
My Lovely Assasin

This oneshot is dedicated to my sis. I hope you like it Tatcho ;)




The room was dark; the only source of light came from the big screen in the middle, except for some lamps which were scattered here and there.
The loud sounds that came from the speakers nearby made you shiver, it seemed to go right through you and run down your veins along with blood, you rubbed your arms.
Couples were cuddling in the comfortable sofas. The girls would just bury their faces in the shoulders of the guys they were with whenever a cruel scene would come.
You should be happy, you were finally in the most famous cinema in Seoul, watching your favorite movie and more important your favorite idol, but you weren't happy. Why? Because you were supposed to be with your brother. You came to Korea to spend the summer with him and practice your Korean but you saw very little of him in the part two weeks, he was always in work and when he wasn't he would stuff his nose in between the pile of documents and files he would bring home. However you always excused him, being an engineer for a famous computer company means you have to put a lot of effort.
"Pabo" You snapped at your phone as you read the text message your brother just sent you: "sorry Gege, something came and I can't make it to the cinema X(. I promise I'll make it up to you later, as for now enjoy the movie and eat a lot of popcorn ;)"
[Lee Joon's Pov]
It's so nice that manger hyung agreed to give me a day off to relax and have good time but why do I have this feeling that he will make me work my off for the next week? Never mind I always do my best. I wonder what the other members are doing now.
I stretched my legs and placed my hands behind my head knowing that my best part of the movie will come soon, the part my beautiful face appears on the big screen.
In case you haven't guessed yet I'm Lee Jon and I'm here to see how the fans will react to the movie, I know you'll say that I can just wait and read about it in the newspapers and magazines the next day, but to be honest what credits say doesn't interest of as much as what my fans have say.
"Pabo" wait...did I mishear or someone just called me fool? Well not quite me, they insulted the character I play in the movie but that means they insulted of as well. I need to figure it out, the sound came from the row in front of me, she's a girl with black hair I guess though I'm not sure because there isn't enough light.
"Is that seat taken?" I asked her and sat without even waiting for her permission, I assume she rolled her eyes at my rude behavior.

"you can sit since the person I was supposed to be with isn't coming," she whispered although I sat and was already making myself comfortable. I guess she didn't want to make me feel like I was invading her privacy, which actually I was.

"How do you like the movie so far?" I asked.

"Sssh.. It's the best part," she interrupted me.

The best part, huh? Maybe because my handsome face is on the screen. There was silence for minutes, she kept watching the movie with so much interest, and I kept staring at her. Somehow I couldn't take my eyes off of her despite the fact that I barley know her.

"What were you saying?" She asked.

 I was caught off guard. "Huh... I wasn't saying anything," I answered while rubbing my neck. She just chuckled. My heart missed a beat.

"Not now. Earlier."

''Who were you supposed to be here with, your boyfriend?" I asked casually.

"Oh on, my brother. I wish I had a boyfriend so I won't feel so lonely." She sighed.

"I know how you feel," I said sincerely.

"You know I've been here for two weeks but didn't go out but once." I heard desperation in her voice .

"If you want I can show you around the city," I offered. Seriously I don't know why I offered such a thing to a stranger...maybe because she seemed so sad and desperate, or maybe because I feel so attracted to her.

"Are you serious?" She beamed, a big smile was plastered on her face.

"Well..I can sacrifice some of my precious tim-"


Gosh! I can't believe she silenced me for the second time. Now, I really need to focus on the movie.

[Your Pov]
"Well... I can sacrifice some of my precious time." This guy likes to show off for sure. "Husssh" I can't believe I silenced him again but I need to focus on the movie, apart from the fact that I'm talking to a stranger who wears a hat, a scarf that cover half of his face and a 3D glasses when it's not even a 3D movie! But his voice sounds so familiar, pfft whatever.
I realized that I don't even his name "my name is Ghalia" I offered him my hand, he took it and said "I'm Lee J..Lee Ch... Umm you can call me Mr. Lee "


 "Nice to meet you Mr. Lee, now do you mind to let go of my hand."

He apologized and let go.

It's not that I was annoyed he held my hand for too long, no it didn't annoy me at all instead I had a warm fuzzy feeling which spread from his hand to mine and my heart beats started to race I feared that if he held my hand any longer I won't be able to let go. I returned my gaze to the movie to see that my lovely Jon got a wound in the face "Oh my God, he got hit," I panicked and said louder than I intended. I found myself clutching to the stranger's arm. He didn't seem like a stranger to me, something about him seed so familiar.

[Lee Joon's Pov]
"Oh my GOD, he got hit" she almost screamed and held on tight to my arm I chuckled and felt a burning sensation as her skin touched mine. Why am I breathing heavily?
It was the scene where I appear shirtless with wounds on my well-built chest, she squealed like a high school girl, and did I see a blush I'm pretty sure her cheeks were pink. Then came the scene about the detective girl and Rain seongsae-nim, then me with the other actress, them Rain and so on...then it came: the kiss scene "I envy her," she leaned and whispered in my ears "huh?" I was confused "Yah, you know he's my favorite idol" she said casually while shrugging her shoulders slightly but her cheeks were a dark shade of pink, as for me I felt heat creeping to my cheeks, my heart was beating faster than when I did the kiss scene, way faster. Who do I feel so attached to this girl?
Then it was the scene when the kill the other girl and my last appearance as well "he's a great actor, I just wish they have him more scene" she said without taking her eyes off the screen after that she didn't seem very interested in the movie "it's break time do you wanna grab some popcorn or soda?" she asked me "sure" I nodded she grabbed my hand and pulled me to the door. AGAIN my heart was ripping my chest open.
We drank soda, chatted about everything. She's a very sweet person and she has a good sense of humor too I just COULDN'T take my eyes of her. "We have to in back or else we'll miss the other half of the movie," I stated "Nah, I don't wanna go. Lee Joon's scenes are over" I sighed "so that 'Pablo' wasn't for me" I bit my lip regarding saying that out loud "excuse me?" she looked confused "it's nothing" she shrugged completely oblivious to my real identity. How come she doesn't recognize her favorite idol?

[Your Pov]
we kept talking, laughing, giggling my heart was throbbing in my ears the whole time while my stomach was doing weird flip-flop. There is something about this stranger- I if I can call him so-the way he looks at me, his familiar voice, does he know me or more important DO I KNOW HIM?
I glanced at my watch and realized it's time to go home "excuse me; I have to go now," i said "Now? I still haven't got your phone number yet" he pouted and looked at me with puppy eyes I giggled and gave him my number "its 0098..."
"It was nice to meet you Mr. Lee." I bowed my head not wanting to leave yet "can I call you something else other than Mr. Lee?" "Why?" "Because in my original language which is Arabic Lee means: mine. Weird ha?"
"In this case you can call me Lee Joon" he removed his scarf and his 3D glasses and winked at me. I was stunned, my eyes widened. I was with
my favorite idol all that time and I had on cue! Then he leaned and whispered in my ear "or you can call me Joonie Oppa." he winked again and pecked my cheek. My heart was roaring in my ears I was sure I'm going to be deaf, my face was burning.
Lee Joon just KISSED MY CHEEK!.
""The run" he quickly placed his glasses on, grabbed my hand and we started running. My brain was completely blank, I had butterflies in my stomach and could see rainbows everywhere but I knew one thing: now matter what I do I can never thank my brother enough for this.



I Know these things don't happen in real life but,

this is my first oneshot ever I wrote it for my younger sister :) I hope u like it guys please comment and tell me what u think about it and excuse me if u found any mistakes.

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LovingKitty #1
awwwww it was really cute ^_^
OMG IT WAS SO CUTE >////< Keep up the good work, kay?
Nice I liked it haha the ending made me laugh a little.