach orange color. 'Tells me to meet him here, and he isn't even here'

Suddenly his eyes were covered and the peach color was replaced with black. He was suprised at first, even sort of scared, but then he heard a small chuckling noise and realized who it was.


"Mianhae now let go"

"Where are we going?" Yesung didn't answer but began leading Ryeowook towards his secret place. Walking in total darkness made Ryeowook antsy, he just wanted to see where he was going and maybe even getting a little kiss form Yesung, but when he tried escapinging the darkness he was pulled back.

"OK we are here."

"FINALLY... Where did we have to go that took soo long" Just then Yesung took away his hands leaving Ryowook in 'awe' as  a 6ft giraffe stood in front of him.

"He's just a couple months old now so he isn't that big yet." Yesung explained amused at Ryeowook's expression.

"Yeye it's so CUTEE but why did you bring me here, there were giraffes over there."

"But this one is yours"

"Ohh I see.. Wait? HE'S MINE?"


"I love him, thankyou" He ran up and gave Yesung a hug, almost knocking them both to the ground.

"You love him?"

"Yeah, of course,he's so cute"

"More than me?"

"Ani never NEVER EVER EVER."


Hai guys :/ its been so long sinceI I've updated MIANHAE I have my reasons but I think you guys wouldn't want to hear them. Anyway super duper soory for such a long wait, I was going to make this longer but then I didn't feel like it. I will probably updated the last part later tonight our tomorrow and this time I PROMISE. See you guys soon.

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1640 streak #1
Chapter 16: Awwww, this was such a cute and fluffy old Yewook story. A pity no one writes about them like this anymore. Nowadays stories need to be all naughty... but I miss old sweet Yewook. So thank you for sharing this sweet journey and also for keeping it here after such a long time. I'm happy I could read it ❤️❤️
Chapter 16: yewook is the sweetest and the most romantic couple that ever happened in SJ.
AprilSunnday_ukiss #3
kaykaygirl #4
Chapter 16: OMO so cute!!!!I loved the ending! Thank for such a sweet story!:) I`ll miss it:)
Vip_Elf #5
Chapter 16: That was so cute >_<
kaykaygirl #6
Chapter 15: This sounds like the cutest proposal planned, I love it!:)
Thank you for such an awesome chapter!
Vip_Elf #7
Chapter 15: I want a giraffe too >.< this was too cute cant wait till the next update ^_^
Vip_Elf #8
Chapter 14: Ahhh this is cute ^_^