Meeting Key

when key came into his life


Jonghyun was running. It was raining very hard and he hadn’t brought an umbrella to work with him. He still smiled though because he got to leave early so Minho’s nephew could move in. He wasn’t too thrilled about it, but that didn’t stop him from being happy to leave early from work. He started to shiver, for he was only wearing a t-shirt and jeans, and his messenger bag didn’t serve as the best umbrella. He finally got to his apartment. He was totally drenched. And his bag was completely soaked through. He took off his shoes outside and unlocked the door. He looked around making sure that there weren’t any people around. Once he confirmed that he was alone, he took his shirt off and shook as much of the water out of it as he could. He didn’t want to get the floor in his house all wet. Looking around again, he ped his soaking wet jeans and started to pull them down.

“Hey! What are you doing?!” a voice yelled.

This scared the out of Jonghyun. He instinctively pulled his pants back up very fast, but lost his balance and fell against the concrete wall. “!” he yelled rubbing his head. He opened his eyes and to his horror, Minho and his nephew were standing there. Without another thought he got up and ran into the house saying, “I’m sorry! Sorry! Oh sorry!” he tripped over his jeans multiple times as he ran into his room. He put on the first dry shirt and pair of pants he saw. Minho and the kid were now in his living room waiting. Jonghyun exhaled deeply, “,” and rushed into the living room.

“What the hell were you doing getting undressed on your porch?” Minho said before he could talk.

“I’m sorry. I didn’t think there was anyone out on the porch. My clothes were soaked and-“

“Seriously?! Why not bring an umbrella with you?!”

Jonghyun sighed. He wasn’t going to win this argument. “Oh, because I just thought it would be great to walk the three miles back to my apartment in the rain, Minho,” he said sarcastically.

“That’s not the best first impression for your new roommate, Jonghyun. You were standing outside your front door getting undressed!”

Why must you remind me this?

“Ok, you know what? Forget it. This is Kim Kibum. Just call ‘m Key. Key, this is Jonghyun.”

“Nice to meet you Jonghyun,” Key said.

Jonghyun stared at him for a sec. he had kept a straight face throughout this whole thing. “Nice to meet you too.”

Minho looked at his watch. “I have to go. Key has his bags in the hallway. I’ll see you guys tomorrow.” He waved and Jonghyun held the door open for him. As he walked out Jonghyun grabbed his wet t-shirt that was still lying on the sidewalk. He walked back into the house and ran upstairs to meet Key.



“Hey, I’m sorry about this, I didn’t think you would be here so soon. I’m going to be right back and then we can do something about your bags.”

Key replied with a simple ‘ok’ and sat down on the couch. Jonghyun went into his room again and grabbed his wet jeans off of the floor. He hung his wet clothes in the bathroom and dried his face. He hurried back to the living room with still dripping wet hair.

Key was still sitting on the couch like a statue. Once he and Jonghyun put his things away, they both sat on the couch and tried to make conversation.

“So… are you looking forward to working in the café?” Jonghyun said. Of course he’s not, stupid.

“Yeah, I guess. It will be kind of a nice change.”

They sat there in awkward silence for another minute. Jonghyun had finally thought of another question to ask Key, but before he could ask it, Key piped up.

“I’m so sorry Minho dumped me on you. I know I’m only going to get in the way and I’m very sorry for that also.” All of the calmness and composure had left Key’s face. “I’ll move out of as soon as I have the money-“

“It’s fine really,” Jonghyun butted in. “you probably wouldn’t last long living with Minho either. He’s always either bossing you around or being annoying in some way.”

Key looked up at him. “Yeah, that’s pretty much it... I had to spend a couple of nights at his house last summer.” He looked up and gave him a small smile. It didn’t last long though. He saw Jonghyun’s face and began to get concerned. He was trying not to shiver. Key didn’t think for another second. He got up abruptly and put his hand against Jonghyun’s forehead. “Hey, you are warm, but you’re acting like your freezing. Go take a shower before you get sick.”

Jonghyun was surprised at the sudden change in Key’s attitude. Hey looked calm and composed before. It’s weird how someone can change completely in a matter of seconds. “Ah… ok then.” He got up and started walking to the bathroom. “Oh, and if you’re hungry or anything, there’s food in the fridge. Just help yourself to whatever you want. I’ll be right back.”

Key nodded. He still looked concerned though. He was now sitting on the edge of his seat, as if he were watching an interesting TV show. Jonghyun quickly left the room to avoid any more awkward moments.

While he was standing there under the hot water, he thought about Key. He came to the conclusion that the one word to describe Key was weird. He has a sideways bowl type haircut with red streaks. He is so feminine. He looks like a cat. He has a woman’s build but his face is so… handsome. He is so hard to figure out. Jonghyun turned off the water and got out of the shower. He started to sneeze and he felt a headache coming on. Goddammit I did get sick. He started to feel worse as he blew his hair dry. He just decided to take some medicine and ignore it. He didn’t want Key worrying about anything.

When Jonghyun left his room he was surprised to find that Key was in the kitchen. He was cooking something that smelled wonderful. How the hell did he figure out where everything was? Well, he sure didn’t have a hard time settling in. “Hey, Key.”

Key responded by whipping around and dropping everything he had in his hands.

Jonghyun tried not to smile. “I didn’t mean to scare you.”

“S-Sorry,” he responded and dropped to the floor to pick everything up.

“What are you making? It smells wonderful.”

Key’s cheeks flushed.

So now he’s going to be an unconfident schoolgirl?

“Well, I’m making this soup for you. It should warm you up a little. It’s- it’s a recipe that I made.”

“Oh so you like to cook?” Jonghyun said.

“Y-Yeah it’s kind of fun I guess.”

Jonghyun sneezed again. “Sorry.”

“I think you caught a cold.”

“No I’m fine.” Jonghyun began to walk off.

Key smiled at Jonghyun’s stubborn personality. He decided that he liked everything about him so far, but mostly his cute puppy face.

“Jonghyun,” Key called.


“Thanks for letting me stay here.”




i know what you guys are thinking. WHERE THE HELL HAVE YOU BEEEN? i know, i know. its hard to believe, but this is the first chance ive gotten to write (thats a lie) but i'm very sorry for my beautiful subscribers. i love you all, even if its only a few of you. i'm going to try veeery hard to get more time to write. kay? okay. and this chapter -_-" i can't decide whether i hate it or love it. (i loved picturing in my head jonghyun half on his porch and key seeing it *muahahahahaha* creepy fangirling commences. alrighty thas about it. hope you like it. COMMENT OR DIE.


                                                                                                                                                                    - teehee <3 liz

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angelicalgirl #1
Chapter 5: hey babe please writte
shiashin #2
Chapter 5: good luck for exam!i will also have some soon :\
Chapter 5: Good luck for exam
Chapter 5: Good luck in your exams!! ^^
Chapter 3: kyaaaaaa so good but awwww i wish key would have been blonde though i hope he gets his hair done in the upcoming chappys so jong can start to drool over him and his pretty blonde hair lol
Chapter 2: *smacks you with Key's spatula* Where have you been!? And wae is this "M" rated if there's no M????!!!! lol buaahahaha FEEL THE STING OF KIBUMMIES WRATH!!! *switches to chibi key* Spanks for the update! ^-^
Chapter 2: Ohhh! Update soon author-nim! *uses aegyo*
Chapter 2: Please update soon!~~ (^^)
Ooooooh~ sounds good *surries of to subscribe*
king-jongin #10
oh my god. 53 views? ohmyshnizzles^^ (happy dance)