A Coincidence, or Something More?

So Much Has Changed

A voice seemed to be getting louder.

"mmm?" You murmured sleepily. The voice was that of the flight attendant, informing the passengers that they landed safely and could passengers please leave in an orderly fashion.

Stretching your arms out tiredly, you slowly got out of your seat. After a long flight from the United States back to South Korea you were relieved to be back home! Although you had lived in America for years now, your heart had never left Korea. As you walked down the center of the plane, you pulled out your cell phone to check the time.

Still early morning. You thought to yourself. You collected your bags and began to search for your friend who was supposed to pick you up. As you walked through the airport with your bag over your shoulder, you looked from side to side looking for a familiar face.

"Alisa!" You call, waving when you spot your friend. Alisa was standing near a bench, wearing a cute pair of shorts, a simple graphic tee and a wide smile.

"Nice bed head!" Alisa teased as she reached out for a hug. "I missed you!"

"I don't have bed head! And I missed you too! Its been a while since I have seen you in person!" you said, slightly muffled due to the fact you were being hugged tightly by Alisa.

"Alright we should get going home now, that way you can shower and get comfortable!" Alisa grabbed your bags and walked you to her car. She placed your bags in the trunk and you both clambered inside the car. All tiredness gone, you turn on the radio to listen to some music. You've been gone a while and were not familiar with all of the groups that were popular. A new song started. It was really catchy! "What is this song?" you asked, interestedly.

"Oh thats Beast's new song! Beautiful Night!"


"Yes they are really talented! My bias is Gikwang!"


"Look theres a big billboard with Beast on it coming up. Hes the one second from the left."

As the car approached the billboard she mentioned, you looked up. Wow they are cute! I can see why Alisa likes Gikwang! Shay thought. Wait....whos that? The one on the other side of Gikwang looked familiar.....

"Alisa who was the one on the right side of Gikwang?" You asked uncertainly.

"hmm? Oh you mean Dongwoon?" Alisa replied absently.

"Dongwoon? I...I think I know him....."

"What? But Shay, how would you know Dongwoon? I thought you didn't know who Beast was."

"I don't but....I don't know, it probably isn't him. I mean what are the chances?" Shay silently thought back to her childhood. You were playing with your best friend and neighbor. While you ran around chasing each other, suddenly he turned to you. "I'm gonna be famous someday, I want to be a singer." You giggled, "You could do it, you sing really good Dong Woon! I am your first fan!"  He grinned widely and turned to run away to continue the game. You smiled and chased after him, "Wait for meee~~"

~~the drive continued in a thoughtful silence~~

Shay looked thoughtful as they arrived at the house. It was Alisa's house, but you were moving in with her until you found a place of your own. You carried your bags inside and placed them in the guest room you were staying in. After you carefully put away your clothes and other belongings, you wandered out into the living room.

"Do you want to go out and shop together? We can grab some lunch while we're out as well." Alisa suggested while sipping a glass of tea.

"Yeah that sounds fun, besides I need to get a few things anyways, and lunch sounds so good right now! I'm starving, that airplane food wasn't exaclty five star quality!"

As Alisa locked the door, you walked down the curvy pathway to the car parked in the garage. You remember the billboard with Dongwoon again. Thinking you must have been mistaken earlier, you put it to the side of your mind. Theres no way right? And even if it was him, he wouldn't remember you anyway. You shook yourself and opened the car door.

Buckling up as Alisa walked to the other side of the car, you focused on the shopping you were about to do! The drive was filled with small talk and chatter about fashion and trends. The super cute pair of jeans Alisa was going to go find, and the cute guy she was interested in at the same store. You chuckled and wished her luck, since apparently she had been sort of interested in him a while.

Alisa pulled the car into a parking space adjacent to the entrance of the mall. You both exited the car and walked through the mall entrance. You gazed around you with wide eyes as Alisa laughed at you. You ignored her and continued to drink in the sights, the sounds, the smells of the mall. You could smell some delicious food somewhere and couldn't wait for lunch. You were really starving now!

"Hey Alisa, I'm going to go browse in that shop over there ok? Why don't you go find those perfect jeans, and see the cute cashier!" You wink at Alisa and start to walk away as she gulps, and grins nervously. She straightened her shirt and walked towards the far end of the mall.

You slowly meander towards the shop that caught your eye. Its called Ember. Intrigued, you walk inside, and the cashier bows and welcomes you, "Welcome to Ember, please let me know if you require my service."

You reply with a bow, saying "Thank you very much, I will keep that in mind." Smiling gratefully you look around the store.

"Wow!" you think in your head, theres racks of clothes and amazing displays of clothes throughout the large room. The room was decorated with tones of red and black, just like embers in a fire. The lights weren't overly bright, just right to set a good comfortable mood in the store.

Suddenly, you realize you aren't the only one in this store, near the far end of the store theres one other customer perusing some shirts. You ignore the other customer and begin to peruse the clothing. You pick out a few shirts that caught your eye. You start walking towards the back of the store, towards the dressing room.

As you walked you noticed the customer from earlier. He glanced up briefly before turning his attention back to the clothes on display. You looked at him curiously for a moment, he was wearing a pair of thick frames, and a hood partially obscuring his face, but he seemed cute. You head into the nearby changing room and pull the curtain closed behind you. The first shirt was a bit short for your torso, so you set it aside, the second really brought out the golden flecks in your brown/hazel eyes. You wear it up to the counter and ask to purchase it. He totals up the cost and you pay for it, then continue shopping.

You head nearer that back of the store where the men's clothes and accessories were. You pick up a hair clip and look at it, as you turn it, it slips from your hand.

"Woops!" You say as you go to reach for it. But before you could grab it, another hand closed around it and held it out to you. You take it and bow in apology and thankfulness, then glance up. He looked so familiar up close....


"Er yes." He smiled a little nervously now that you knew it was him.

"I haven't seen you since I left!" You look at him in surprise.

"What? What do you mean?" He glanced closer at your face and into your eyes. "Shay? Is...is that you?"

"Yes. You remember me?"

"Well of course! You were, and are my best friend! I missed you so much when you had to move...." He looked a little sad at the memory.

It was at this point that you realize. He is famous. Your BEST FRIEND is famous. What if some misunderstanding forms in the media if you are seen together? You don't want to draw negative attention to him when he is doing so well.

"Its really good to see you again, and thanks for picking the clip up for me, but I don't want to interfere with your career, or create gossip about you." You say sadly, but resolutely.

"Wait! NO!" He says quickly.

You ignore him and turn around and start walking away.

He suddenly grabs your wrist and pulls you around to face him. "Theres something you need to know. I need you to listen while I explain something."

Looking at Dongwoon quizzically you say, "What is it, what do I need to know?"

"Not here. Meet me outside the back of the mall in 20 minutes. Alone." Dongwoon emphasized the importance of the last word.

Your eyes widened.

"You have to be there....." He pauses mid sentence before continuing, "Please...." His eyes pleading.

You shut your eyes for a moment, wondering the implications of this situation.

"Ok, I will be there." You say, hoping this isn't a mistake. And you aren't getting involved in something you will regret.

A small smile forms on his face in relief.

You both exit the store and you start heading away to find Alisa, when Dongwoon yells to you;

"Tell no one. You may put the ones you love in danger."

You gape at him in shock, he didn't say loved ones could be put in danger!

"No second thoughts Shay. Theres no taking it back. Theres no undoing whats been set in motion." He called.

He turns and walks away, blending into the crowd and disappearing from view.

You are left, staring into nothing at the spot where he disappeared.


"The wheels have begun to turn......" Says a figure who was watching the scene. "And this can't be undone....."

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iamtango #1
Chapter 3: I did not just read from you Milangsa!!! Omgawd!! Shay is gonna be pregnant!! I'm gonna be the godmother muahahaha :P long time no speak!!
ashveer #2
Chapter 3: /screams/ yayyy! you updated~
iamtango #3
Chapter 2: how caring of me puhahahahaha... cute cashier!
oh dear me! we need a super hero to save shay! cute guy too :D
ashveer #4
Chapter 2: YESSSS, finally an update! :D
Chapter 2: INTERESSTING DEVELOPMENT MY !!! I GOT KIDNAPPED!!! >.< And Melon gets to have a date with the cute cashier!? Q_Q THE HELL!? lol
update pleasee~
iamtango #7
ashveer #8
omg, this seems like your story is going to be great! :)
Can't wait to see what happens to LaShay Shay~ <3
OMG!!!! I feel like I am in some kind of horror story where I'm gonna be killed!!!! Meh lol WRITE MORE!!! I NEED IT!!!!!