Two in the morning.

Two In The Morning


You throw yourself on your bed and you could feel yourself bounce up a little. You turn to your left. The clock reads 11.55 p.m. Five more minutes to midnight. Five more minutes till your boyfriend’s plane lands.

You haven’t seen your boyfriend for a month now. He had been busy with overseas schedules. He had been so busy till the extent that he fell asleep while having video calls with you.

Now that his overseas schedules are over, you can’t wait to spend some quality time with him…before his busy schedule resumes.

At first, you wanted to greet him personally in the airport, but he insisted that you shouldn’t go. “I don’t want to see you drowning in the sea of Inspirits,” he said. What a humor he has. Since the plane lands at midnight, you doubt there will be a ‘sea’ of fan girls…but you will never know how dedicated are these fans of your boyfriend’s.

You catch yourself yawning. Your brain tells you to sleep, but you don’t want to. You want to call him when he lands. You want to hear his voice. You miss him.

You try to keep yourself awake, but your eyes are tired. Your eyelids are heavy. You yawn again, causing tears in your eyes.

“Come on, for the sake of Myungsoo, stay awake!” you say to yourself.



He arrives at your apartment in the middle of the night. He stands outside and stares at the 3rd floor, the fifth window from the left: your room. He is surprised that there is light in your room.

He tried calling you when he landed and you didn’t pick up. He assumed that you are asleep, but now that he sees the light in your room, he is thinking again.

“What am I doing here?” he mumbles to himself. Who in the world visits someone at 2 a.m. Oh yes, him. Kim Myungsoo. He knows perfectly well that you are asleep. You had classes in the morning and knowing you, you can’t stay awake for long. As for the light, he figures that you forgot to turn them off because you were waiting for him.

Just then, a familiar car stops behind Myungsoo. It’s your father’s car. Your father works till late sometimes, and today happens to be the day.

“Well, Myungsoo, it’s a bit late to visit,” your father says when he gets off the car. “Do you have an emergency or something?”

“No, not really,” Myungsoo says. He stares at the floor. “I-I should go, before my manager freaks out.”

“Myungsoo-ah, do you want to see her sleeping face?” your father asks.

Myungsoo looks at your father with his eyes widen. He knows that your father is really cool (you know, being sporting and all), but he didn’t know that he is this cool.



Myungsoo slowly twists your doorknob. He certainly does not want to wake you up. As the door opens, Myungsoo sees you sleeping. You have your phone in your hand.

Slowly and carefully, Myungsoo lifts the phone off your hand and sets it on the table next to you. He pulls the blanket gently and covers you.

You stir a little. Myungsoo swears his heart is about to explode from panic. When you no longer move, Myungsoo let out a soft sigh. He gently touches your smooth cheek with his hand.

Myungsoo turns his attention to your phone. He picks it up from the table and unlocks it. He nearly laughs out loud when he sees the note on your screen: ‘Call Myungsoo. Don’t fall asleep!’

“Pabo,” he whispers to you.

Then, he kisses your forehead. “I love you.”



You open your eyes slightly. You feel the sunlight hits your face. You get up.

“O-oh no,” you say as you remember something. Myungsoo.

You were supposed to call him. You were not supposed to fall asleep. You grab your phone on the table next to you. You are a little surprise that your phone isn’t with you when you woke up. You remember clearly that you had your phone with you when you were lying on the bed.

You unlock your phone. There’s your note on the screen, but you realize that someone edited it. There are more words under your original text.

‘Yah. You fell asleep. – Myungsoo’



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Cheesecake143 #1
Chapter 1: awww so cuteeee <3
Harin_Park #2
Chapter 1: Oh why, why is this super sweet<3
Chapter 1: ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥
Chapter 1: awwwwwwwwwww adorable <3
fantasticbabyx #5
Chapter 1: so cute :D love your oneshots! <3
Chapter 1: So cute~
Soo sweeeeeeeet~~
I love your oneshot stories^^ write more, I'll be waiting^^
sequel pls