An Interesting Development

So Much Has Changed

Alisa turned as Shay walked away. She walked down past the lines of stalls and past food sellers. On the corner was the store she had been looking for. Her heart began to beat a little faster. She straightened her shirt, and put on a light misting of vanilla body spray. Assured she looked ok, she stepped through the doorway.

Shay stared and stared. She started to run after where Dongwoon had disappeared, when an arm s around her waist. In shock she tried to turn and see who it was, but her head was then held forward. A voice whispered in her ear, breath tickling it. A smell like expensive cologne permeated the air around them. The voice spoke. It said

"Be careful who you trust. All is not always as it seems at first"

The arm left her waist and she spun around quickly. People continued to pass by, but whoever it had been was nowhere to be seen. Absorbed in their lives their shopping and phones, no one seemed to have noticed what happened.  A sense of confusion and worry flooded over Shay, Something was very wrong. What did any of this have to do with her? She had been back in Korea for only a few hours and yet she had inexplicably become entangled in something odd. She really wanted to hear what Dongwoon had to say; and time just wouldn't pass fast enough....


Alisa walked in the entryway and casually began to peruse the clothes. Finding a cute pair of jeans, she found her size. Taking it carefully off the rack she walked to the changing rooms near the left corner closest to the entrance. She listened to the muffled chatter of passersby as she tried on the pants. The store was devoid of customers it seemed. The jeans, fitting perfectly seemed to have been made to fit perfectly. They looked fantastic! Pleased, Alisa removed them and put her own clothes back on. Stepping out of the dressing room, Alisa glanced at the one cashier at the far side of the store.

The cashier, Kevin, was looking pleased for some reason. She quickly shifted her gaze to the shorts. She found a few pairs that fit and were very cute. Finished, she prepared for her moment of truth: checkout time. Taking a deep breathe Alisa headed for the counter. The guy who worked the cash register was her dream guy at the moment. Today was THE day. She was going to ask Kevin out.

He said hello as she set her things on the counter. Turning a light shade if pink, she greeted him. Mustering up her courage she said:

"Uhm....Kevin? "

He didn't pause in his work for a moment but said, "Yeah...Alisa right? You come here sometimes I believe"

Thrilled he remembered her name she replied "Uhm I was wondering. I...uh...would you like to go out with me sometime? " she blushed as she finished and he made eye contact.

"Sure I get off of my shift soon" he said grinning widely. "I was thinking of asking you out myself sometime actually."

Alisa beamed. " Okay I will meet you at the fountain when you get off. " nodding he agreed and finished ringing up her purchases.

Placing them in a bag, he accepted her money, handed Alisa her change and bag. Alisa accept her her change and bag and walked excitedly out of the store. Shay was never going to believe this!


Meanwhile Shay was sitting in a corner of the food court drinking a newly bought mountain dew.


What am I supposed to do? I have 5 min before I have to meet Dongwoon! But I told Alisa when we were done shopping we would meet at this booth....I guess I should leave a note telling her to eat and not worry. I'm not sure how long this will take, so I better tell her to not wait for me if I don't show.

Borrowing a pencil from the drink stall, Shay wrote out the note.

Placing it on the table you walk inconspicuously and unseen out of the food court and down past more stalls. Mostly unseen, one pair of eyes follows your progress as you leave. Slowly the figure who had been observing stands up and exits the food court as well.

One of the exits at the back of the mall was ajar. A hand waving you closer. Walking to the door, you pull it open and step outside to the shady back of the building. Dongwoon smiled a small smile as you stepped out. You smile back halfheartedly, but an expression of curiosity soon replaced it.

"Follow me over here so we can be alone" Dongwoon tells you.

Following him to a shady corner you stand a few feet from him. "Shay, a lot has changed since you left" he began. "I know you must wonder what all this is about, but we can only talk briefly here, it would be best if we could meet at a safer location so I can explain better."

Looking even more curious you open your mouth about to speak, but he quickly cuts you off:

"Look you are in danger. I'm really really sorry, but in a minute something will happen you wont like. All this is for you ok? We can get through this together and I will protect you whatever it takes."

Putting his hand on your shoulder he shifts where you are standing slightly.

Brow wrinkling you ask, "What exactly is all of this? Why cant you tell me here? And whats going to happen in a minute?"

"Its a long story, this place is full of people who could overhear and uh that thing is going to happen now. I'm sorry Shay" Dongwoon looks over your head.

All of a sudden a cloth is clamped over your face. You struggle but the hand is firm. You fall forward in front of Dongwoon. Slowly your sight turns black and you lose consciousness.

~~~~ Alisa skips to your planned table to meet at and finds the note. Curious she orders some fries and waits for Kevin to get off work.

Shay must have met a guy too! Alisa thought, This was such a good day, Shay was probably too busy with some guy for lunch! Well Shay could take all the time she needed. With that she saw Kevin walking towards her, and all thoughts of what Shay was up to, quickly disappeared.

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iamtango #1
Chapter 3: I did not just read from you Milangsa!!! Omgawd!! Shay is gonna be pregnant!! I'm gonna be the godmother muahahaha :P long time no speak!!
ashveer #2
Chapter 3: /screams/ yayyy! you updated~
iamtango #3
Chapter 2: how caring of me puhahahahaha... cute cashier!
oh dear me! we need a super hero to save shay! cute guy too :D
ashveer #4
Chapter 2: YESSSS, finally an update! :D
Chapter 2: INTERESSTING DEVELOPMENT MY !!! I GOT KIDNAPPED!!! >.< And Melon gets to have a date with the cute cashier!? Q_Q THE HELL!? lol
update pleasee~
iamtango #7
ashveer #8
omg, this seems like your story is going to be great! :)
Can't wait to see what happens to LaShay Shay~ <3
OMG!!!! I feel like I am in some kind of horror story where I'm gonna be killed!!!! Meh lol WRITE MORE!!! I NEED IT!!!!!